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  • WaterCave_0001-0120_1.mp4



Hoorayy big number!! WWW#30!! I still haven't gotten my new iPad so this WWW sketch is drawn with my dusty ol' drawing tablet. My good drawing tablet is at my parents' place lol. 

Noodls has been ready for animation for a while but I've been nervous about animating her because then I'd have to fix things I noticed with her - just delaying the work I guess. A couple days ago, I finally sat down and did a test with her though. I hope to animate some BJs in the same scenery:   

I added a high-res version of the animation in the attachments. 

I've talked to Hannah's voice actor, and we decided she would try to voice Velma in the Halloween animation. She's busy right now, so we haven't been able to do any tests yet, but I'm confident in her abilities and I bet she'll do great! If not here, I'm sure I can find someone within the month. 

As you know, I started animating the Velma animation. Tonight, I'm going to render the first few seconds, as I don't need the Shaggy model for that part. The first few seconds look like this: 

So if everything works out on the first render, I'll be publishing it tomorrow. 

Hopefully shaggy will be finished tonight or tomorrow, or this weekend. Most likely tonight, as I've already gotten this far with him: 

I think I'll add underwear, details to his pants, and hair ofc. Change his facial features, too. After that, he's ready!! I feel like the stop motion look is really convincing on him. 

He's a modification of the new Luego: 

I'm most happy with how cartoony I got his hands!!

What would he look like with a beard? Something like this? Hmm.

Last week I totally forgot to include the fact that I started on the new Max model too. I'm trying to redesign them so that they look really different from how they look in their Kanker cosplays, but their body types and facial traits are the same: 

I want there to still be hair in the way, so that she can put her hair up to put on glasses. Her hair isn't done yet, but I want it to look something like that - honing in on the computer nerd aesthetic. 

I think her nose turned out really cute heheh 

Here's her next to the original model so you guys can compare their proportions

I think that's it for this week! 



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