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You may have already seen most of this. I have included a statement from Brymen at 3:09 and improved a few minor things especially after 6:10 and 7:25.

It's suprisingly hard to make the new mic sound good, it picks up way too many unwanted details like the neighbors lawnmower or my own mouth-sounds. You can hear it at the aforementioned corrected times. Maybe I'm just going back to the USB cheapo that sacrifices quality for just better sound?


Slightly Better Multimeters: Brymen, Fluke, Solartron 🌞

5% off Brymen and Siglent @ Welectron: marcoreps5 Probe Master: https://www.welectron.com/Probe-Master-Silicone-Test-Leads-Series-8000 Brymen BM839: https://www.welectron.com/Brymen-BM839s-Multimeter 16$ DMM calibrator: http://bit.ly/2RX6OP9 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/marcoreps Welectron have provided a Brymen BM839 for this video. It seems like it has been designed for this comparison, because it's specifications are very similar. The price however is so much better that is hard to believe, that Brymen could keep up ...



You can configure noise gates that only allow a certain noise level to pass. Can be done in hardware on some kind of audio interface, or in software on your PC.

Marco Vujevic

I used my reasonably good USB mic in a teleconference once and had to spend most of the call playing frozen statue, because apparently my every move generated noise that was annoying everyone else. :)


re-cap, or not? hmmm, That it a beautiful machine and it is working. Doctors should attend the sick. I must say Narco, your vids are a genuine high-light of my week. The balance is perfect and the subject matter so nerdy I start to sweat beads of tantalum! :o)

Giovambattista Currado

At the end you followed my suggestion for the cheap voltage reference! :D

John McCormick

Tantalum capacitors are bad juju when the go aren't they. Don't they short out? Tantalum tantrums!

Jason Pepas

Mickle T. The man, the myth, the legend.


Strangely I didn't find his post myself, only some incomplete archived stuff on ko4bb.com