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Hey everyone! I've been starting to wonder if I should find a name for my fans, just like all the youtubers did like 5 years ago. I know it's cringey lmao but I think it's fun. How about jizzlets? Cumbos? Cumbros. Lmao idk if I'll go through with this. I guess you already have names through the tiers. Hello all knights, squires, and paladin! 

Due to my moving, this week's Weekly WIP Wednesday is gonna be posted later this week and not on Wednesday (today, in Norwegian time). I've had time to work on some models but I haven't had time to put together a post. So maybe I can make it tomorrow or Friday instead. 

But y'all know what I've been working on mostly, as I've been posting updates to the Hannah animation. See you later this week for more explanation!



Dame CUMmanders 🤔


Cummoissuer as in a Connoisseur of porn

Chris P. Bacon

I'm so down to be a cumbro


This is tough since knights don't really have a group name other than "the order" . It would be best to stay away from the pornpuns. Avoiding the pornpun will help bring in newCUMmers that might find some of you sfw that may get shared. I think "Blades" would work better especially in the word play perspective. Since blender is in your name, it's a 3d modeling software, it's also an appliance. And what do members of knighthood and blenders have in common? Blades! (Sidenote: I really enjoyed the old bonkers loop you posted of them chilling on the roof of their trailer)


Lmaoo you got me there, I might be shooting myself in the foot. Maybe stick to something Knights related then, idk! I'm glad you liked the sfw loop though, I plan to make more like that with the new versions