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(I'm fine and the sensor matrix is too!) (But the usb jack was ripped off, which is mildly annoying)


20171022 122044 1


Holger P Kleinert

Ich glaube Du brauchst mal eine andere Lösung als "Türflügel auf Böcken"


What are you building?


Oder ich nehme in Zukunft einfach keine Jobs mehr an, die etwas mit Sensormatten zu tun haben :)

John McCormick

There was really no way you could have predicted this failure!


I really like your videos! I especially like the very long, very detailed ones, with weird background music. Thanks for the awesome content! Please keep doing this great job!


Thanks! Nobody else seemed to like the weird background music (procedurally generated in pure data), so I stopped doing that ... but I hope the next Keithley repair will be a little bit longer and more interesting.


hope your teeth get better soon ;o)


... and YES definately keep the weird music. I love the "slightly odd" accompaniment that just about gets noticed. Jay Foremean is one master of the oddball edit - check this gem out <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUEHWhO_HdY&amp;list=PLfxy4_sBQdxwf909hUFsM59Y0RC_k9fvV" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUEHWhO_HdY&amp;list=PLfxy4_sBQdxwf909hUFsM59Y0RC_k9fvV</a>


That is indeed very watchable :) Gotta 3D print one of those bombs and add a sparkler as a fuse ...