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It says on itchio only about 5 people have downloaded it, I'm a little worried if you guys didn't see the post? Those of you who downloaded it, were there any big problems getting the file? Anything missing once you got it opened? If you don't wanna write publicly here, you can DM me! 


Daniel Whitmer

Seems to work fine, it gets some of color splotches on the skin when I used it with an hdri, but I think either redoing the material on my own or using more samples will deal with that


I see! Might be something funky with the matierials, they're the same as when I first made them in 2016 after all. If it becomes a huge problem I'll fix it


I don’t think the link to the model in the post works anymore


The link works for me, but in case patreon messed the link up somehow, it should be this: https://blenderknight.itch.io/helen-classic/patreon-access