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Good news is I managed to animate the final parts of the Max animation, added some goo at the end too!

Bad news is the intro sequence takes 5.5 hours to render and I rendered it while I was out, so I didn't notice I messed it up before I got back home. I used the wiggle bones addon to make her hair bouncy but somehow it messed up her armature and disabled her animation during rendering. I had no idea cause it worked fine in the viewport :( I'll be rendering it over again but her hair won't be bouncing, the only way I found so far to get her to move in the rendered version is to disable the wiggle. This is what I get for using addons I guess.  

Instead of the animation being released today, it'll hopefully be released tomorrow morning (probably like 3-7AM for you guys in the US)



damn that sucks man, if you need to man take your time we can wait for your master piece ^^


That preview yesterday was great! Can’t wait!


Make her bald EZ fix 👉🍋👉


Relax Take your time Your work si great