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Maybe some of you guys would like to see how I do concepting. I like to do concept sculpts directly in 3D but right now my computer is busy doing stuff for my sfw persona, so I'm drawing.

What I'm working on right now is the VR tech for the streamer girl called StinkyN00dls so far. Of course it's all gonna have a kinky twist so I'm trying to design sex toys that don't look extremely awkard basically. Right now I'm figuring out how to make the oral attachment on the headset, and the hand controllers. For the controllers I want something that looks like it adds resistance when she touches stuff. I'm also thinking nobody really cares about that part so I just have to stick to a design. The oral part is more important cause it needs to be friendly looking imo, so it's less freaky. It can easily end up looking a little too kinky I think. I also want the suit to give the impression that she can feel stuff from it. Maybe I'll add glowing hand prints and stuff.

Has anyone here read "ressentiment"? A manga about this, basically. It's pretty sad, lol. Hopefully by spinning it to the girls perspective I can make it a little less sad

Maybe we can have a vote for her name some time



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