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That was my second Nordic Fuzz Con and it was a first con when I felt like “Meh..” Usually I’m always nervous at festivals, I’m afraid that my works won’t be noticed on art-show and no one will commission me on Dealers Den and so on.. So how was that?

I liked NFC hotel, my two friends and I got a room on the 21st floor and we could see an awesome view of Malmö from the window. Pretty comfortable room btw, I spend lot of time drawing there.

I don’t know how, but it happened that Koul, Nargil, Taffka and I got one small table. We asked for another table and didn’t get it because of a fire safety (our table located near the exit). I sold only stickers and commissions. We had a lot of stuff on the table, maybe it was hard to find my ad about my commissions, I had not so many ordered drawings. Or maybe my drawings are not so good and interesting. I dunno really. I think I need to change something or suggest people something new.. Stickers also weren’t sold as good as I expected..

Art-show: As you know I had only 5 works for a sale (last NFC I brought 10 works). I was always nervous about bids, but not this time - I didn’t care about this. Again.. dunno why. Three of my works (Tiger print, fox with wings and office fox) went to the auction. What a strange thing happened: my works and works of Koul and Nargil weren’t shown on the big screen during the auction. Moreover it was like “Here’s the work. Any bids? No bids? Okay, one, two, three and sold!” That happened very quick, no one could see well our works without a screenshot on the screen. All other artists had screenshots and they were shown on the screen. Seems like orgs don’t like Russian artists for some reason. Good thing to me - the work with the fox in office was sold for 570 euros. Just wow.. I didn’t expect that.

And the last thing about fursuiting. I caught myself thinking that I mostly known on cons as Morpheus fursuiter, not as an artist ANGO76. Really.. people know me as a funny tiny red panda. It’s nice and sad at the same time. I like fursuiting, dancing, seeing smiles from other people, getting hugs, but I can't do it a lot, because I usually have commissions to draw during the con, I draw very slowly. Even in the last NFC’s night I couldn’t go to the party in my fursuit. We have artist party instead - four artists drew commissions in our room, we talked and joked at times - well.. it was cozy though. Nargil, Taffka and Koul - such an awesome company. I’m happy to have so nice friends like them. (=




What an interesting hotel. Great view though! Also I love your Henry Kigu so much! I've heard of similar things happening to artist friends. Some of them have designated "party cons" where they do no work, while still working at others. One of them I know stopped working at cons altogether! There may be a good half-way point but I hope that whatever you end up doing that you find something that you enjoy! Strange about the issues with the con management, but I'm glad the fox office one did so well! And finally, having friends like that at a convention makes all the difference! Glad that you had a good time having out with them as well : )


This kigu made by Taffka btw, she really sews nice kigurumi) Well I attend some cons without working like Cesfur or Rusfurence, I just want sometimes to show people my works on big cons like NFC or Eurofurence - it's very nesessarry to me. And yes, the hotel and my friends - that was really great)


hey, again i wanna say that i love the dual sided badge you made during nfc <3