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  • Hannah_Vaginal_0_0004-1026.mp4



Sorry guys I missed WWW... They're supposed to be released on wednesdays but I literally just forgot. 

As you know I just released my first animation with sound, which I've been spending a surprising amount of time just, producing and managing. I'm still working on the Max sound stuff. Lots of work just connecting people and putting their work together. 

This week I tried to animate using library overrides - it's a way to get files from one Blender file to another while keeping the filesize low. It's useful for animation because then you can import characters from a bunch of different files and still have a low file size. Additionally, changes you make to the character will be imported into the other files. This is supposed to replace the old way of doing it which was Proxies. 

Apparently NLA animation doesn't work with overrides in Blender, I thought it did, but that it was just reduced. Turns out whatever you do in the NLA editor for library overrides in Blender will be deleted next time you open the file. This means the rough animation I had made with these overrides were gone today when I opened the file again. Proxies are a bit more annoying, but they work. Looks like overrides straight up don't work and I'll have to redo the animation with proxies instead :( 

I guess it's fine, I spent some time fixing some weight paint issues on her crotch so it's less problematic now. I apparently forgot to weight paint her pussy so that's fixed now. 

But holy hell have I gotten better at making vaginas since this one. I think Hannah was the last one of these I made too, so I remember being proud of the vagina when I made it. 

I'm rendering the animations as I'm writing this, and I literally just now noticed that the end of her neck is showing from this angle. Fuck. Gonna need to re-render that angle. 

I've attached what the master file looks like so far. The black spots in the video are the missing parts. What I need is the intro animation, maybe a couple more angles and a final shot, maybe some jizz. I might end up just releasing the loops instead of the whole "scene" this month cause it's going slowly. I need to get the voice for Hannah before I animate the intro so I can lip sync better. Here's how I plan the intro to go:

I've been trying to think about characters for the crew Noodls plays with, what their game avatars look like etc and I'm trying to take the chance to make some more fun and interseting designs instead of the very grounded characters I usually make. Like, take advantage of the sci-fi-fantasy setting. Anyone got a suggestion for this Big Boy's username? 

I was thinking I'd incorporate my Patreon theme of knights, and have some of the crew members wearing knight gear. Specifically incorporating the "anon knight" thing I have going on. So his helmet is supposed to be like the tumblr anon icon, the same way the knights themselves are tumblr anons: 

Idk quite yet though, I haven't decided on a helmet design. But I want it to somehow have the anon sunglasses. 



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