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Here's an example of what an update post might look like. They're not necessarily only once per week. I might post more if I feel like it. 

This one is actually pretty old. At least a year and a half at this point. I think I was planning on making it a christmas pinup thing. Needless to say I never got far enough to make it christmas themed. I added the ribbon today though, they're gift wrapped, sort of. Doesn't really have to be christmas themed I guess lol. 

I'm pretty happy with the hands on these models. I've always liked hands but I still struggle with drawing and sculpting them. I'm gonna finish this one and post it as the first Official Patreon Pinup!




Blender, you bless us with artistic beauty from the gods. You my good sir, are a prophet.


Awesome! I missed these 3! So happy to see you back at it. Out of curiosity, do you plan to do anything with the younger models of them as well?


These aren't the milf versions if that's what you mean! Or if you mean the really old ones, the first ones, I guess we'll have to wait and see. Their rigs are really really bad...


Gotcha! Yeah, the first ones were what I meant, but I can understand if you don’t really want to work with your old ones anymore. Especially if you find them bad. I liked them though and just was curious. Thanks for responding 😊


No prob! Once we get more patrons here I'll hold some polls and we'll see where things go