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Here's a sneak peek at art for an upcoming chapter of Adopted By Giants 2. It won't be for the next chapter (I am about to finish that one which will explain how Chi Chi ends up demoted to such a position), but I think you're going to enjoy what I have in store for everyone's favorite anime mom to hate. LOL

Let me know what you think if you have a moment to spare.




You know as long as this story has been It makes you wonder how come goku or bachita hasn't gone to look further wives yet I mean have nothing else have nothing else hes gotta be getting hungry a little bit right ? Lol


That would've been true for Dragonball Z, but this takes place during Super and, as you may know, the boys are constantly training with Beerus and are gone for literally months at a time. If I'm not mistaken, that's why Gohan and Piccolo had to step up in the Super Hero movie because Goku and Vegeta weren't around. It really helps this story make sense in the grand scheme of things. ;)