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The zipcraft came to a stop which caused Hilda to look up from the confines of her oversized carseat. If she had to guess, it looked like they had pulled up in front of the city's police station. Hilda couldn't read the writing on the building, but the insignia that adorned the top of the doorway looked identical to the emblem on the badge that the police woman wore on the sleeve of her shoulder. Speaking of the police woman, she had opened the back door of her cruiser and was reaching in to unbuckle Hilda from her carseat. The one eyed outlaw allowed the giant alien to finish undoing the straps and to scoop her up. Within seconds Hilda found herself placed on the much larger woman's hip. 

From her perch on the Thuyorian's hip she watched her diapered lover snore softly as the officer started unbuckling the straps which held the snoozing woman in the carseat. It seemed Aisha had passed out sometime along the way to the station based on the amount of drool that trickled down her chin as she gently snored. The police woman worked more slowly with Aisha, gently undoing the straps, obviously doing her best not to wake the sleeping Ctarl-Ctarl. Hilda didn't know if the giant did this to avoid angering the snoring warrior, and thus avoiding a fight, or if it was due to some kind of maternal instinct that this particular woman had for the much smaller galactic travelers. Ultimately, it could've been both, Hilda realized, but deep down she hoped it was the former due to the fact that the Ctarl-Ctarl were feared across the universe for their ability to transform into beautiful beasts capable of ripping their foes apart. 

However, as soon as they were both carried into the precinct on the woman's hips, Hilda realized that the woman was obviously treating them like they were infants. She cooed at them and made gently rocking motions as she walked up the stairs which only served to remind Hilda about the fact that her diaper was still dirty. Things only got worse once the giant alien entered the building and brought them into the reception area. Hilda immediately buried her face in the giant police officer's bosom the moment all the other female officers in the lobby noticed the latest "catch" their coworker had brought into the station. The other Thuyorian officers quickly gathered around their fellow officer, showering questions upon the woman while intermittently cooing and fawning over the two diapered delinquents.

It wasn’t Hilda's first time being arrested and taken into custody, but it was the first time she had ever been carried into a police station while wearing a diaper. That mixed with the "warm" reception she was getting, on top of the fact she was wearing a very dirty diaper, caused her to bury her face deeper into the officer's breasts, trying to drown out the babyish voices that were bombarding her ears. In her mind, this was the most degrading experience she had ever had to endure. Here she was; a ruthless outlaw, and the cops were treating her and Aisha like they were oversized babies in need of a bottle and a new diaper. 

As Hilda hid her face, she noticed the perfume that the officer wore was very fragrant and sweet, it helped take her mind off of things until she felt the officer holding her begin to move again. The diapered outlaw had no idea where the Thuyorian was carrying her, but the baby talk had died down as they walked away. Suddenly, they stopped and the hiss of an airlock told her that they were entering a new room.

"What do we have here?" A new voice asked.

Hilda peeked out from the flesh of the officer holding her and saw a Thuyorian with dark blue bangs that stopped just above her eyes and a pair of antlers protruding from her thick hair. She was standing behind a partition, but that wasn't what shocked her; the numerous locking pacifiers, paddles and other behaviour modifying tools hanging from the wall behind the woman did. 

"I found these two in the park after a report came in about a Terran and a Ctarl-Ctarl who were trying to smuggle stolen technology off world." The arresting officer explained to her fellow Thuyorian.

"That's horrible. These little ladies will be held prisoner for the rest of their lives in the deepest, darkest dungeon if this is true." The dark blue haired Thuyorian feigned sadness while trying not to smile.

"Life in prison for smuggling a few telecommunicators?!" Hilda exclaimed.

"Our technology is nothing that little Terrans like you and that cute Ctarl-Ctarl should be playing with. We respect your trade secrets and you should've respected ours." The officer with the white hair replied. 

"Chi-Naku is right." The woman behind the partition spoke up. "Most misbehaving tourists spend a week or two in these cages and are released after getting spanked every day during their stay." The blue haired Thuyorian explained while retrieving a paddle from the wall. 

Hilda shivered slightly. She hadn't even been sentenced and they already were talking about spanking her. Compared to being imprisoned for life, a spanking was nothing, but if she was going to be locked up for the rest of her days then her sense of pride would hold up a lot better without being paddled like a naughty child. Hilda peeked her head past the officer's breasts and gazed at Aisha, who was still drooling. She couldn't help but think that the slumbering Ctarl-Ctarl would probably get off on being spanked like a misbehaving child. It was with this thought in mind that Hilda started forming a plan. 

