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20181020 171023


Jon Raymond

You are not alone in the "forgot to put the cover on first before crimping" camp. Have a seat by the fire and crack a beer.


I almost always forget the boot before crimping as well. Probably more often than forgetting heatshrink till it's too late.


Not sure, so I apologise if I am incorrect, but it looked in the video like you may have had the color code backwards. TIA-568A or B is the standard scheme (most people do B). Pin 1 is on the left with the tab facing down: <a href="https://www.incentre.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ethcable568b.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.incentre.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ethcable568b.gif</a> It very well could have been a trick of the lighting though


I am an old-timer so I made a cross-over cable to connect a computer to computer - I don't think that's necessary any more, because modern devices seem to select their pairs automatically

Marco Vujevic

Good riddance stupid ethernet cover thing. I hate those ones with the half circle tab protection. I always go out of my way to buy cables/connectors with a different design tab protection.

Marion Makarewicz

Need to train those pups to pull your cable!


Indeed! I wonder if those interferences make a difference in HiFi audio tho, because there usually *relatively* low resistances involved


You could send your robot in to clean up your crawl space!

David W DeVillers

Looks like our school library "crawlspace" - 55 years of lovely dust and abandon rodent condos!


Give us the mouse trap video 😀


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VffiD6OR9U" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VffiD6OR9U</a> no mice were harmed - only a bit dazed by sudden disco maybe