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The robotic nanny scooped her up from underneath her armpits and carried her away from that horrible automated changing table. 

Maya felt her toned thighs come into contact with a stiff and cold seat made out of plastic. She watched as a large white tray was lowered past her face by the device she was sitting in. A loud click signalled to her that the tray was now locked into place just above her oversized disposable, obscuring the hideous undergarment from her field of view. She could feel her bare feet resting on a long bar and noted that the entire chair she was sitting into was made out of plastic.


Maya rolled her eyes when she heard the nanny tell her she was sitting in a giant highchair. 

It took a moment for Maya to appreciate the fact that she was sitting in a high chair. She kicked her legs, trying to see if she could feel the floor and realized that she was sitting at least 2 feet off of the ground from what she could tell from her vantage point. She also realized that she was now face to face with the nanny bot. 

A whirring noise came from behind her padded backrest as a pair of arms snaked from around the chair and appeared in front of her from their hiding place. The hand to her right held an enormous jar of purple mush while the one on her left held a spoon. It seemed that the high chair was automated and had come to life ready to feed her. 

'Of course everything in this damn place is automated!' Maya thought to herself as she huffed from behind her huge pacifier and crossed her arms. Feeling the thick rubber bulb bounce in her mouth as she moved her head reminded her of the infantile soother in her mouth. Inwardly, she smiled. 'Stupid thing can't feed me if I'm sticking on my binky!'

As if the machine had read her mind a third unseen hand appeared in front of her and grabbed the ring of Maya's binky, plucking the pacifier from her mouth with an audible "pop" sound. 

"Hey!" Maya whined. "I was sucking on that!"

She immediately blushed and felt ashamed that she had said that aloud. What if someone reviewed the security footage and heard her say that? Did this place even have cameras?!

The third hand returned with a bib, pulling the young woman from her thoughts as she felt a few large gloved fingers touch the back of her neck. It seemed that the third hand was working in tandem with another hand that snapped the large terry cloth bib together behind her neck. The hand behind her must have vanished back into the machine because only the third hand remained. It seemed to be busy fiddling with the light blue bib, tugging it over her breasts. The hand finally finished with its task, but before it retreated back to its place inside of the high chair, Maya felt the gloved hand pat her head condescendingly. 

"Stupid bucket of bolts!" Maya shouted angrily.

Before she could even close her mouth, the spoon wielding hand shoved a heaping helping of lavender colored mush into her mouth. 

"Ughh!!" Maya's eyes bulged from her head as the most vile taste that she had ever experienced crawled across her tongue until she forced herself to swallow the offensive goop which went down slowly. 

"I'm not a fucking baby!" Maya screamed and earned herself another spoonful of warm slop.

The entire experience made her feel so small. It was one thing to be forced to wear a diaper, but to be force fed like a baby was beyond humiliating; it was downright degrading!

After swallowing the thick pureed blend of what she could only guess was cabbage, beets and possibly prunes for sweetness, Maya kept her big mouth shut. 

'If I don't open my mouth then it can't feed me!' Maya smirked. 

The highchair kept moving the spoon closer to her mouth, but Maya refused to budge. She didn't even acknowledge the machine when the hand started dabbing the tip of the spoon against her ruby red lipstick covered lips, coaxing her to take another bite. She kept completely still, defiantly waiting until the machine gave up.

Maya knew that she looked utterly ridiculous; a petite Asian woman dressed in a diaper and bib, sat in a gigantic high chair with her arms folded across her chest while she scowled at her caretaker as a large spoonful of baby food hovered close to her mouth. The scenario forced a rather unpleasant thought to cross her mind; she had been set up. But that thought raised even more questions. Why would anyone do this to her? For what purpose or gain?  It was entirely possible that she was actually being recorded and, if that was the case, the footage was most likely being live streamed to some fetish site. After all, there was a fetish for everything nowadays, but who would get off to her being treated like this?



Maya simply stared at the robot in front of her, unsure of what to make of what she had just heard it say. 'It's gotta be almost four in the morning! 'How can it be lunch?!'

The humanoid robot stepped forward and took the jar of baby food and spoon from the high chair, ready to feed the fussy charge sitting in front of her. It stuck the spoon into the jar and scooped out a large amount of mashed purple goop. With the pureed baby food extracted, it held the full spoon in front of the fussy baby. However, just like when the high chair tried to feed her, the child would not eat. Despite being denied, the nanny bot would not be deterred. It had a job to finish and would use a preinstalled subroutine to aid it in completing it's task. 


Maya cocked an eyebrow at the bizarre machine in front of her. The damn thing was moving the spoon back and forth, imitating a steam train's locomotion with its movements while poorly mimicking the sounds a freight train would make. If she wasn't the one trapped in a high chair, she would've laughed. 


It was funny for maybe a minute, but after roughly five minutes, Maya was starting to get bored.

The robot ceased its ridiculous routine and looked upon its charge with concern. If the baby didn't eat, it would become malnourished. If the baby was malnourished it would eventually become sick and possibly die. With this line of reasoning, the computer took the next logical step forward and came to the conclusion that it must do everything in its power to get the child to consume its nutrients. 

Once more the AI ventured into the digital realm to seek out the necessary information on how to deal with an unruly baby. Countless searches rendered nothing that would get the child to eat spontaneously. Some people had mentioned putting sugar on the food, but that wouldn't work because the baby wouldn't even open her mouth! Others had spoke of bribery, but the child was much too young to be negotiated with. Finally, the AI stumbled onto something that seemed to be dated and not necessarily related to childcare, but it specifically talked about getting people who wouldn't open their mouths to open their mouth. 

