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As the limo started driving, Kallen hung her head in shame, disgusted by how easily she had allowed her body to make a fool of herself. She could have argued with her mother, told her that the ridiculous adult sized carseat needed to be removed so she can sit in the backseat like a normal person, but no; she didn't do anything to preserve her sense of dignity. Now she was stuck in her giant baby seat, tightly secured and restrained while forced to endure the cum soaked diaper that clung to her skin, reminding her of what she had just done in front of her stepmother.

The tingling feeling coming from her slit was already returning and made Kallen realize that she had forgotten to turn off the egg shaped vibrator lodged deep within her pussy. She reached her right hand up to the pocket on her jacket and felt around for the remote, but paused briefly when the driver stole a quick glance at her using the rearview mirror. It was sad that everyone was starting to treat her like a child, but Kallen knew that the woman couldn't watch her forever. Finally, Kallen saw the driver's gaze return to the road, giving Kallen the opportunity to pull the remote out of her pocket, flip the switch to the off position before tossing the rectangle of plastic into her purse. She wondered how her bag got there, but quickly brushed it off. 'It must've been sat there by one of the maids while they strapped me into the carseat.' She reasoned.

Speaking of the carseat, Kallen knew that she could easily unlock the center button holding all of the harnesses together and free herself from the infantile seat. But she thought better of doing anything like that since it would only make the driver pull over and the last thing she wanted was to be publicly scolded for trying to get out of her carseat. That more than likely outcome reminded her that she was only a few minutes away from being publicly humiliated; It was inevitable. Kallen looked down at her crotch and sighed. Her new plastic backed underwear wasn't even concealed underneath her uniform skirt when she sat and, if by some miracle no one saw her being helped out of the carseat by her chauffeur, she knew that there was no way she could hide the bulky monstrosity while she walked around the Academy.

'Why did I have to go with such a stupid illness?' Kallen lamented as she basically basted in her own juices.

She had chosen the Ejaculation Illness out of numerous other illnesses because it sounded like an easy way to kill two birds with one stone; she would be "allowed" to have an orgasm wherever she wanted while having an illness she could use to distance herself from her friends and classmates. In the beginning, it had worked perfectly; she'd act all fatigued and tired and blame it on cumming whenever she was on campus, but when outside of class, she was able to fight alongside the resistance with few people questioning her whereabouts since she always said she was sleeping at home. However, as time went on, she was forced to start having multiple orgasms throughout the day by using an egg shaped marital aid to keep her cover since Milly was always bothering her with questions about her ailment.

Secretly, Kallen assumed that Milly was more than just curious about her ailment since the others never asked her about it, but the blonde was always pestering her about it, even going so far as to ask her how it felt. She also seemed to go out of her way to be around her throughout the day as more time passed. Needless to say, it was becoming an annoyance and whenever Milly got much too inquisitive for Kallen's liking, the wallflower of a woman would simply crank up the switch on the remote and cream her panties in public on purpose. This seemed to appease Milly's curiosity and, after cumming, the blonde would let Kallen excuse herself to go to the bathroom.

These orgasms, which were growing in strength, were the main reason why the young revolutionary ended up buying pull ups to help her conceal her very wet releases. In hindsight, it was this decision that simply served to justify her mother's decision to buy her diapers. Still, Kallen couldn't stop from lamenting on the poor choices she had made. If she hadn't been so careless. If only she had bought spare underwear to change into after soiling her pristine panties, the maid would've never discovered her shameful secret, but the damage had already been done. In the end, Kallen knew who was to blame.

"Fucking Milly." The magenta haired woman muttered underneath her breath.

It was Milly's almost non-stop questioning that had started the descent down the slippery slope that landed Kallen strapped into a giant carseat, thickly diapered and on her way to school. 'If only that blonde bimbo had minded her own business!'

"We're here," the driver announced before awkwardly adding "sweetie" to the end of her sentence.

Kallen sighed and waited for her servant to exit the vehicle and make her way around the back of the limo. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the chauffeur opened the rear door and quickly leaned over Kallen. The magenta haired student remained quiet, hoping that the driver would simply unbuckle her and help her get out of the car. In the back of her mind, Kallen feared that the woman might actually follow through with her stepmother's orders and walk her to the nurse's office which would be beyond embarrassing; it would make her condition "official" in the eyes of the academy.