"R-lel Neza, you're going to scare the poor little Terran. I can feel her shivering in my arms." Chi-Naku chuckled. 

Hilda decided to speak up and try to barter with these weird women. "How about you keep us here and spank us every day until you feel like we learned our lesson?"

Suddenly, Hilda felt both women staring at her. If nothing else, her suggestion got both women to stop talking. Not a sound was made as both Thuyorians thought over her proposal. After roughly a minute, the woman holding the paddle brought the sturdy board against her hand, creating a piercing slap that shattered the silence in the room before she spoke.

"That's what we do to naughty tourists who consume too much alcohol and make fools of themselves. You two knew what you were doing and our laws state that such offenses warrant that you both may never leave our planet under your own sovereignty." The Thuyorian named R-lel Neza proclaimed in a firm tone.

"That is true, but if this little Terran really wants a spanking then maybe we can have some fun before you call Captain Ahine down here." The officer holding Hilda winked to her compatriot.

"I like the way you think." R-lel Neza grinned as she made her way through the doorway that stood next to the partition while brandishing the paddle.

"No!" Hilda cried out. "If we're going to get locked up in some dungeon then you have no right to spank us!"

"This is the punishment you personally asked for and it is perfectly legal to punish you in this manner. You obviously didn't pay attention to what I said a moment ago; this is all in accordance with the laws that govern detained criminals." The blue haired Thuyorian grinned as she stepped closer with the paddle.

"But-" Hilda paused, not wanting to admit that she was in a poopy pamper. "You can't spank me because I'm in a dirty diaper."

"She has a point and I don't do dirty diapers." Chi-Naku sighed as she gently lowered Hilda into the cage made of steel bars. "At least we still have the Ctarl-Ctarl to play with."

"Are you sure that is wise?" R-lel Neza asked, pointing at the sleeping Ctarl-Ctarl on the Chi-Naku's hip with her paddle. "I heard the Ctarl-Ctarl can transform into wild animals when provoked."

The one eyed outlaw realized how she could buy herself and Aisha some time. As the giant alien closed the top of the cage, the diapered woman shouted up at the white haired woman holding Aisha.

"That Ctarl-Ctarl is very unstable!" Hilda exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" The Thuyorian holding Aisha asked, gazing down at the sleeping Ctarl-Ctarl curiously. 

"Don't you recognize her? She was one of the Ctarl-Ctarl who destroyed the stadium that housed the Universal Strongman Tournament!" Hilda explained. 

"Chi-Naku!" The Thuyorian with antlers called out to her fellow officer. "She's telling the truth! I saw her battling another Ctarl-Ctarl on top of the stadium a year ago on television!"

A loud snore alerted the woman holding Aisha that the sleeping Ctarl-Ctarl had almost been awakened by their shouting.

"I'm going to put her in with her little Terran friend." The white haired Thuyorian said in a voice just above a whisper. "There, that should keep her happy."

"Good." R-lel Neza said before putting the paddle back up on the wall. "You keep an eye on those two, I'm going to call Captain Ahine and let her know about these two." 

The one eyed outlaw watched the woman who had arrested them stare right back at her. She couldn't help but break the stare as the stench coming from the back of her diaper renewed its assault on her nose. It was so putrid it made the outlaw grimace as she wished she could be closer to the strong perfume that Chi-Naku wore; it had helped mask the smell, but now she didn't have anything to eradicate the foul scent wafting all around her. Hilda was literally trapped in the cage and couldn't get away from her own horrible stench! Not thinking about the height of the cage, she quickly stood up and bumped her head against the top bars of the infantile cell. 

"Fuck." Hilda muttered to herself as she took a knee and rubbed the back of her head.

Aisha's ears twitched upon hearing what sounded like a skull making contact with a metal bar. The Ctarl-Ctarl immediately opened her eyes and noticed that Hilda was crouched in front of her, taking a knee in front of a series of bars. It looked like they were in some kind of cage of some sort, but the fact that there was a padded pink floor and a stuffed alien animal in the corner only served to confuse the Ctarl-Ctarl about the purpose of the structure that they were sitting in. If Aisha didn't know any better, it looked kind of like a fortified playpen made for large babies. 

"Can you change me or something?" Hilda asked in an annoyed tone from behind the bars. "This thing stinks!"

"I'm not paid enough to change dirty diapers. Sorry." Chi-Naku replied with a smirk. "That's more the Captain's thing and she'll be here in a few minutes."

