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Hey everyone, I just wanna' provide a quick little update with what's going to be happening for the next week or so, probably longer.

My state is going to officially be going into quarantine, and since I work at an essential workplace I still have to go to work.  

I just got my work schedule and it's a little crazy (though I am happy to finally be able to work more than 8 hours total in a week :p)

Art won't stop but it will definitely slow down for a while. I do have next week's Weekly Drawing done at least. 

 If you have commissioned me, I hope to have your patience and understanding. I honestly didn't expect the extra hours quarantine or not since I'm used to getting shafted for hours. I promise I'll work on them whenever I can! 

 Thanks for reading. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay inside. I love you guys <3 

~Pique over and out!



No worries about the commissions man, take all the time you need. Hope the best for you and your loved ones during these stressful times.