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This is the tricky part on an 'SMD Challenge Misery Edition'.

I am going to continue trying until there's no solder mask left :)


2018 06 29 21 07 45


John McCormick

imagine if that was how long it took to solder every component while making a modern computer.... waiting...


I must have bought mine before the Misery Edition came out. Thankfully!


I've had more success herding cats.

Holger P Kleinert

When I tried that just for the sake of it the PCBs I had were HASL finiish. They just needed flux and the solder from the surface finish was sufficient to solder them rather nicely.

Daddy Bearcat

What am I missing here? Why does it look like the board is under 1/8" of jello? That's not all *flux*, is it?? I solder parts like that all the time at work. Just a dot of solder on one pad of the board, keep it melted with the soldering pencil, and push the part into place with tweezers. Remove the heat and apply a bit of solder to the other pad and component. Then go back and retouch the first joint now that the part is fastened down.


01005? Doesn't it stick to your tweezers or soldering tool or go full tombstone? I could not even think about applying solder to the other pad, because with the component on it there'd be like 1 nm accessible

Faraz Sadrzadeh

Follow in the steps of Lord Styropyro and build a red laser tweezers. Then build a high power IR laser. Move the 01005 with the tweezers and solder it with IR energy.


Holy'o'fuck. That was the most frustrating 7 minutes of my life. The whole time I was cheering you on in my head like I was at the god damn hockey game lol. That's some super crazy soldering. When those balls started moving I was like OHGODWHATSHAPPENING.

Jon Raymond

Solder paste and tweezers to locate the resistor and then the tip of tweezers to hold it from floating away while you bring in the solder tip with solder applied was what worked for me. <a href="https://twitter.com/Jon_Raymond_/status/971412028509143041?s=19" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/Jon_Raymond_/status/971412028509143041?s=19</a> The 0201 led is the tough one to do with only an iron as the pads are underneath it. It's a hack but if you angle the led slightly up you can flow solder under it with an iron.


you are showing what I have discovered - never use flux and solder paste otherwise they just float around and when the flux boils it makes the solder zip about all over. Is this an exercise in hand soldering - I ask because I wonder why you aren't using a heat gun? I have never attempted much smaller than 0402 but I get pretty good results with just solder paste and hot air.


I haven't read the fine print of that challenge ... but I think with hot air it wouldn't be one any more :)