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TL;DR: Happy birthday to the patreon! Been busy with IRL stuff but I managed to render some schoolgirl stuff and start another XJ9 thing 

We've reached 50 Weekly WIP Wednesdays! That's crazy! I think I skipped a number a while back, but not sure which. Anyways, yesterday marked a year since I made my patreon. Time really flies, huh? 

This week has been really busy when it comes to IRL stuff. I had to hold a presentation at work in front of the whole company, which just exhausted me. Still, I managed to get 10 seconds of animation rendered on the schoolgirl animation, which includes a loop, so it's a little longer than that: 

When putting these together and looping, it's about 15 seconds. I think I'll also do an alternate angle. There's an issue though... You can't see it here but even with the denoiser this shot is awfully noisy... And I also made some changes to Helen's animation here, so I think I'll want to re-render. Maybe changing the light a little so it's less dark could help with the noise. 

Yup, this may be wayy more flattering, though less moody (excuse the low poly shirt...). I feel kinda dumb for not lighting like this earlier. Gonna have to re-render now, I guess!! These 10 seconds of animation took 24hrs to render :( 

And maybe I'll use this alternate angle? 

I also just barely started on another XJ9 thing, which I thought I'd render out while finishing some kinks I found with her thigh rig. I haven't been able to figure out exactly what I wanted to do with it, I was thinking she could somehow rub a pole against her, but I'm not 100% sure on the pose: 

I also refined some materials I made for the stop motion dolls from earlier, and I now have a really nice jeans material I'm gonna use for later. Specifically I wanna use it for Helen's jeans when she cosplays as Marie:

I'm actually really excited to use these materials on the Blonkers, I think it'll really up their quality!! 

Also a little bonus thing that's not related to the Patreon, I DMed a DnD one-off campaign, and I made these toony litthe things for the combat part: 

It looks very kids friendly but the campaign itself was very gory, and full of alcohol and coitus. 



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