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Maya found herself sitting in an oversized playpen, forced to "play" with the blocks laying between her legs as her mechanical captor kept a close eye on her. Even though it wasn't as bad as her time in the corner, she was still bored and fuming over how she had been tricked into doing this job. Yes, after being forced to kneel in that horrible corner for roughly twenty minutes, Maya came to the conclusion that she had been set up. The only question she had was; who? Was it someone she had robbed before? If so, then how had they been able to track her down?

These questions plagued her as she pretended to play with a bunch of toys meant for small children. 

With the back of her hand Maya knocked over her little tower of blocks in a bout of frustration as her guts churned. The footsteps of the nanny approaching made her quickly grab all the wooden blocks and begin to stack the squares on top of one another once again. The last thing she wanted was to end up back in that corner. Being forced to sit in that corner gave her way too much time to focus on her thoughts and lament on how she ended up in this crazy place. It wasn't her idea of a good time, but building the blocks up and rearranging them kept her mind occupied. It also kept her mind off of another problem that had slowly presented itself over the past hour.

Maya growled as she felt the elastic waistband of her diaper pulled slightly away from her back. That damn robot was checking her diaper again! This was probably the fifth or sixth time in God only knew how many minutes. It seemed like the stupid hunk of junk was hellbent on waiting for her to use her diaper, at least, that was the vibe Maya was getting from her robotic warden. It simply wouldn't leave her alone no matter how well she "behaved" and played with the toys.

It was bad enough that she was being harassed by this misguided maternal menace, but the fact that she was going to eventually have to use her diaper was starting to make her realize that she had no way of escaping this place. The robot was stronger than her and seemed to never give her a moment's peace. Another random stomach ache rocked her petite body. Using her diaper was an inevitable outcome if she failed to find a way to escape from this place. Thinking back on her "lunch", it seemed obvious that her food had been spiked with laxatives. Either that or she had been fed some kind of food to promote bowel movements. Ultimately, it didn't matter what she had been forced to eat, it mattered that she kept herself from pooping her diaper like some pathetic baby!

Despite her foul mood, gastric pain, and her ever present guardian, she continued to persevere and play. She had to put on a good show for the demented AI and, maybe after a few hours of behaving, it would leave her alone long enough for her to escape.


Maya's facial expression soured tremendously. She spun around to face her captor and did her best to lie her way out of being in the AI's crosshairs. 

"No!" Maya exclaimed with a bit too much desperation. "I'm fine."

"YOU DON'T LOOK FINE TO ME." The robot replied.

Maya paused for a moment, trying to figure out how to make both herself and this deranged robot happy. It suddenly dawned on her that if the machine was expecting her to make a mess then maybe it would allow her to use the toilet if she asked nicely.

"Could I please use the toilet?" Maya asked, doing her best to sound sweet and polite. 

The petite Asian woman stared up at the A.I. who was looking down at her. Maya could only assume that it was processing her request and she was right. With the new nanny block on its search engine, the AI had a much easier time finding the information it needed, but it was also getting a lot more concentrated results that pertained to its search. It looked like almost every website it found agreed that when a baby expressed a desire to use the toilet that it was time to start potty training them.


Maya winced as the robotic nanny scooped her up from the playpen and carried her over to an area that she hadn't seen before; an area that featured an odd looking chair. As Maya got closer to the bizarre seat she saw that it had a raised back that rose about three feet above a much shorter seat that had a contoured white, plastic rim that went around a hole. 

"That's a baby potty!" Maya shouted in disbelief from her position on the robot's hip.

"SUCH A SMART LITTLE GIRL YOU ARE." The computerized voice cooed. 

"But I wanted to use a toilet!" Maya whined as she was stood over the potty. 

"THIS IS A TOILET." The nanny bot replied and yanked the girl's diaper down to her ankles before forcing Maya to mount the plastic throne.

Maya shivered from head to toe as her bare butt cheeks came into contact with the cold plastic of the potty. She tried to sit up, but the crazy contraption held her in place by her shoulders. With nowhere to go, Maya crossed her arms and sulked.  

"I can't poop into this thing!" The young Asian woman on the oversized potty fumed.


