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Ticcy: I want to play some old classic final fantasy because I never had the occasion and it's a big missing in my gaming history.

Also Ticcy, not even finishing the first one: I'm gonna gaslight myself and build up a whole story based on 2 pixels.

This is something I've been shared on the exlusive pdfs, but I really want to make a short series about it. I still don't know if I want to make it 1:1 about the plot of FF1, or just make it a general adventuring setting with a lot of FF elements . 

Do you have a preference about it? 




I would say to make it distinct from FF if for no other reason than being able to make money off it without worrying about legal issues.

John Lawes

Agree with those who've mentioned the various freedoms that not having to match the FF canon would bring (including financial...). Plus a bonus for those of us not more than slightly familiar WITH the canon. So Door #2, please.