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Oh it's been so long since I did this comic! It was for a japanese only lwa zines about other characters aside the main squad! I was told to choose a background team, and I went with the peach one, with Sarah, Elfriede and Chloè. If you don't know them, they got some spotlight in the lwa game! Chloè is a french noblewoman who is also very good at school, but not as good as Diana, and she proclamed herself her rival. Fun thing is that Diana seems to complete ignore her and her rants dfgfdg. 

On other news, if you haven't been following my twitch, I'm working on Kiss it Goodbye pages on livestream! It's happening!!! I'll post the pages here before every other site/platform with a week of advance! I really hope you'll look forward it! :D

Thank you very much for the patience and support!!! See you next week! (or maybe sooner with some r affle...)