Without warning, Maya felt the cold metallic fingers of the robot pinch her nose! She was so startled that she almost opened her mouth, but she quickly regained her composure. 'If it holds my nose shut I'll have to open my mouth to breath!' Maya realized with a sense of dread. 


A battle of wills ensued; the AI choosing to wage a war of attrition while Maya sat there, her lungs burning, but resolute that this crazy machine would let her breath soon. 

Sadly, as the seconds ticked by, Maya knew that she had to open her mouth to breath or else she would pass out from lack of oxygen.

'This is going to suck!'

Maya closed her eyes and opened her mouth to breath in the warm air of the nursery. Seeing its chance, the nanny bot shoved the spoon into her mouth, forcing the girl to eat the slimy substance. 


Maya winced as she tasted the purple concoction for the third time. She whined and forced it down her throat. Even after swallowing it, she could still taste the nauseating flavor!


'A few more bites?! I don't even want another bite!' 

Maya clamped her jaw shut and stewed in her oversized plastic chair. Even though she knew it was a losing battle, she wanted it to be fought on her terms. As her lungs started to warm up again, she realized that she didn't exactly have to eat the food for it to be gone. All she had to do was make sure that the robot had nothing left in the jar to feed her! With this devious new plan, Maya simply opened her mouth and allowed the robot to feed her.

The AI noticed that the baby had opened its mouth again and was accepting the spoon. Things seemed to be going smoothly, the child took the mush without a fight and the robot pulled the spoon out from the baby's mouth. Not even a second had passed when the insolent infant spat the purple pureed slime out of her mouth and onto the tray.


Maya wasn't exactly proud of herself, but at least she didn't have to swallow that crap. Still, she really hoped that no one was watching her. She was a twenty five year old woman who had just spat up some baby food like a tantrum throwing two year old toddler. It was definitely the lowest point of her life. 

To her utter shook and dismay, the nanny bot scooped up the purple goop from the high chair's tray and was attempting to make her eat it again!

'There's no way in hell I'm eating that!''

Maya started swatting her hands at the robot, one of them made contact with the spoon, sending it flying to the ground. 



Another ping sounded from the computer, pulling Wallace away from the kitchen where he had been making himself a bit of a midnight snack to fill his stomach. The inventor rushed over to his work station with a sandwich and sat down into his computer chair just in time to see a very fussy Maya smack a large spoon out of the robotic nanny's hand. 

It seemed that the small diapered Asian girl had been in the middle of being fed and was now getting lifted out from her high chair and taken over to the closest corner for a timeout. It all looked routine enough not to warrant any curiosity, but he still felt compelled to watch the feeding since he had missed it during his impromptu meal. 

With a few clicks, Wallace rewound the footage and watched from the beginning of Maya's "lunch." He couldn't help but be impressed by how the high chair had handled the unruly woman, but once the thief closed her mouth, and kept it shut, his curiosity soared. 

'How will the AI solve this problem?'

It didn't take long for his question to be answered and it appalled him. There on the screen was his creation, the robotic nanny commanded by the AI, plugging the nose of what it thought was a fussy baby. Such behavior was absolutely unacceptable! He immediately went into the coding and fixed the issue by forbidding such action from occurring in the future. 

Still, even with the AI corrected the programmer and inventor couldn't figure out why his AI had gone to such lengths to get the girl to eat. With a thorough search, Wallace dug through his AI's path finding and found that it had stumbled upon a rather archaic website that used to instruct medical staff to plug their patient's noses to get them to open their mouth to take their medicine. It did sound logical enough and he could now understand why the AI decided that would be a suitable method to get the baby to eat… even if the practice was barbaric. 

Such a response to Maya's defiance made him eager to get to the facility in a few hours, but he knew that he would be in no condition to monitor his creation without rest. Still, it was so hard to sleep when he worried about what he had just watched. If only there was a way to ensure that the AI didn't use the nanny bot inappropriately…

His pride and joy was definitely a lot more resourceful than he had given it credit. 

Suddenly, the inventor had an epiphany; if he could prevent the AI from accessing the wrong information, if it could only find knowledge dealing with childcare and discipline, then he could actually get some sleep and not have to worry about the AI doing something drastic to his test subject. 

'A nanny monitoring a nanny? There's a joke in there somewhere.' Wallace chuckled to himself as he put a web nanny program in place to prevent his AI from retrieving the wrong kind of information. 

With a click of his mouse, he had a safeguard in place and felt more at ease as he enjoyed the rest of his sandwich while watching the footage. It was rather impressive seeing the AI in action with a real person. It had put the diapered woman in the corner, forcing her onto her knees with her nose in the corner while it stood behind her like an upset parent. It only needed a week of testing and real time experience with a "child" to prove that it could be trusted with humans. Wallace was certain that once it had logged enough data and time with the thief that the board of directors would have no other choice but to move forward and put it into the market.

'My AI is going into the world to make the world a better place for both children and their parents…'

It was something that he had only dared dream of in his wildest dreams, but he knew that he was getting ahead of himself. There would be dozens of lines of code to correct and go through considering that the AI had already made a few slight mistakes, but he was confident that it could handle the thief for a few hours before he got into work. 

With a yawn, Wallace sat up from his desk and stretched. He had to get some sleep. If he went into the facility on fumes, he wouldn't be able to handle the AI. A simple number being put out of sequence could ruin years of hard work. He didn't want that to happen so he forced himself to walk away from his computer and go to his bedroom. 

'She'll be fine.' Wallace thought to himself as he closed his bedroom door and got into bed.

To Be Continued...



ive always enjoyed these ai type stories. great job so far


Thank you! I'm really having a blast writing this and my client just ordered a few more parts. Expect more in a few weeks!