"There we go." The woman smiled as she pulled the harness over Kallen's head. "All ready to get out of your carseat and go to class!"

Kallen groaned.

"I know you're probably still tired from that accident you had so why don't you grab my hand and let me help you?" The driver asked, offering the diapered eighteen year old her hand.

Not wanting to drag this out any longer than it needed to be, Kallen accepted the woman's hand and allowed her to pull her from the seat. As much as Kallen would hat to admit it, she actually needed the chauffeur's help due to how bulky and cumbersome the diaper was. Her normally agile and catlike reflexes were severely limited by the thick plastic shell which forced her legs apart. Still, she somehow was able to get out of the limo and onto the sidewalk in under a minute.

Upon exiting the vehicle, Kallen felt the chauffeur release her hand only for Milly to reach out and grab her. The blonde pulled her away from the car and Kallen gave her friend a curious glance right as the chauffeur spun around to see who was pulling Kallen away from her.

"And who are you?" The woman asked, looking Milly over.

"I'm Milly Ashford: Kallen's friend, classmate and the student council president of Ashford Academy." The blonde explained with a warm smile.

"That's nice, but Kallen can't play with her friends right now." The chauffeur replied and added, "I have been personally directed by Mrs. Stadtfeld to take her daugher straight to the nurse's office upon arriving at the Academy."

"That's just it." Milly spoke up. "As student council president, it's one of my many duties to ensure that students with disabilities get to where they're supposed to go. Besides, Mrs. Stadtfeld called Nurse Nu and she in turn sent me to wait for Kallen."

"Oh, so Mrs. Stadtfeld phoned ahead while I was driving Kallen here?"

"Precisely. Now, I need to get Kallen to the nurse before class starts." Milly said.

"Fair enough, you have a good day, Kallen." The driver gave Kallen's freshly styled hair a soft pat.

Milly chuckled and turned away from the servant while tugging on Kallen's hand, trying to pull her along.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" The driver called out to both girls. "Here's Kallen's purse!"

The magenta haired woman looked back at the chauffeur and reached for her purse with an outstretched hand only for the woman to pull the purse back, just out of reach. With Kallen's hand firmly in her hand, Milly walked past the blushing eighteen year old and grabbed the purse from the driver much to Kallen's annoyance.

"Hey!" Kallen blurted out. "That's my purse!"

"Kallen, don't make a fuss. Let your friend hold your purse for you until you get to the nurse." The driver admonished the blushing girl.

Kallen looked around, realizing that they were attracting attention and making a scene so she simply hung her head in defeat, not wanting to further embarrass herself by arguing with the woman. The other two women didn't seem to notice or care about the numerous other students present, many of whom were now starting to stare at the strange situation that was unfolding. Kallen allowed Milly to drag her away from the driver and the eyes of her peers as she silently prayed that none saw the back of her diaper which she knew was probably drooping down past the hemline of her skirt.

"According to what your stepmom told the nurse, your disease is getting worse."

Kallen didn't know how to respond to that statement. Her disease was fictitious and completely nonexistent, but now that her stepmother had stuck her nose into her business, she would have to explain why she lied about having an illness once the nurse examined her. Still, she had to say something to Milly least she spread the rumor that she actually needed diapers to her friends and to anyone else within earshot.

"My stepmother is overreacting like she always does." Kallen replied in a quiet voice.

"But people who have ejaculation sickness need to wear diapers and those don't look like panties you're wearing." A chuckle followed the blonde's observation.

"But I don't need diapers, Milly!" Kallen exclaimed, causing a few passersby to gawk at them.

"Yes, you do." Milly replied in a firm tone before continuing, "everyone who gets this disease eventually ends up in diapers, Kallen."

"If I really needed diapers then wouldn't my stepmother have sent me to school with some spares in my purse or something?" Kallen reasoned, hoping that Milly would check her purse and see that there weren't any disposable diapers hidden within, thus proving her point.

The blonde glanced into the purse that she held in her left hand to humor Kallen when she noticed something interesting that she hadn't expected to see. It looked like it could've been a key fob, but that didn't make sense; Kallen didn't drive. Still, the remote looked oddly familiar. Suddenly, it dawned on Milly what the little device was,

"Just because your mommy forgot to pack your spare Pampers doesn't mean that you don't need them." Milly replied in a condescending tone.

