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TL;DR: Animating constantly, working on the Schoolgirl animation a lot

I have to figure out what to do with Weekly Wip Wednesdays when I'm animating like this. Because basically all I'm doing is animating and rendering constantly, and updating the Schoolgirls post pretty frequently. Just now I got more voice files and am incorporating them into the animation rn. So these posts aren't super interesting. Idk how to format these since you can just go to the Schoolgirls post.  

Anyways, did you guys see that my patron number went up by like 45? According to patreon, the income I got only increased by literally the amount of 2 patrons so idk what's going on. That number is clearly off. 

I do have a couple things to show off though, other than the schoolgirl update. Here's the storyboard of the intro I sent to the VAs: 

I also decided to change Helen and Max's eyeball models, cause I thought the iris was too big. It looks fine from some angles but some times it just consumes their whole eye, like this: 

It doesn't always look this bad, but enough for it to be a problem for me. So I'm reducing their size to look a little more like Velma's, which were much smaller. 

Some before and afters: 

Their eyes look a little bit more striking like this imo. I'm scared though, that it's gonna look jarring if I switch their eyes in the animation... At least for now I'll continue with their eyes at their current size cause I'm not sure that I want to re-render the whole thing. But when I start rendering the intro, I'll think about it. 



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