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Not quite as compact, but a few more independent voltage references AND a lot of unpopulated spots in this beast. It's basically a precision oven, that tries to stay at 30 +/-0.1 °C to keep the weston cells happy. It needs a proper restoration tho, I've already found 1 electrolytic cap from 1986 😅


20180914 165742


Giovambattista Currado

However for quick testing purposes I use one of those boards: <a href="https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.it%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F122680439822" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.it%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F122680439822</a> . They are pretty stable and precise if you close them into appropriate enclosure and power with batteries and wait for a suitable warm up time...check it out Marco!


Welcome back, you have been missed! It is also very smelly, with all that PU foam anno 1986. But at least it's not disintegrating


Too easy! I like to wait a few days before my voltage reference is ready to go

John McCormick

Yeah so many layers of foam and screws. I always wonder when I see these precision instruments how they created the first one and how do they know it was precise?

Morten Hanasand

I think you should say something about hacking the mainframe and cutting the red wire while dismantling this thing.


I was thinking about calling it a time machine for aging parts, but yours is almost irresistible too

Alex W

That is really exotic. Interesting to learn how it's performance would compare to a LTZ1000.

Jason Pepas

I see your volt-nut disease is more advanced than I had at first thought. Welcome to the fold :)


Is this how the AllSpark came to earth? In a bougie mahogany oven.


Hope I don't accidentally spend all my money on teflon cables and copper lugs now :L


I didn't know what AllSpark was, but 'mahogany oven' was amusing enough :)


I will definitely compare the 2, but I think the weston cells have a non-zero-self-discharge rate, so they god bad, semiconductor LTZ1000 can theoretically live forever


The AllSpark is the source of life for all Transformers. And bougie is just a fancy word for.. fancy. Lol.

Rick B

What are you doing with that beast nowadays? I just received a second Standard Cell oven so I can calibrate my own stuff. They don't like being measured by voltmeters unless they have +10M impedance. I accidentally hooked one cell up wrong to a calibrator and it dropped the voltage output down by over 1mV. It will likely take weeks to fully recover. They must never flow any electrons of current. My Keithley 181 loves to measure it.


Oh yea, these guys are super sensitive. I've hinted vaguely at the current occupation of this thing in the 'low voltages with old keithleys'-vid ... it now contains the 2 LTZ1000 references which are powered on continuously until I find a new job for them :)

Rick B

You swapped the cells for LTZ1000 in the oven? Cool