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Hey guys! I'm about to move again, fml there's so much happening all the time now. 

I've literally been rendering the Hannah and Helen animation all week, there's been no modeling in between because it has been so intense, so this WWW won't be so exciting. 

Here's the Hannah animation at the time I'm writing this. Before I head off to work, I'll render the last part, which is a transition into another animation. It's gonna take about 8 hours I think!! But before that, I need to polish it a little, which I have an hour on me to do. Idk if you guys can see how packed my days are recently lmao

Instead of modeling, since I wasn't able to while rendering, I've been thinking about scripts and doing concept art. Mostly for Noodls. Attached are a couple scripts I thought up, idk when I'll be able to actually make these animations though. Maybe I'll just make _one_ of them to see how it goes. My favorite so far is Mycoal and Micle, but I'm trying to improve the Friend Fries script. I feel like they're all garbage, I can't write scripts for shit :(

Also, the Abysma script is meant to end with a sex scene, so maybe I can make that first. 

Mycoal and Mile:

Friend fries delivery van: 

It's basically the A86 from initial D, but with an overly tall van shape, and with the McD color scheme. Idk if this is gonna be the end design but I like it lol. 



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