Talking to Milly was literally like talking to her stepmother as the blonde held her hand like a vice and forced her to follow her into the administration building. Both women always had to be right and would twist things in their favor until they were ultimately proven correct. As embarrassing as it would be to have Nurse Nu probe her body and examine her, Kallen knew that it would be her only hope of straightening things out. She would get a clean bill of health and be granted her panties back after the handsy nurse found out she was faking. Needless to say, it would be incredibly awkward and difficult to explain why she had faked having such a highly sexual disorder but at least Nu would call her stepmother and then the crazy bitch would be forced to tell the maids to toss all the adult sized Huggies into the garage where they belonged!

The nurse's office was otherwise empty save for Nurse Nu sitting at her desk, seemingly going over files on the computer when Milly guided Kallen into the small office.

"Nurse, it looks like Kallen's mommy didn't pack her any spare diapers!" Milly announced literally seconds after entering the office with Kallen in tow.

This embarrassing declaration caused the school nurse to spin around in her office chair before standing up. "Well, I have plenty of diapers here for Ejac sufferers, but first I must confirm that Kallen has a need for them."

Villetta Nu, the school nurse, was a woman Kallen didn't know particularly well, but had never forgotten about after the yearly school physical where the woman literally left no portion of her body unexplored. The one thing that always caught everyone's attention, Kallen included, was the way Villetta wore her long luxurious steel blue hair in a part which hid her forehead and created a chopped bang that ended in a long strand hanging down to her shoulder. The rest of her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail that was wrapped in purple fabric. Other than her high maintenance hairdo, everything else about the woman seemed normal for a school nurse: She wore a white blouse that was covered by a white vest that featured an embroidered Ashford Academy emblem on her breast. The outfit was completed with a matching white skirt and white thigh-high stockings that ended in shimmering all white boots.

If it wasn't for the way she wore her hair, Kallen probably wouldn't have even remembered the woman, but again, it was the yearly physical which had left a mark on her. Kallen wondered if she was that thorough with all the students or if she had given her "special" attention. If she was just another "patient" to Villetta, and that was her standard operating procedure, then the other girls in the school obviously kept this fact to themselves. Still, the way this nurse behaved was far too invasive and Kallen personally believed that the woman's thoroughness would probably land her in a jail cell one day if she pissed off the wrong Noblemen's child. Still, despite that odd experience, Kallen hoped that the woman would come to the proper conclusion that she was faking since her future pretty much rested in this overly "hands on" nurse's hands.

"But Nurse Nu! Kallen's diaper is drooping and needs a change!" Milly fired back, as if challenging the woman's words.

Villetta's white heeled boots clacked against the tile as she stepped forward and took a knee. Kallen watched in stunned silence as the older woman reached out to her skirt, shimmied it up and squeezed the padding of her disposable diaper in between her fingers without even asking her for permission to do so. The room remained quiet save for the occasional crinkling sound that came from Villetta probing the plastic shell.

"It's possible that Kallen's mom put her into diapers last night and never changed them. Such a scenario would easily explain why her diaper is this saturated since she wouldn't be allowed to use the toilet. Villetta explained to both girls as she pinched the padding. "However, some naughty girls like to play with themselves at inappropriate times in inappropriate places which would explain why her diaper is drooping. We will see if Mrs. Stadtfeld is correct in her assumption that Kallen has the dreaded Ejaculation Disease."

Milly remained silent, seemingly satisfied with Villetta's explanation as the nurse finished fiddling with Kallen's diaper and stood up.

"Umm, Nurse Nu?"

"You can call me Villetta, Kallen."

"Villetta? Why is Milly still here?" Kallen asked, shooting the blonde an awkward glance.

"Milly is your 'student caretaker' and will be assigned to you if you do indeed have the Ejaculation Illness." Villetta answered, much to Kallen's dismay.

"But what if I don't have the disease?!" The young woman asked, genuinely trying to get Villetta to make Milly leave the room.

"If you don't have the disease then Milly isn't going to be telling anyone what she saw here today. That being said, she has every right to be here since she will effectively be your caretaker while on campus if you do exhibit any symptoms of the disease." Villetta replied as she placed her hand onto Kallen's hand. "Now we need to perform a little test to see if you're mother is right."

