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[TLDR; I've made a bunch of stuff but I haven't gotten to animating yet. Will make a pinup by the end of the week most likely! And I'm making something for Christmas]

Oouufff it's been a busy week... I didn't get as far with the project as I'd have liked. BUT there is progress. I've been discussing the script with the voice actors, and so far it's looking a little more involved than the previous animation. You can see what it looks like in the attached .pdf file. 

If you read it, you'll see I mention "Struggles" as a logo, so this is finally the start of the Struggles project, one of the two main projects I want to do for this patreon!!! It's called struggles, and not blonkers, because blonkers was always kind of a joke name, and it's about more than just the three girls. 

Anyways, Helen and Max: 

Their outfits are done, I dropped the cardigan idea... I'd say Helen is about 85% rigged. Her hair and skirt still need rigging. The issue is finding a good way to do the physics in the hair and skirt without losing too much control in the animation. I'm discussing some solutions with my homeboys!! Max is only missing some polish, and she needs hair physics as well. Her skirt is gonna rip at some point, but I'll handle that when I get there, I don't feel like rigging that. 

The idea is that her uniform is wayyy too tight, and rips when she sits down at some point. 

I initially wanted to finish this project within two months, but I think it might have been a bit ambitious, we'll see. I want to do something for Christmas as well, so that might get the priority next month. It's for the Paladin tier, so I'm not showing it just yet. Here's some more WIPs from the schoolgirl project:

If you read the attached script, you'll see they're playing around with an anatomical model, so I decided this classroom is gonna be the science room. Maybe I can put some other science props there, and maybe they can use them??? What do you guys think?

I'm trying to figure out how to make this shot look more like a stop motion set, and I'm planning on taking my time cause this part isn't p0rn, so I don't need it super soon.

Biggest difference in the hallway is that I've made the models wobbly looking, so it fits the aesthetic of the other sets I'm making for the Blonkers. That guy behind Helen is Luego btw, the "new guy" in the script. He's pretty much done, just needs some rigging work: 

I'm actually really happy with this teacher look for Luego, but I know a lot of y'all are gonna be sad his mustache is missing. That's why I wrote it into the script!!!

I thiiiiiink that's it for this week. My plan was to start animating this week but I'm not sure if I can make it. If I can't then I at least have enough to start doing test pinups soon. Definitely by the end of the week!! I need physics in their hair before I start animating, but I don't need it for still images (pinups). Think I'll just pose Max and Helen up against each other on the teacher's desk or something... 



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