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Hello everyone! I am currently on a trip to attend my brother's wedding. I will be away from my computer until the 22nd. Because I am away, there will be no Weekly WIP this week. Since I also won't be able to work on the animation for a bit, I have decided to publish it. Any changes I would make to it now are subtle and minor. 

The sites I will be uploading to are PH, X Videos, and Newgrounds. 

I will be back before christmas, so by then I will be back to work. Next animation will be the Teen Titans Raven animation. It will be a fairly short one, since I told myself before the Gwen animation that I'm gonna stick to shorter animations. Gotta take it more seriously, don't want to get stuck in another 6 month production cycle. 

I am also thinking of putting together some polls, maybe the following: 

  • which positions would you like in the Raven anim
  • which characters could I make pinups of during production of the Raven anim
  • which character could i do an alternate version of next
  • which character should I make next



Have a good trip, Blendy!


Have fun!! Raven in the good ol jacko pose would be great