Kallen was pulled away from Milly as the school nurse led her through a door to an adjacent room, secluded from the main nurse's office where a lone padded table stood in the center of the room. Along the wall was a cabinet with a sink underneath it; everything looked normal. Still, Kallen was beginning to feel uneasy as she stopped in front of the exam table.

"Please hop up onto the exam table and get comfortable, Kallen." Villetta ordered as she walked over to the small sink and began to wash her hands.

Kallen turned around, facing away from the table and grabbed the sides of the padded surface. She took a breath and pushed herself up onto the exam table, hovering above it for a second before plopping down onto the vinyl covered surface with an audible squelch. She could feel her palms becoming sweaty as her bare naked thighs rested on the cold padded tabletop. The humidity coming from the interior of her diaper was quite a contrast to the cool, sterile air of the small room.

By the time Kallen was situated on the table, Villetta had finished washing her hands and was grabbing two latex gloves from a dispenser on the wall. She slipped the gloves over her hands and turned around to face Kallen who was wondering why Villetta needed gloves. In the blink of an eye, and without any warning, Villetta reached out with her left hand and flipped up Kallen's skirt without asking.

"When was your last orgasm?" Villetta asked as she stuck her glove-covered right hand inside of Kallen's diaper.

"Uhh-" Kallen didn't exactly want to divulge such intimate and embarrassing information with Milly standing just feet away in the frame of the door.

Villetta remained quiet as her wrist and lower forearm disappeared behind the waistband of Kallen's diaper. Even through the medical gloves she could feel her fingers slip across the slick skin of Kallen's freshly shaved pubic mound. She didn't even need to see the area to know that Kallen had been very naughty quite recently due to the sheer amount of feminine fluids covering her crotch.

"Was it an hour ago?" Villetta asked, twisting her arm around slightly until she could slide her index finger into Kallen's pussy which was dripping wet with more than just pee.

Kallen moaned when Villetta began pressing on her clitoris. "Be honest with me, and don't lie, because I'm going to take this diaper off and see exactly what you've done to it."

"I came before I left my house, but it wasn't my fault!" Kallen found herself on the defensive as the nurse pulled her cum covered hand from the confines of the saturated diaper.

"I see." Villetta replied as she rubbed her index finger and thumb together, observing the viscosity of the girl's discharge.

"I know how it looks, but I don't normally cum like this!" Kallen exclaimed, worried that she had already been doomed to diapers due to the vibrator induced orgasm. "Just do the test and you'll see that I don't have any illnesses!"

"I'm going to do the test, but at this stage in your development," Villetta paused to examine the sticky substance between her fingers before resuming, "it's only going to show me how far along the illness has progressed." Villetta answered as she leaned forward and tried to reach for the sides of Kallen's diaper.

Kallen immediately jerked back and away from Villetta's hands, causing her diaper to crinkle as it slid across the top of the vinyl covered exam table.

"What are you doing?!" Kallen shrieked as her hands covered the front of her diaper.

"I'm going to need you to sit still while I take your diaper off." Villetta explained in a soft voice. "I know that this is a very embarrassing situation, but I need to continue my examination and start administering the test."

Kallen nodded her head sheepishly and inched her diapered butt forward. She had never felt this nervous before about anything in her life, but she knew that this whole exam had the potential to ruin her life. If the nurse actually believed that she was randomly cumming she would diagnose her with the Ejaculation illness!

Milly stood ever silent in the doorframe, waiting for Villetta to remove Kallen's diaper to administer the test. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever expect to watch her shy friend getting her diaper removed. As the seconds passed by in a painfully slow pace, the young blonde tried to hide her excitement as the last tape was ripped, causing the saturation disposable to fall forward under its own weight, exposing Kallen's glistening womanhood.

"It looks like you've been quite busy this morning, sweetie." Villetta cooed after glancing at the sticky interior of Kallen's disposable.

"That's not my fault!" Kallen cried out in desperation. "I used a v-"

Villetta's sticky glove-covered finger pressed against Kallen's mouth, forcing the young woman to stop in mid sentence. "I don't want to hear any excuses, young lady. My job is to see just how sick you are and I need you to remain calm and quiet when I start rubbing you."

"Now, I'm going to insert my fingers into your vagina and gently manipulate your clitoris until you release an emission." Villetta's voice remained calm and professional as she stuck her index finger back into Kallen's tight folds.

