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That'd be a really useful feature, because I could just share directly out of the automatic backup, without going through  YouTube ... ah well, it was nothing exciting this time, just some foamy drinks with a lemon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TgxQ2F_lzo 


New video by Marco Reps


Jon Raymond

Yup it seems to work well. Can be viewed with Chromecast as well.

Marco Vujevic

Does not work for me in chrome on linux, (through a proxy) . Might be my setup though.

Paul Paulson

Does not work for me either using Firefox on Linux.


Does not work for me. Using latest 64-bit Chrome on Windows 10.


Works in the ios app. :)


Worked on Android.


Not working on Mac OS 10.12.6 Safari

Rick Mann

Doesn't seem to work with macOS 10.13 Safari, but Ghostery might be interfering.


Better than a lemon and drinks... Any thing that generates thousands of volts. I don't know if lipos outgas (never tried), but I have done HV using coils and FETs and regular alkaline batteries for lots of fun with a two stage pump to achieve a few thousands of a Torr. HV has very unusual properties in a vacuum.