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The time has come once again to open the PSR form

Remember if you got a PSR in OCTOBER you have to wait until the final call posting,

not sure check here> https://www.patreon.com/posts/73742215

Remember to include your "patreon" email for account verification

Standard rules (which can be found on the form) and what i'm willing to draw (which main refers to the extreme end of things) apply, but other than that, get those brain cells a firing and submit your idea below


Lets see what comes of this round



Let the flood begin

Thomas O’Sullivan

Bam! My first patreon request to you has been submitted. 🙂

Tony V

Dude, use the Google form, and remove your email from the message for your security.

Halima Abdi

You just violated your own privacy? Plus you’re not even getting the request