While the giant was talking with Hilda, Aisha felt a sudden pressure coming from her midsection. She remained calm and focused on relieving herself. It took a moment, but a hot jet of pee spurted from her lower lips, coating her crotch in the warm fluids of her bladder. She could feel the front of her diaper growing wet as another stream of pee blasted her diaper, causing her crotch to become soaked. The diaper was starting to grow heavy as the pulp within reached its capacity and forced the continuing torrent of urine to rush down and into the sides of her diaper. The hot urine was invading every crevice of her diaper leaving no spot dry as the front of her once white diaper started turning yellow. Aisha could feel the wetness seeping up around her butt, but didn't mind the feeling; it actually felt nice.

Suddenly, Aisha felt a much more foreboding pressure coming from her anus as something firm pushed its way out from her ass. Her face burnt brightly as she bore down and pushed the mass into the seat of her already soaked diaper. It tented the seat of her pampers out slightly as the Ctarl-Ctarl adjusted herself into a crouched pose. A pained sigh escaped from Aisha's mouth as a second, much longer log slid out from her tight hole. Almost immediately she could feel the warm pile of poop pressing against her ass, forced by the diaper to expand greatly from its original shape. It smelt absolutely abhorrent and the fact that it was being cradled against her skin made Aisha's body tingle. The first time had felt gross, but this time was different; the young Ctarl-Ctarl was being held in a cage and pooping next to her lover. Needless to say, she had never felt such an exhilarating experience in all of her life.

A powerful miasma of digested food emanated from the back of Aisha's diaper, causing both Thuyorians, and Hilda, to cover their noses. The woman with antlers standing behind the partition kept her nose pinched in disgust as she looked over at the two detained women. Even Hilda had a shocked expression on her face due to the potency of the sickening smell coming from her lover as the Ctarl-Ctarl stood behind her.

"Ewww, did the Ctarl-Ctarl poop her diaper too?" Chi-Naku asked in a grossed out tone, pointing at Aisha with her left hand as she pinched her nose with her right hand. 

"Aisha couldn't help herself." The Ctarl-Ctarl blushed.

"Ugh, I can't believe it!" R-lel Neza exclaimed, fanning her face as she stood in her closed off area, her partition doing nothing to block the foul odor. "Of course the Ctarl-Ctarl would shit her Huggies while we're stuck here watching you two!"

"There's a simple solution to your problem." Hilda replied as she held her nose shut. 

"Yeah, I'm not about to risk my life to deal with that biohazard." Chi-Naku replied as she left the room. 

"Chi-Naku!?" The Thuyorian with blue hair and antlers called after her coworker. "Just where do you think you're going?!"

"What's up with her?" Aisha asked, completely oblivious to the smell permeating the air from her pamper.

"Oh, I don't know." Hilda replied in a sarcastic tone, "I could be wrong, but maybe it has something to do with the massive load in the back of your diaper."

"Are you trying to say that Aisha smells bad?" The Ctarl-Ctarl wondered aloud. 

"You definitely don't smell like a field of flowers right now." The one eyed outlaw scowled.

"You're one to talk! Your diaper is just as dirty as mine!" The Ctarl-Ctarl whined.

"Aisha, this is no longer a game. We're prisoners on this strange planet!" Hilda exclaimed, losing her patience. 

"Relax, Hilda. You act like you've never been behind bars before." Aisha stretched her arms and yawned.

"I've never been behind the bars of a giant playpen!" Hilda screeched.

"Yeah, this is new for me too, but you got to admit that it's kind of hot." The Ctarl Ctarl giggled.

"I don't see anything 'hot' about this situation at all." Hilda growled. "Maybe you might get off by having your diapered mugshot seen by every police department in the universe, but I don't want any pictures of me in pampers being released to the authorities!"

The two diapered criminals sat in silence for an awkward period of time. Even R-lel Neza kept quiet despite the smell. It wasn't every day she got to watch an intergalactic lover's quarrel in person. It may have been two or three minutes or maybe it was ten minutes, but Aisha finally broke the silence. 

"You're just jealous that Aisha makes this diaper look good." The Ctarl-Ctarl winked as she tried to cheer up Hilda by striking a pose in the limited space of the cage.

Hilda sighed, no longer wanting to argue with her lover. "Look, I'm not mad at you, but these crazy aliens said we will probably end up in some dungeon for the rest of our lives because we tried to steal their trade secrets!"

"When did they say that?!" 

"While you were snoring and drooling on yourself." Hilda replied. 

"Aisha obviously needed her beauty sleep." The Ctarl-Ctarl said, folding her arms over her exposed chest.

