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So I'm a fan of structure and schedules, which is why I do progress reports once  a week instead of whenever I feel like it. I also like having the little "weekly wip wednesday" title card that I customize a little each week. 
I'm getting some feedback in the exit reports though that some people thought I would be more active. Sadly it's gonna be like that as I'm finishing up my master thesis right now and taking extra exams on the side. BUT, if you guys would prefer smaller more sporadic WIPs instead of weekly WIP reports, I COULD do that. Instead of one huge WIP post each week, maybe 1-3 smaller WIP posts each week. 
Obviously I prefer the first one, but I also wanna focus on delivering a service for my patrons!

[Edit: thanks for the input so far! I'd also like to add that if you're uncomfortable commenting publicly, you can DM me :)]



It's better to read posts with news rather than posts that goes "nothing to report, still wip"


For me, I like the once a week WIPs. I am one for structure and schedules as well, and if the once a week WIP works for you stick to it. If you think you can do twice a week, then Tuesday and Friday or something like that?


Dont see how updates weekly isn't active enough but to each their own. I think the format currently is fine, even less frequently would still be fine with the quality of work you put out


I like the weekly, It let's me know the progress of things be it what's happening in life or to your art. Keeps me from asking the question of " Is he okay, I wonder why he has not posted in a while".


I think the content has been frequent enough. In fact, compared to other creators, I feel that you post more often. I’m usually pleasantly surprised when I see you’ve posted something new. I say continue on with what you’re doing. Post things at your pace.


I’m good with what you find comfortable man.id rather have a good project with no stress attached.