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Hi to all you lovely supporters out there, this is just a small service message about some news, nothing major, but it would be seen as bad news regardless...

The PSR's for this month will NOT be opening as I will be away for a week for a much needed holiday, during the normal psr submission timeframe...

I do apologies to you all that were looking forward to submitting a request this month, I do hope you understand and stick around lots of art still to come, psr's will resume next month...

The projects that are currently on the 'todo' list I hope to complete prior to me leaving for said holiday, so keep an eye on you messages for those :)

Sorry again, and thank you for you continued support, I hope to see you all on the next post :)



Hey, it's fine. Take your time off and relax. I'll just stow my idea on my list of ideas.


Bummed I gotta wait a month, but no arguments here. With how much you take on in a week with those submissions, you certainly deserve some time to relax. Enjoy your vacation!


If you need a break then you need a break, don’t worry my support isn’t going anywhere. Just take a good long nap, spend time with those you care about and whatever else you need and we will still be here when you return


Very understandable; it's easy to forget at times that the artist isn't just a machine. Hope you get some good rest and relaxation in!


Cool! Enjoy your much needed vacation. ^^


Hey man, take the time that you need. Last thing any of us would want is for you to burn yourself out. Take care Toaster.


Understandable, hope you enjoy your time off.

Black Phoenix

You need a brake toasty, you been burning all sides of your breads for trying to do everything for everyone. Go have some fun.


I am happy you finally able take holiday