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First iPad WWW drawing since it died!! I think I'll keep doing sketches like these rather than recreating the drawing of me sitting at my desk. These are more fun for now at least

The Velma animation is so big you guys, the folder with all the frames so far is 13GB lmao. I might be a little over my head with this one, but I think it's worth it because I get to practice longer scenes, and see what I can do and where I can improve. There's definitely cuts I would want to do over, but we'll see, I want to make sure I meet the deadline before I redo things. No matter what, I'm proud of myself for getting this much animation done in a month. I feel like if I pace myself better in future animations, I can make some really cool stuff. 

Last week, I was so focused on the Velma animation, I forgot to mention I started to  concept the new designs for the Blonkers. I decided to call the project "Struggles", idk if I mentioned that before. It's called Struggles because, well, it's about their struggles as people in their late 20s trying to make a living. Fully separating them from the EEnE universe, only looking like the Kankers when they cosplay them. I'm excited to also put in other characters into their universe. 

One of my artist friends advised me to try to make the girls more "themed". I'd been thinking of making Hannah (middle) into this weird 2000s goth girl, since she's the one making all their cosplay outfits, and it would be really fun seeing her 180 and looking like the stereotypical basic bitch when she cosplays May Kanker. 

The idea is that she shaves her head and wears wigs all the time, so she can have multiple radical hairstyles. 

Here's my attempt at trying to make Max (left) more trailer park and less college student. She's the computer nerd who manages their website, so I want her nerdy, but not fancy like a college student. My thought is that I might have to give up on having her only dress in fall colors :( I also tried giving Helen (right) a watermelon theme hehe 

Instead of having each character have one main color, maybe they should have two main colors. Idk, but once I have the characters modeled I can play around with these concepts. Just for fun I tried to see what Hannah would look like with completely white hair because she's inspired by vampires and stuff: 

I edited Helen's (right) non-cosplay hair to fit the drawing a bit more. DW I kept the other haircut for when she cosplays Marie. 

Kinda crazy and wild!!! That cigarette she's holding is rigged so it can appear to be smoked btw. I'm really looking forward to dressing up the other girls. After animating Velma (she has the same rig) I'm aware of some shortcomings the rig has, so I know I can at least do some simple animations with them before I fix that. 

Also I was thinking, maybe I'll mash together the milestone animation with the Halloween animation, and have credits listing all the patrons for this month. I wanted to animate a little 3D BlenderKnight with a 2D style, and add my voice to the credits giving thanks, but we'll see how much time I have. 

Speaking of the Halloween animation, I rendered the first loop overnight, but something went wrong at the render farm and all the colors are off? I wonder if the color management system went wrong or something. The farm gave me an error message and I suppose it must have been that. I'll be re-rendering today. 

Here's a frame from the loop:

Compare that to this frame, a couple seconds earlier, same lighting: 

The first frame seems to have the behavior I would expect from "standard" color management, which is not very good. It's supposed to have "filmic" color management, which is what the second frame has. 

Anyways, redoing it with the renderfarm is way faster than at home, even doing it twice in a row on the farm is faster than once on my computer, so I don't mind. 

Also, more potential pinups:



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