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I think I made this back in 2017? Idk. It's one of the milf girls I made when I reimagined the Kanker sisters. It's using an old as hell rig, but it should work pretty alright. I'll try to find the two other girls as well and see if I can release them. 

Connect your itchio account here to get it: 


And comment below if you find anything wrong! 

Edit1: Fixed an issue with Hannah's accessories not having their needed textures



Entrusted Chen

When I open the file I get some text https://imgur.com/Mu4xCBi The textures are missing. I am using blender 3.2. Your models are awesome btw.


How annoying! I'll get on it right now. It's an issue with the blender file packing system not packing direct links. It should only be missing the textures for her glasses and jewelry as far as I can tell. Let me know after the update if it's still an issue!


Hiya. So, I've noticed something when I was taking a look at the nude model for this. Her toes are deformed in a way that I think is suppose to help it fit in the shoes, however I can't find the shape key to fix it.


Hi! This is just because I've scaled down one of the bones in the foot which makes the toes smaller. Like you guessed, it's in order to make the foot fit within the shoe. This is something I used to do before I started just removing the hidden parts of the mesh. If you put the armature in rest position you will see her feet no longer fit in the shoes. The Bones you need to reset for the feet to be back to "normal" are Foot1.L and Foot1.R :)