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So here is a sneak peek of 16 hours of work, today I worked my ass off for this, and I'm pretty happy about my blocking+
It's very important to animate with full focus and passion, that's why I didn't get off for this long today.
Tomorrow I will get to animating Mercy, facial expressions and polish, hopefully that will be done by tomorrow. After that I will start my fluid simulation, with a shot like this it might take 2-3 full days to bake alone, and another few days to render and edit, hopefully I will get this done by the end of next week.

The reason my renders take this long is that I render with rtx3070, but if everything goes well, and I get enough funding, I'll get me RTX4090, so I can deliver content faster.

Despite my skills, I still get bottle necked by my GPU, if you have any animation related questions or if you wish me to review your animation you can post a comment or just DM me.

Feel free to ask me anything related to animation, more on this soon.




Sorry for a little delay (I almost passed out because I was working on this for a really long time today, good night <3


Download (Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hN5oiCJzEz6-DxBHkzOFLiAUqqaOdu0r?usp=share_link