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The surgery was successful! My computer is now back up and running.

I was about to start working on this week's WIP post, but I want to do another check in with you guys. I will do it this week regardless of the results of this poll, but I want to talk with you guys about the value you get from my Weekly WIP posts.

For the record I am talking about this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/weekly-wip-60289511

I update said post every Sunday, with a drawing and GIFs and text about what I'm doing 

These days I update my animations pretty frequently, but it might be a bit chaotic to go in and check my changes every time I update. Sometimes it can be more than once a day. So I feel like the weekly WIP update can be a good way for you to see what I'm doing without downloading each animation every time I update. But it takes me a few hours at least every Sunday. Some times I spend all day on it. So I want to know if this is something you guys still want me to do.



Seems this poll is gonna rest at about 15-20% answers from patrons. I'm not sure what the remaining 80% think, but it seems like so far people think the Weekly WIP updates are useful. I'll keep doing them!