"No!" I'm not backed up!" Maya argued. "It's just that this thing can't flush and I don't want to sit around in a room that smells like shit!"

Despite her explanation, the machine picked her up from underneath her armpits and pulled her diaper back into place. Once she was "dressed" it took her away from that absurd excuse for a toilet and carried her across the nursery. 

As she was carried over to the familiar side of her prison the words that had just been spoken to her echoed in her mind; 'you must be backed up.' She had no idea what the machine had in store for her, but she knew that it wasn't going to be anything pleasant. 

'The damn thing is probably going to force me to eat prunes. Maybe give me another laxative.' Maya grimaced. 

Much to her surprise, the nanny lowered her onto the huge changing table and gently flipped her over onto her back. Maya laid there, dumbfounded as the machine began to manipulate her legs, making her act like she was riding a bicycle. After a minute of doing the cycling motion, the robot brought its hand up to her petite stomach and started to gently massage her tummy. It was all so strange and yet made her want to poop.

Suddenly, her legs were raised into the air and the machine parted her butt cheeks.


"That's because I make my poopies on the fucking toilet!" Maya screamed, not even realizing that she had referred to her practice of using the toilet in such an infantile manner. 

The robot stood still, holding Maya by her ankles, as it performed yet another search. All preprogrammed methods of dealing with a constipated baby had failed and now it was seeking out a solution to help its charge make a movement. 

After reviewing multiple cases of constipation in babies, it seemed that the best remedy was an enema. The practice of giving an enema wasn't exactly encouraged with very young infants, but based on the girl's behavior, the AI determined that she had to be an older baby even a toddler who was struggling to be toilet trained. With this deduction, the computer decided to proceed with the enema.

Maya was startled when her mechanical captor decided to slowly flip her onto her petite stomach. Maya tried to pull herself away from the robot by grabbing the edge of the table in front of her, but a light slap onto her bare thigh made the young woman freeze in place. 


With no other option available to her, Maya simply laid in place and obeyed. Her black hair flowed across her back as she listened to her captor dig around underneath the changing table. It was obviously looking for something in the cabinet beneath her and Maya didn't have to wait very long to find out just what the machine had in mind for her.


Maya cocked an eye, but did as she was told. The thick diaper crinkled with her every move, but she continued to spread her legs, complying with the machine's order no matter how pathetic it made her feel.


The only thing Maya hated more than being talked down to by this overpriced piece of scrap metal was being praised by it. 



Before Maya could even utter an entire word, the robotic nanny haf ripped off her disposable diaper, exposing her perfectly sculpted ass cheeks. 

"What the hell are you doing?! I don't need my diaper changed you malfunctioning piece of junk!" Maya exclaimed, looking over her shoulder at her metallic warden.

The petite Asian thief didn't like what she saw. Her captor was holding a big red bag which looked to be full of water, it looked oddly familiar to her. Instantly, the young woman's mind recalled a time long ago when her mother's parents had come to the states to visit her and her family. At the time, she had been very sick and bed ridden while fighting some kind of viral infection. Her mother, being a normal parent, had taken her to the doctor and received medicine to fight her sickness. However, this wasn't good enough for her grandmother who forced her mother to employ more "traditional" methods. Maya remembered the word "enema" being associated with the bizarre practice that her mother and grandmother had forced her to endure. 


Maya heard her robotic nanny loud and clear, but she didn't want anything to do with it! She immediately reached out and gripped the edge of the table and pulled herself forward, but before she could launch her body into the air, the firm, familiar weight of the nanny held her down on the padded surface of her changing table. 

"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE, LITTLE GIRL." The robot explained in an authoritative voice.

The mechanical nanny held the athletic Asian woman down with a single hand while it reached for a container of Vaseline. Maya could only squirm and flail her arms. She tried kicking, but the robot's metal chassis was too hard and only caused her pain. 


Maya felt the cold, metal fiinger circle her anus, rubbing the petroleum jelly around the edge of her asshole before the machine plunged the aluminum digit into her bottom. 

"Aghh!" Maya squealed at the unwanted intruder as she pounded her fists on the table.


Maya swallowed her pride and relaxed her body in preparation for what was about to happen. She knew that the robot was right and didn't want to be in any more pain then what was necessary. 'This is going to suck so fucking much!'

