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I was pretty sure that that low budget Chinese geiger counter was registering heavy x-ray activity ... but since no camera sensor appears to pick up anything maybe it's just a fault in the x-ray machine after all?


20181026 111625 2



I think DICOM is still done on disc due to it's reliably, cost and its WORM nature. Cheap USB flash drives have a habit of going bad and decent ones are about 200-500x the cost of a CD-R.

Wayne Hogue

our hospital will give you a cdrom with your records.

John McCormick

You play with x-rays I burn myself by accidentally getting CA glue on my finger and shortly afterwards the CA glue accelerant! Fortunately it's just a small blister. :)


Yeah, besides being a standard for x-ray image exchange, cost is probably the biggest reason for CDs. And cd burning robots provide a solution for automated mass creation. Though, the future will be a web based solution for download and upload of images… I think my colleges are currently implementing this in our hospital. Some patients already “bring” their images via Dropbox...


Internally, most seem to store and manage imagery data digitally, but use CD when transferring externally. In many cases, there seems to be legal requirements that it's fine physically.

Igor (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-04 23:05:13 From wikipedia: > A chrome steel G-M tube is about 1% efficient over a wide range of energies.
2019-01-17 11:54:51 From wikipedia: > A chrome steel G-M tube is about 1% efficient over a wide range of energies.

From wikipedia: > A chrome steel G-M tube is about 1% efficient over a wide range of energies.