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TL;DR: Spent all week on the schoolgirl animation basically... Will try to get some more files out for the Knights this week

I suppose there's not really thaaat much to go over this week. I did do a lot of rendering and animation on the schoolgirl project. I'm finally making the loops now, and you can find them attached in the Schoolgirl Animation. Lots of re-renders and fixes, due to me noticing a lot of things that anoyed me:

I was able to fix the issues I had with this loop previously, I think the lighting looks much better now and there's not nearly as much noise. I also made a second iteration of this loop, that's faster: 

Had to render this one three times I think... Due to mistakes in Helen's expressions and just things not lining up for the loop... 

This one I only had to render twice!! There was an issue with Max's eyes not rendering like they should. I also noticed some clipping through her ear, but I decided to just not care about it. What I do care about though, is that I am just not in love with the lighting here. So I might just re-render it... Again!!!

Kinda hard to see in the gif here, but I tried a new technique for doing butt jiggle!! I hate animating it with the armature, so I always just wished I could sculpt it like stop-motion playdoh. Turns out I can, with an addon called Keymesh! It's experimental, and honestly it sucks, but it allows me to sculpt Max and keyframe her mesh. My renderfarm doesn't support the addon though, so I'm currently rendering the keymesh-specific frames on my own computer. Because I had to re-render these angles twice (partially on my own computer); The process of rendering the doggy style loops has taken two days :') which also means I was unable to animate any more during those two days. 

But! I did draw what I want to happen next: 

Exactly what happens after this, I haven't decided yet. I think maybe I should start doing some j!zz stuff soon? Maybe a change of positions or something. Hmm if you have any suggestions, I'll gladly take em! 

Also I hope you noticed that I had Max tie her shirt into a crop top with a cleavage window! I'm looking forward to showing her off from more angles:

So far, Helen only opened her shirt. She'll have to do a change soon too, I think: 

I was also reminded by a patron that I haven't released many animation files for Knights, which is true. I've just been focusing so much on animation that I forgot... So I'll try to rummage through some of the animations I've made and see if I can salvage them. I won't go into the details but there's a bunch of issues with local files not actually being local.  Anyways I'll see what I can do. I might be able to release the Velma animation file too, though the Shaggy model isn't quite fit for release. 



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