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(A little something to celebrate Mother's day and the release of Resident Evil 8. I hope you enjoy and, if you do enjoy it, please leave a like or a comment!)

Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, one of the four Lords of a rural region at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains, stood over her three daughters as they played in the wide open parlor. The sounds of childish laughter echoed throughout the halls as the enormous mother took a long sip from her glass of fresh man blood. It was her favorite room in the castle and one of the few areas that was carpeted which allowed the trio of blood thirsty little ladies to crawl around underneath her watchful gaze without hurting their knees. Speaking of her daughters, each young woman was on all fours, their bodies covered in tight footed sleepers which kept them warm but did nothing to hide the outlines of their bulging cloth diapers. Despite the absurdity of the scene, the three women were more than happy to play at the feet of their massive mother. 

One would never expect such a sight as this, but this was one of the secrets that Lady Dimitrescu hid in the confines of her colossal castle. Bound by blood and the Cadou, the lives of the four women were forever entwined with one another. The girls adored their "mother" just as much as the tall woman adored her triplets. They allowed the enormous woman to watch over them, wash them, feed them and to ultimately change their dirty diapers. 

In learning this fact, one must ask a simple question; why did these women indulge their mother in such a fashion? 

The answer is both a long and bittersweet one.

Lady Dimitrescu had been sought out by a scientist in the years following the war to be a part of an experimental procedure that would help the scientist bring back her own lost daughter. The experiment should have killed her, but she had seemingly gained immortality while somehow managing to grow to the impressive height of nine feet and six inches. However, in a cruel twist of fate, the lady of the castle had been rendered infertile and would never be able to bare children. All she wanted to do was help a soul who had lost a child and, in the aftermath of the experiment, she had lost the ability to truly be a mother in that facility beneath the Carpathians. On top of that, a hereditary disease that had plagued her throughout her life had advanced considerably as well due to the experiment. Forever cursed by the procedure, Lady Dimitrescu had retired to her castle all those years ago to wait out her death in solitude.

 Upon hearing this news, the scientist decided to grant the enormous woman a gift; children. Three daughters were bestowed upon the noblewoman and were meant to fill the void in Lady Dimitrescu's heart. Now, this was greatly appreciated by the massive woman who felt that it was only fair since the experiment she had undergone was an attempt to find the perfect vessel to bring back the scientist's own long lost daughter. Still, it wasn't quite what the noblewoman had envisioned when she thought of the word "motherhood."

It would be safe to say that the aftermath of the experiment had driven the noblewoman partially insane; the sight of three grown women crawling around in dirty diapers said as much, but she wanted to experience all the joys of motherhood. Having three adult daughters was nice, but it didn't hold a candle to caring for a baby. So, with that in mind, she didn't hold back when she welcomed the trio of twenty something year old women into her castle. They were whisked up to her master bedroom where she held up giant cloth diapers, bonnets and matching sleep sacks. Of course, the adult women were shocked at first, but they were easily manhandled by their enormous new mother.

One by one, Bela, Cassandra and Daniela had been stripped naked, diapered and dressed in their identical bunting bags. It didn't help that they were literally the size of toddlers when compared to their new mother who stood at nine feet and six inches tall and was easily able to overpower them thanks to her increased size and strength. Lady Dimitrescu then deposited Bela and Daniela into two of the three identical bassinets she had lined up on the far side of the room before turning her attention back onto Cassandra, who was squirming around inside of the tight material which kept her from getting onto her feet.

"Look at you, so thin and malnourished. I bet you're hungry and could use some milk." The large woman grinned before scooping up her squirming daughter. 

Cassandra wanted to talk back to the demented woman whom she now shared a bloodline with, but the words never came as she was carried towards the door. With one arm cradling her, Cassandra watched in awe as her giant of a mother ducked down to clear the doorway before she straightened up again to walk down the hallway. Each step created a loud "clack" sound while gently causing Cassandra to bob in her mother's arms. The big, strong arms cradling the young woman merely served to remind her of what was tightly wrapped around her bottom

Lady Dimitrescu carried the much smaller woman while smiling an ear to ear grin. A brief pause to open the door and the large lady of the castle ducked under yet another door frame and entered into a sitting area where a massive rocking chair awaited them. She took her time to gently sit down into the chair while placing her large hand across her daughter's padded bottom. It was the first time she had ever tried to sit with a much smaller woman in her lap, but she was a natural. She had Cassendra's butt resting on her knee while the back of the young woman's body laid against her arm. 

