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Hey everyone! Terrible news, I'm afraid. 

Large chunks of my HDD have become corrupted and I've lost an incredible amount of files. I have a few backups here and there, and ofc I have the files I've uploaded to patreon. I'm looking into ways to recover as much as I can at the moment. I managed to get back Shego at least, so there's that. But I lost her textures. I still have Tattoo girl. Cowgirl is gone. Drakken's bedroom is gone. Raven is gone. 

I'm devastated guys, idk what else to say. 


Jim Dandy

that *sucks* so much man. I'm sorry to hear that


I'm so so sorry to hear this.. Glad you managed to recover some work, but losing so much like that is heartbreaking.. Have you considered looking into a professional data recovery service~? I honestly don't know how much such a service would cost, but it's possible that the HDD discs themselves are salvageable, and that the error is due to the read/write head or data processing circuits~! A cursory search shows that this would be expensive, however.. ouch.. I really do hope for the best though, you're an inspiration of mine~


I’m filling out forms for a company as we speak! I’m happy I can inspire you Marrubi. I hope I can get as much of my data back as possible. If not, maybe it can be a fresh start. Trying to look at the positives


The only other thing I can think of is maybe seeing if Blender has any backups of your animation files including those characters stored away in AppData\Local\Temp\~! Recovering anything is a win so long as you don't have to completely start over.. Definitely good to look at the positives~!


U good u make fire animations only a step back!!!!


That’s how I managed to get back Shego ☺️ there are a few files which I could half way salvage that way


I often forget about that, but recently it saved some progress I lost~! Glad you were able to get some stuff back that way~ I do wish we could modify how long temp files are saved, I can't seem to find the setting anywhere hehe~! You have me wanting to make fresh backups now.. super scary~ I hope the service isn't too much, and sorry again that you had to go through thiis~! Like Anthony said, this is just a small setback, you've got this, we believe in you~! You'll come back stronger than ever~ Defeating a sandwich only makes you tastier~!


Damn, I'm sorry, Blendy my dude 😭 Time to invest in some storage solutions and backups 👍

A Patreon of the Ahts

Dropbox has saved my ass at least three times. The first 2 gigs are free.


I'm devastated to hear that, I actually recently lost the hard drive to my work laptop and was barely able to recover anything from it since the corruption was pretty severe. I've raised my pledge for this month to try and offset some of the cost of data recovery, since I know that can be expensive. After going through that nightmare, I invested into some software to help prevent something like that from screwing me again, namely Macrium Reflect for system drives on my PC and Seafile for Cloud based file backups. I have gotten great mileage out of both and both offer free versions that are still feature rich. Would highly recommend!


I would reccomend if possible (may not) but try to do a "Raid 5" setup Its a little scary at first but like, basically, it backsup all the data across the drives so that you a bit of data is saved everywhere, so if one drive fails, odds of any data loss is small. Or Use cloud. But yah my dude, that suuuuccckkkksss, as a data horder myself, I hate it when data is lost


Don't sweat it. Data loss hits hard. I still remember the sinking feeling in my stomach I felt when I lost a large chunk of files years ago.


Back up, back up, back up. It's important!


Ouch that's stressful. I feel your pain! I think a lot of us that have gone through that find one solution or another. My solution was to setup a whole second desktop and use Syncthing continuously duplicate my terabytes files between them both.