"Even in that dirty diaper you couldn't be anymore beautiful to me." Hilda smiled. 

Before Aisha could say anything, the seal to the airlock was released creating a slight hissing sound as the door raised into the air. Both women turned to face the now opened door and saw the familiar face of the arresting officer who was talking to another Thyurorain as they both walked into the room. The officer and her superior were talking about Hilda and Aisha like they weren't even in the room.

"So, these are the two criminals I arrested in the park." Chi-Naku stated, gesturing towards the cage before continuing, "I caught them red handed with the electronics and neither one had a permit to own them."

The peach-colored Thyorian took a step away from Chi-Naku towards the two criminals. "I confirmed as much with the Intelligence Agency."

"The Terran claimed that she was acting as an intermediary for the Ctarl-Ctarl who is supposedly representing the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire, but once again they lacked any papers or digital documents proving such claims." Chi-Naku explained. 

"I would've been notified by the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire if one of their diplomats was on the planet. So, I looked a little deeper into this little kitty's past and it seems that the Ctarl-Ctarl is named Aisha Clan-Clan, a troubled woman who has been regularly punished for bumbling her assignments."

"So what about the Terran?"Chi-Naku asked. "The shopkeeper who tipped us off to their activities said she seemed to be the one calling the shots." 

"I haven't been able to find anything out about the Terran. If she was a highly sought after outlaw, the Intelligence Agency would have relied that information to me." The white haired Thuyorian stated in a neutral tone before leaning over the cage,looking directly into Aisha's eyes. "I think these two naughty little girls have been fibbing."

Chi-Naku was instantly taken aback by the abrupt change in her commanding officer's tone. She literally went from a neutral, professional tone straight into speaking baby talk in a voice best reserved for a toddler. The Thuyorian simply stood there for an awkward moment that seemed to last forever as their superior continued to babble at the two criminals before she stood up and turned around to face her.

"I think it would be for the best if these two were placed into my custody." Her tone shifted once more from the frenzied baby babble into a maternal voice which caught everyone's attention.

"But Captain Ahine!" R-lel Neza exclaimed, staring at her superior through the partition. "I hate to repeat what Chi-Naku already said, but they were caught red handed with the technology and admitted to the shopkeeper that they intended to take our secrets off world!"

The diapered outlaw watched in disbelief as the Thyurorain with antlers started to argue with the white haired woman. However, the Captain shushed her and started to make her case to the woman with the antlers.

"We could very easily and happily throw them into the dungeon for the rest of time, but this is the Terran's first offense. I also looked over the report sent over on the Ctarl-Ctarl and she isn't even a hardened criminal. Her worst offense was a bar fight on the Saurian homeworld where she knocked out a few members of the Dragonite clan before being apprehended by the police." Captain Ahine explained.

"I think I know what this is really about, Captain; you're feeling baby crazy again, aren't you?" R-lel Neza smirked.

For the first time since meeting the white haired Thuyorian, Hilda saw her blush due to what R-lel Neza had insinuated. 

"I'm not baby crazy!" Captain Ahine blurted out. "I just think it's a bit cruel to imprison them for life in a dark hole in the ground."

"I suppose being imprisoned for life is a bit much for trying to take a few communicators off world." Chi-Naku conceded.

"In my custody they can be rehabilitated and molded into proper little girls. I will ensure that there will be no more adventuring around for these little ones while they're under my watchful eye." The Captain looked down at Aisha and Hilda upon finishing her statement. 

"You don't have to convince me of anything, Captain." R-lel Neza replied with a sly grin. "You're the daughter of the woman who runs the Security Council so you only need her blessing to adopt them." 

"Who do you think I was talking to while I was in my office?" Captain Ahine grinned. 

"I should've known." Chi-Naku chuckled.

"So, let me guess, you're adopting these little ladies?" R-lel Neza smiled.

"You bet I am! I'm going to be a mommy!" The white haired Thuyorian announced.

"The jokes on you, lady. I'm totally into that!" The cat girl laughed from behind the bars of the cage, causing Hilda and the two Thuyorians to join in.

It seemed that the diapered Ctarl-ctarl was getting her wish, but even as the laughter died down in Hilda's throat, she wondered if this was what she wanted. Of course, this was preferable to being imprisoned in a dank, dark dungeon for the rest of her life, but she always saw herself as the dominant in any relationship she entered into. Could she really be this alien's baby?

To Be Continued…




Another amazing chapter


Thank you, I wanted it to be perfect and I'm happy to see that you're pleased with the outcome.