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I am not secretly turning into a mechanic, I promise! But the machine stuff needs to be out of the way for these guys are ready to come out:




Holger P Kleinert

The oil of that compressor is really dark. The color of it should look like honey.


Post any content, I'll watch it.

Razvan Caldararu

That PCI card looks like you really mean business :D Thanks for the update. Really awesome stuff


Yeah, let me just try and convince myself that that is just dirt from the air and not abrasion from important metal bits :)


It seems like a bit of an overkill now, but when limit switches, spindle controls, tool changer stuff, coolant, servo status pins, hand wheel, 4th axis, etc. are taken into account ... maybe I'll use 1 of those 3 headers :)


Actually I like your mix of machines and electronics

Matthew J Byrne

any content is good and I enjoyed the video but im itching for some more electronics content. I bought a vintage keithley electrometer because of your video.

Holger P Kleinert

I recently learned that these are in fact partially oxydized abrasion particles in the ~1µm range. It is ok to a certain point. In cars however, especially Audi A3 TFSI these are partially responsibe for the camshaft drive chain lenghtening problems due to the 30.000km oil change interval. These particles slowly polish everything they are rubbed on. Better change the oil in regular intervals even if the bottle costs 30 EUR.

Andy P.

skyrim reference, love it 😂