The much smaller woman looked up into her new mother's eyes. Despite her pale skin, Cassandra could see a warmth that burned within; a maternal fire that could never be extinguished. Even though she felt a sudden calm overcome her, Cassandra couldn't ignore the fact that she was laying in the enormous woman's lap, her head resting just underneath Lady Dimitrescu's big breasts. It was a lot to take in and yet, it felt right. Deep down, Cassandra knew that this was the way things were supposed to be. 

With her free hand, she reached behind her and began to unzip her dress. It took a moment for her to loosen up the flowing white dress, but she was finally able to pull the dress forward by gently sliding it down of her shoulders, one arm at a time. While cradling Cassandra, she eased her arms through the straps and pulled the dress down below her swollen breasts as the material of the dress bunched up against Cassendra's swaddled body. The much smaller woman caught sight of the bra her new mother was wearing; a brilliant white satin nursing bra. Two buttons stood out against the material in the center of the bra which allowed flaps to open for easy access. 

Cassandra stared in silent awe as her mother's thumb and index finger unsnapped the button, allowing the flap to be pulled away from the center of her massive chest, revealing the engorged nipple that sprung to attention.

"Drink up, my sweet baby." Lady Dimitrescu encouraged.

Cassandra opened her mouth, but nothing was said. She knew how to speak, but the words never came. It was almost as if she was fighting herself and the side that wanted to be pampered was winning. 

"Don't worry, Cassa." The huge woman smiled down at her daughter. "I'll teach you everything you'll ever need to know, but first; let us start at the beginning."

With that said, the giant of a woman leaned forward in her chair, reached for the smaller woman's head and carefully guided her mouth to the swollen orb.

"Let mama feed you." The large lady of the castle purred. "They are so full and you are so hungry."

Cassandra had to admit that her mother was right. So, she leaned forward ever so slightly and latched onto the protruding nipple. It took a few seconds of suckling before she was rewarded with the sweet tasting milk. Each tug on the nipple caused more jets of mill to spray into her mouth until it was freely flowing down her throat.

"Mmm." Both mother and daughter moaned together in unison. 

Cassandra laid her head back against the crook of Lady Dimitrescu's arm as she closed her eyes, letting her new mother feed her. Slowly but surely, the warm milk lulled her into a deep sleep which was evident when the girl had stopped suckling and started softly snoring.

Lady Dimitrescu carefully moved both her arms underneath her daughter, and rose from the rocking chair. The enormous woman took great care to carry the sleeping woman back into the master bedroom. Slowly, she lowered her baby into the empty bassinet before tucking her in. As she turned to check up on her other daughters, she heard Cassandra mumble something in her sleep. Alcina felt her heart flutter at the sound her daughter made and quickly leaned forward to plant an affectionate kiss atop her head, leaving behind a pair of lips imprinted on the sleeping girl's forehead. 

That day was such an incredible day for Lady Dimitrescu; it was the first day she truly felt alive! She always looked back on that day with such an unmatched fondness. She loved watching over her girls as she did right now and cherished being with them, but there were times when they had to occasionally abandon their joy to procure the precious blood needed to keep themselves alive.

It was both a blessing and a curse. 

She had to drink blood to stave off her hereditary disease, but that too was made into a bonding experience. She would fill baby bottles full of her daughter's favorite "man blood" and give the girls their sustenance. It was a gruesome life, but least she finally knew the love that only a mother could have. 

Silently watching over her daughter's, Lady Dimitrescu takes another sip from her glass of blood, the taste lingers on her tongue as one of her daughter's stands up on wobbling, unsteady feet, trying to take her first steps before falling onto her cloth covered butt. A relieved smile gracing the giant's lips. "It's much too soon for you to learn how to walk, Daniela."

A gunshot just beyond the grounds of the castle caused everyone in the room to look towards the tapestry covering the windows.

"Girls, it seems we have an uninvited visitor." The tall woman stated as the baby toys littering the room vanished into the floor.

"What shall we do, mother?" Bela asked.

"Defend our home, my children." The older woman replied.

"Where are you going?" Daniela wondered out loud as her babyish outfit transformed into a tattered black cloak.

"I'm going to find our guest and, if he is a man, we will drink deeply of his blood." A chuckled punctuated Lady Dimitrescu's statement as she ducked underneath the doorway and headed outside. 

"Man blood! Man blood! Man blood!" A maniacal chant echoed throughout the castle as the girls each vanished into a swarm of flies and flew down separate corridors, ready to defend their home and their mother.

The End



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