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Greeting to all you lovely supporters

Firstly I would like to apologise for the lack of updates of the last few weeks, between work giving me early morning shift (which completely wreck me from being able to do art that day and sometime the following sadly), a small case of depression, and hitting skyscraper worth of burnout, all which are never a good combination. I'm over the most of them, except the work one, i don't get  a say in that one... unfortunately -_- just have to deal with the anxiety and I'll be golden hahaha...

But any way just wanted to say sorry for the mini hiatus but give you some info as to whats happening in the background with everything in that said mean time


Update on Projects

The 3D Printer Project for Figurines

i've just past half way of getting funded yay, but during funding i've purchased with different money a anycubic photon when they where on sale to play around with it and i've think i've gotten it worked out

not my model design, but my unflattering hand though hahaha XD still need to paint it and print its base but this is about the size i'm aiming to print mine at for sale, baby steps :3


New Pay Comic 

A new pay comic has been in the works for nearly a year, this will feature a trilogy of mini stories staring the ever lovable Ember the Fire Pixie, here are some super early access sample pages for you all


Themed Sketch Requests

There's still a few days to vote but by the looks of it people are happy to have
'a themed submission but still open'
which I might do moving forward, still nothing concrete gotta work out how i'm officially going to do it, might create a form for ideas then choice randomly from a list created by that to get voted on which one will become that months theme ~shrugs~


New Project - The Break

This one I'm super excited about, I've started an online study course for introduction to game development using a language called 'love2d' and it been very fun and quick to pickup so  i've been developing a 2d pixel platformer game while i not a novice to game developed (I done a number of them in flash back in the day, but that system has since been killed off -_- ) but will feature my never satisfied bunny Elton, here's the title screen and ingame screen

as you can see via the game screen it's graphically challenged at the moment, but those boxes are the collision boxes for the platforms and hazards and such but once i've finished the technical programming of it with all the world collision effects and such, i'll be making it look super pretty with some graphics and making a demo tutorial level for public release, with a secondary stage after that when that happens

I've got a number of sprites created already with more needed as seen above sample above, i've got about 75~80% of the technical side done but have a few more elements to implement

The game itself is aiming to feature 5 levels and a tutorial (which will be the live demo when completed) but i'm just aiming to get the demo of proof of concept done first before anything else :3


Well thank you for listen... er... reading my wall of text, but in a nut shell that's what's be happening over the recent times, so until the next big news/announcement post, back to arting and programming i go :3

Oh and one side note, not the game won't over shadow my art if anything it will give you patreon supporters more, cause as i get around to making more assets/sprites and such you'll get exclusive preview lookings at it :3

Kindest Regards

Running Toaster



Well hope your feeling better. Remember to always make time for yourself.


Sorry to hear that your early work houres trow your rythem of. Hope sss you get a new rythem going soon sss so that you can feel better again sss !


How can I fund you for the 3D printer because I would love a small model like yours and don't have to be paint or have a base. If you are okay with that.


yeah the 5am get up ones are the ones that get me, seeing as i normally go to bed between 2-4am

runningtoaster (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-12 09:22:18 if you would like to make a donation to the printing fund please use the 'donate to project' link found in the description of this project tracking post on my gallery > http://fav.me/dd4hjts :)
2020-06-10 07:23:23 if you would like to make a donation to the printing fund please use the 'donate to project' link found in the description of this project tracking post on my gallery > http://fav.me/dd4hjts :)

if you would like to make a donation to the printing fund please use the 'donate to project' link found in the description of this project tracking post on my gallery > http://fav.me/dd4hjts :)


So maybe change your slep scedual around were you go to sleep after you come home from work and then you have sss the night for your projects sss and other activitys ?