"But how does making me cum prove to you that I don't have the Ejaculation sickness?!" Kallen demanded, trying to remain in control, as the nurse slowly pushed forward into her pussy.

"A normal woman will not experience an orgasm immediately." Villetta replied. "If it takes you five minutes to cum then you probably don't have the disease."

"Then why did she already cum in her diaper?" The familiar voice of the blonde asked with a slight hint of annoyance in her voice from her position by the door.

"Well, that might indicate that Kallen gets excited by wearing a diaper." Villetta said, trying to suppress her chuckling.

"Are you kidding me?!" Kallen blurted out in disgust. "I don't get off on wearing diapers!"

"So, you just orgasmed for no reason at all?" Villetta smirked.

"No, but-" Kallen quit talking, opting to remain quiet, not wanting to confirm the nurse's suspicions that she was cumming randomly without any real reason.

The "test" started with Villetta exploring the areas underneath her blouse. It didn't make any sense to Kallen why Villetta's hands were exploring every inch of her chest. She felt the other woman's hands cup her large bra covered breasts before they moved onto playfully pinching her nipples through the fabric; It felt less like a legitimate test and more like Villetta was sexually groping her body.

Finally Villetta's right hand wandered down from her breasts and over Kallen's tight tummy until it was between the younger woman's legs. She immediately slipped her index and ring finger into the magenta haired woman's tight, glistening womanhood causing her to moan. The young member of the Black Knights had successfully fought off the urge to moan until Villetta's fingers breached her lower lips and started manipulating her most sensitive organ.

Milly glanced away from Villetta fingering her friend and searched for the remote control to Kallen's vibrator inside the woman's purse. It only took a few seconds for the student council president to find the small device nestled between a makeup mirror and the girl's cell phone. The blonde had long suspected that her quiet friend had been relying on a special toy to achieve more frequent orgasms. It made sense from what she knew about Ejaculation sufferers who were still smart enough to figure out that a wireless vibrator could aid their masturbatorial mischief. These poor souls regularly made use of such things to fulfill their insatiable hunger to orgasm until they no longer were mentally capable of operating the little remotes. Milly grinned, she was finally going to give Kallen exactly what she wanted.

"Ughh, ahhh!" Kallen exclaimed, heavily breathing once the vibrator lodged deep within her tight tunnel came to life. "Oh, my God!"

The sudden jolt of movement coming from Kallen's pussy was almost enough to make Villetta pull her fingers out from the girl's quivering mound. At first, the rapid twitching had initially taken her by surprise until she realized that Kallen most likely had a vibrating egg up her cunt. Kallen wasn't exactly the first student who resorted to using such shortcuts and she wouldn't be the last. Villetta looked into Kallen's startled eyes and smiled at the crafty girl. "It'll take less than a minute, sweetie. I promise that I'll make you feel really good."

Real fear flashed in Kallen's eyes; Villetta could see it, but she just assumed it was the rational part of Kallen's adult personality trying to hold on and deny the inevitable release that was only moments away from happening. Many people cursed with the Ejaculation sickness fought their carnal urges even in the midst of achieving an orgasm; from what Villetta could see, Kallen was one such person who tried to hide her suffering behind lies.

Despite the fact that she was only just getting started with Kallen, she could see that the girl wouldn't be able to last much longer. So Villetta savored each and every gasp and twitch that came from the younger woman who was at her mercy. The symphony of sinful mewls and moans was literally music to her ears as she continued to slide her gloved covered fingers over the slick and sensitive surface of Kallen's oily outer labia. With each minuscule thrust of her fingers, Villetta could feel the walls of Kallen's vagina cling to her fingers before letting go as she repeatedly slid her digits in and out.

Kallen felt a light warmth trickling out of her mound and down the inner portions of her thighs as she struggled to fight back the urge to give in and cum. She knew that she had to hold out as long as possible to prove that she didn't have the disease. All she had to do was last at least five minutes, but with each passing moment, she knew that the odds of her achieving such a feat were growing more and more impossible. Her body was starting to act on it's own as she found herself gyrating her hips into Nurse Villetta's hand, writhing and wriggling atop the padded table like a whore in heat. Kallen let out an involuntary moan and gripped the sides of the table tightly as she tried to focus on anything but what was happening in between her legs.

