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I've spent all week trying to get the x-ray machine going, but something always ended up arcing / smoking or just not emitting. The more time I spent with it, the harder it got to give up. But I think there it is a good solution: I'll just make an independent adjustable short-circuitable 100 kV supply and run the tube outside of any confined, conductive aluminium head unit.

Also I'll do a little road trip to Bavaria on Saturday to fetch a few hundred kg of metal. Will document thoroughly.


LattePanda Alpha: Shenanigans with a powerful Single Board Computer

Try two months of Skillshare for free! https://skl.sh/marcoreps4 LattePanda: https://bit.ly/2ExirbW 6$ logic analyzer board: http://bit.ly/2sO707U Hackaday article: https://hackaday.io/project/62710-taking-digital-xray-shots-for-cheap-300 Other single board computers: https://www.welectron.com/Boards_1 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/marcoreps Yoga mat with previous panda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JBSHqUcaG4 Thermal camera: https://www.tinkerforge.com/en/shop/thermal-imaging-bricklet.html Lightweight USB Framework for AVR: http://www.fourwalledcubicle.com/LUFA.php



Whats going on with the intro audio?

Daddy Bearcat

"Finally, the Lattepanda Video" sounds like a Monty Python skit...

Daddy Bearcat

I'm curious why you're pimping for a sponsor on a Patreon-only video. I thought that was usually only for public Youtube videos.

Paul Bruner

I get it, AVR libs are everywhere, but I don't get why they don't use a 32 bit 5v tolerant processor there. Hell, a PSOC5 is 5v, and fully configurable output pins would be way more useful. Even a STM32L432 only has 32 io's but it 80mhz and most pins are 5v.