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Since the printed version of KIG is going to be funded with a crowdfunding (by the end of June!! Soon!!) I'm working on an extra book to bring with me in next conventions (for now: Japan Expo in Paris). It's a collection of all sketches, studies and extra that I posted during the years in Patreon Pdf, or that I used as references for me for the creation of the comic!

For now I'm going to sell it only at conventions, but with the actual comic being printed in the future, I'm working to have an online shop dedicated to Kiss it Goodbye that will sell and ship worldwide! So look forward to it!




so, we won't be able to get it with the printed version as an addon to the crowdfunding?


no, because these are two different "projects" and the crowdfunding is stand alone for the comic itself. This is a way to have one first boocklet out now, instead of waiting months for the delivery of the actual comic :°) (the time of production is something that is absolutely out of my control)

Raúl Triviño

That's so great! Congratulations!


ok, thanks, just something I've seen on other crowdfunding projects - and I certainly don't mind waiting to receive both at the same time, but whatever is easiest for you to coordinate is fine by me