"Is the big baby about to make cummies for me?" Villetta smirked as she kept pushing her fingers into Kallen.

The condescending tone that delivered the insulting sentence from Villetta's mouth had bought her a few seconds, but ultimately Kallen's efforts at delaying her release was all in vain. Kallen realized this as she felt her entire body spasm and her vagina began contracting uncontrollably around the fingers plunged into her. She clenched down on the edge of the table with both hands, arching her back before she screamed at the ceiling of the nurse's office with reckless abandon. With little warning, two powerful jets of something she had never seen before erupted out of her pussy, forked by Nurse Villetta's hand into two separate bursts of fluid.

"Woah!" Milly exclaimed from where she stood. "What just happened?!"

"She just squirted." Villetta replied nonchalantly as she stood up and grabbed a handful of baby wipes to clean the front of her vest.

Milly stared at Kallen in awe. The young woman sitting on the examination table in front of her was slightly drooling on herself as her ejaculate pooled into
the open diaper underneath her. If Milly didn't know any better, she would've assumed that Kallen had cum so hard that she gave herself brain damage.

"Is she going to be alright?" The blonde asked, genuinely concerned for her friend's wellbeing.

"She'll be fine. This is a rather normal reaction in patients who are at a more advanced stage of the disease." Villetta explained as she repositioned Kallen's body until she was lying on her back. "How long has she been cumming in class?"

"A couple weeks, but it was never anything like this." Milly observed.

"That's because this was her first true stage two ejaculation." Villetta answered before continuing, "I have seen enough worried young women come to me in the first stage of the disease with wet and sticky panties, but obviously Kallen has been trying to hide her ailment for quite some time if this is how she reacts to a few fingers manually stimulating her."

Subconsciously, Kallen feared that she had lost control and urinated all over Villetta, thus proving that she not only had the illness, but needed diapers. However, upon hearing that this was a normal response to achieving an orgasm for an advanced Ejaculation sufferer, Kallen couldn't help but feel panic wash over her as she laid there on the table, naked from the waist down. 'Does this mean that I will always have to wear diapers?! Maybe there's a cure for this or maybe some medication I can take?'

"Let's get you into a nice fresh diaper and then off to class!" Villetta cooed down at Kallen.

Kallen's face flushed with shame as laid on the table, awaiting her new diaper, with hands clutching her chest. She didn't dare make eye contact with Villetta or even look towards Milly.

"It's perfectly natural for the fleeting pieces of your big girl personality to feel ashamed or embarrassed for cumming in front of other people, but this will gradually fade away in time." Villetta explained upon observing Kallen's dismayed expression.

Not wanting to even acknowledge what the school nurse was saying, Kallen looked past her legs at Milly who was now standing even closer to the table. A loud crinkling sound, close to her ear, drew Kallen's attention to her side. She turned her head slightly to face Villetta and that's when she spotted the bulky white rectangle that she held between her fingers. The incredibly thick garment actually grew in size as Kallen watched Villetta unfold the disposable diaper until it was a giant hourglass. It looked even bigger than the diaper she had worn to school!

While trying to process what was happening to her, Kallen felt the nurse grab her by the ankles and hoist her legs up off of the table. With her butt slightly elevated, she watched past her raised legs as Villetta held her legs with her left hand and laid the diaper out underneath her ass on top of the exam table with her right hand.

"I dun need diapurs!" Even as she struggled to voice her objections to Villetta's diagnosis the nurse ignored her gibbering nonsense and started wiping her sticky sex.

Here she was; one of the best nightmare pilots in the world who had numerous kills to her name was laying on a table with her legs being held up like a two year old while a school nurse prepared her for a thick diaper. The sheer magnitude of the situation suddenly became apparent to the eighteen year old who had gotten herself into this mess. It was literally all her fault and now there was no way for her to get out of this craziness. At that moment, the fierce fighter wanted nothing more than to be able to crawl into a hole and die.

A weak grunt escaped from Kallen's throat as the cold lotion that covered the tip of Villetta's gloved finger made contact with her asshole. Villetta grinned upon seeing Kallen's reaction and continued to work her fingers around the surface of Kallen's ass, swirling the white lubricant around the rim of her asshole. "This rash cream will prevent widdle Kallen from getting any icky rashes."

