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TL;DR: XJ9 animation done soon, maybe hiring a VA. Goth girls!! 

Hello! I have a lot more energy now after taking a break from the schoolgirl thing. This week I've mostly been modeling, the goth IHOP girls, and thinking about how to end the XJ9 thing. Talking to a VA about adding voice to her once the thing is done. Also held a poll to decide:

Cooter splooge it is!

You get the idea! 

Also, some more goth IHOP stuff:

Trixy is p much done, she works pretty well in VRchat though I still haven't bothered taking any screenshots yet

Two other girls, I haven't decided their names yet:

The IHOP itself (placeholder logo):

Making space in the eating area for something, idk what. In the femboy hooters, there's a strip pole. I know people will want something to roleplay with, so I guess I'll have to put something exciting there but I don't feel like a stripping pole is goth enough. What do you guys suggest?



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