The machine slowly pulled its finger from her bottom and quickly replaced it with a thin nozzle. Maya whined as the enema hose breached her tight hole, but she did her best to fight her body's natural urge to tense itself. After all, her bottom was made to push things out, not accept them! With every ounce of her will power, she relaxed her anus and allowed the entire length of the nozzle to slowly slide into position with assistance of the lubricant. 


Maya cringed at the cooing mechanical menace that was talking to her like she was a little girl at the doctor's office.

"Can we just get this over with already?"


The twisted words coming from the machine reminded Maya of her grandmother; who had probably meant well, but hadn't done anything to actually remedy the problem. Ultimately, the woman had come off as being a domineering bitch at the time. Of course, this was through the tinted lenses of the past. She had seemed nice enough when Maya had visited her a few months ago, but the memories of her first visit were still somewhat painful. However, they weren't as fresh or as painful as what was about to happen next.

Maya found herself peering over her shoulder as the first surge of water forced its way into her and caused the bag to produce a slight "glug" sound. She gasped in shock and her body tensed up as she stared back at her tormentor in anger. The machine just stared right back at her with an unreadable expression as it held the bag upside down in its hand. No matter what she did the water kept coming, flowing down the hose and into her lower intestine at what felt like a tremendous rate of speed.


Maya shook off her body's initial response to the water and took the robot's advice by raising her ass a bit higher off of the changing table. When she readjusted herself, she felt a few small droplets of water escape from her bottom and trickle their way down to her shaved pussy before dripping onto the padded surface of the table. Maya blushed as the water cascaded off of her lower lips, but a bit of unwanted moisture on her womanhood was perfectly acceptable as long as it meant prolonging the inevitable cramping that was sure to come any moment. 


She stood there on her knees and elbows as the water flowed deeper into her stomach, utilizing her body's natural arch. It was such a bizarre feeling; the warm water filling her bowels like she was a balloon. Maya was having trouble ignoring the growing pain coming from her swelling stomach which was becoming more pronounced by the minute. Suddenly, her petite body was rocked by a severe cramp. Maya whined and tried to adjust her body to alieve the pain, but the robot wouldn't let her move any further from her position 


Maya didn't know how much more her body could take; her face was flush, beads of sweat had started dripping down her neck as the enema was stretching her stomach to its limit. She had no way of knowing how she looked, but she felt like she was about five months pregnant.

"I can't take any more!" Maya cried out.


"No! I can't!" Maya shouted.


"Please, nothing but that!" Maya pleaded and swallowed her dignity. "I'll use the potty! Just let me use the potty!"

The AI seemed to consider this and after what felt like an eternity to the young woman, the robot replied, "THAT'S A GOOD IDEA."

Wanting to reinforce positive potty training habits, the AI slowly removed the nozzle from the girl's bottom and then picked up the squirming woman and carried her back over to the ridiculously large potty chair. 

Once again, Maya felt her diaper get yanked down her shapely legs before her sweaty backside made contact with the cold rim of the potty. She didn't even have to push, she simply stopped clenching her bottom and was rewarded with a thunderous fart which echoed inside the chamber of the potty chair as she emptied her bowels. A nearly non stop flow of water and soft stool filled the bowl as Maya started pushing.

It took only a minute, but Maya sighed in relief once she finished pushing it all out into the plastic bowl.

"Thank you." She muttered as she slumped forward, exhausted from her ordeal and grateful for the opportunity to actually use something resembling a toilet. In the back of her mind, she knew that it was probably the most humiliating thing she had ever done, but at least she hadn't been forced to shit her pants. 


The irony of that statement almost made Maya laugh. She had been out of diapers for over twenty years until this mechanical menace forced her back into them!

To Be Continued...



loving this story so much. Maya is so lucky ;)


Hope there is not a leftover accident or something to make her go backwards.


I love it


Thank you kindly. I've really enjoyed writing this story for my client and I'm even happier to see that so many people are loving it as much as I am.


Good point, but I doubt that Maya wants to stick around long enough to graduate to pull ups.


I agree wholeheartedly. Who wouldn't want a robot nanny to care for them?