"I don't need diaper rash cream!" Kallen cried out in anger, momentarily surprised by her ability to articulately voice her outrage.

"Kallen, please stop pretending that there's nothing wrong with you." Villetta paused for a moment to grab a canister of baby powder from underneath the examination table. "I've never had anyone react the way you did and then try to act like they're perfect normal. You squirted all over my chest with very little stimulation; that's not normal." Villetta observed.

Before Kallen could even respond she felt Villetta's gloved hands touch her lower abdomen as she started rubbing the talcum powder into her crotch. The scent was so powerful and pervasive. It seemed like it was consuming her. A loud crinkling sound signalled to Kallen that the diaper was being pulled up and over her freshly powdered crotch and, with expert hands, Villetta easily tapped both sides until the diaper was tightly sealed.

"But you don't understand!" Kallen exclaimed, tired of being dismissed by Villetta and Miley. "I don't have the Ejaculation sickness! I used a vibra-"

Kallen's voice was instantly silenced as Villetta pushed something into her open mouth. The young woman shook her head, trying to force the unknown intruder from her mouth, but Villetta held it in place by pulling both latex straps around her head before locking the two straps together. The only thing worse than being silenced was how the rubber bulb filled her mouth and stretched her jaw. Kallen couldn't even scream since any sound she made was muffled greatly by the oversized nipple.

Villetta smiled a sadistic smile as she observed Kallen. "I'm sorry, baby, but I can't have you yelling and screaming like that on campus."

"How long should I keep the pacifier in her mouth?" Milly asked as she stepped closer to Kallen and Villetta.

"Ultimately, that is up to her. If she is behaving like a good girl and understands that it will be reinserted into her mouth when she misbehaves then you can remove it." Villetta explained. "These gags are primarily used to muffle the moaning and screaming that people with Ejaculation sickness often do when cumming, but they work just as well at silencing an angry girl like Kallen."

Milly nodded and reached out to take her friend by the hand when the nurse stopped her.

"Wait a minute. I need to subdue her hands or else she's going to be playing with herself all day long." Villetta stated as she bent over and started digging around underneath the examination table turned impromptu changing table.

Kallen could only wonder what fresh hell would be bestowed upon her when Villetta stood up holding a pair of large, pink mittens in her hands. 'If I wear those things I won't be able to hold anything!'

Despite knowing that she couldn't do anything with her hands if they were encased in those gaudy looking baby gloves, Kallen had no choice but to submit and allow Villetta to put her hands into the mittens. Each hand was immediately forced into a fist the moment they entered into the small, enclosed space within the mittens. As much as she wanted to kick Villetta and escape from the nurse's office, Kallen knew better than to blow her cover by revealing her physical capabilities. She simply bit down on the rubber teat in her mouth and allowed the nurse to finish securing the mittens to her wrists. Once finished Kallen lifted each one up, inspecting them briefly before becoming upset by how much the mittens handicapped her; she couldn't even feel Milly's hand when the girl grabbed her.

"Now you two should get to class and remember to change her diaper if it gets any wetter." Villetta instructed as Milly pulled a waddling Kallen out of the small room.

"Don't worry! I will!" Milly called out to the woman before tugging Kallen out into the hallway.

Villeta stood alone in her office, smiling as the two eighteen year olds exited through the door. 'Kallen is already making a lot of progress on her own, but I'm going to love helping her reach the final stage.'

To Be Continued...

(Please like or comment if you enjoyed this chapter. Feedback of any kind is always greatly appreciated and helps me understand what you want to read more of.)




Holy hell this came out brilliant. I love the clinical detachment villeta is showing and how it's progressing


You can make a Comission of Mamako Oosuki, Kazuno (Hack Form) & Medhimama from Okasan Online. I can pay you because im live in Latinoamerica and already paying patreon is too expensive. But you can make it in petition form?


Umm, I understood roughly half of what you said. I don't actually draw art; I'm a writer. However, I do commission art for some of my stories if my client wants that as an added bonus. Secondly, I would love to make different tiers that are region specific for Eastern Europe, Latin America and places that don't have a very strong currency, but Patreon doesn't allow me to do that.


As always I aim to please. Took a bit of time making sure everyone was acting "properly" in regards to what you wanted and how they might behave in the context of the show. Ultimately, I'm very happy with how this chapter came together. Thank you for commissioning me!


I loved this chapter.