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The switching CC driver started killing the output electrolytic capacitors for some reason. They get hot and end up in a fluffy explosion. Will have to investigate!


30W Laser Burning Stone + New CC Driver + Fiber Termination Lapping

Microscope: https://www.welectron.com/Andonstar-ADSM302-Digital-Microscope Lapping film: http://bit.ly/2t72scr Daily news: https://www.patreon.com/marcoreps In this episode of the laser series I am showing some updates and ideas for the constant current laser, that were inspired by you! One particularly interesting idea is to control the efficient DC-DC converter with an op-amp, eliminating inefficient linear regulation completely. But before the drivers can be tested I have to fix the termination of the optical fibers. Those were burnt and unusable. Even when tediously lapping the fibers manually, some special equipment was neccessary: Lapping film: http://bit.ly/2t72scr Vacuum pump: http://bit.ly/2JBq4kH Degassing chamber


Faraz Sadrzadeh

If you submerge the fiber tips in hardcore paint thinner the jacket would dissolve in 5-10 minutes and the Chinese cleaver would give you a super perfect surface finish and no lapping would be even required. The acrylic jacket would turn the glass fiber into bullet proof glass. But be careful, stripped fibers are more fragile than dry spaghetti. Make sure you strip very minutely and then cleave right where the jacket starts again.


That's some valuable information, thank you! Is there an easy method for cleaving all fibers to precisely equal length? Even if the cleavers job gets easier, I am pretty sure that it wont be able to do all at one

Rick Mann

Wait, is there another video? This takes me to the one you posted yesterday or the day before.


Because of EP02? Nope, sorry, not yet! EP01 was the one with the Pirl charger a while ago. But the next one shouldn't take too long, because I have all the CNC hardware ready basically and the DC-DC driver only needs to get rid of one problem