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  • 3c_0001-0405.mp4



I'll be honest I've been delaying the rigging part with Noodls cause I HATE rigging lol. If I could, I'd pay someone to do it. But it takes so long I don't think I can afford hiring someone a fair wage for a quality result. 

Instead, I decided to find some addons I could use to speed up the process! 

So originally I tried my hand at Blenrig, but honestly that thing is so cluttered and overdeveloped. Even for a simple character like this there is a lot of work just to get decent results, not much better than the rig I made from scratch for the blonkers. Instead I went with Wo262's suggestion to use Auto Rig Pro, which is very fast and gives very nice and clean results:

If it was just meant for me then I probably wouldn't care, but this model is made knowing that I wil release it, so I want it t at least be passable. There's still gonna be a lot of adjusting to do on her weight painting, so there's a while left. 

So at this point she's finally ready for me to test the rig out and pose her around while fixing issues. Those lines you're seeing on her shoulders and wrists are a product of her hands, feet, and head being old models I put together with a new torso model. I'll fix those issues as I go. 

You'll notice I changed her hairstyle. I'm struggling deciding on a hairstyle for her. What do you guys think? Another angle: 

Also, her suit:

I'm thinking of leaving it super tight, like this so thatyou can see her curves more easily. I like it so far but idk, feels like something's missing.

I also spent some time fidgeting with the animation I'll post this month. Idk but I might finish it soon. There's still some polishing remaining, and I want to change the light setting a little. After that we'll have to expect at least a couple days rendering depending if I decide to use cycles or not in the end product. I added another draft in the attachment for those of you who want to see what the animation looks like right now. Might do some extra angles, let's see how long it takes to render first. Think that'll be it for this week!



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