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This is a commission that I've been working on since last year. This part alone totals 6.4k words. If you don't like or want to read about a man being dominated by his former underling turned boss, please don't read any further. If you're not a fan of femdom (female domination) don't read this. If you do NOT like sissy stories and lace and frills, please, don't read any further.

You've been warned. Enjoy!


Sissy of The Tenth Division: The Final Part


A short yet embarrassing walk ended with Yachiru leading the dress wearing former Captain back into the headquarters of Division Ten.

Toshiro sighed, relieved that he was finally out of sight, once again hidden from the public's condescendingly cruel gaze. However, his moment of relief was short lived as he heard the familiar voice of his subordinate echo throughout the building; the woman who had put him into this position. This was the last person he wanted to deal with right now! So, he tugged against his bonds, forcing the little pinl haired woman to pull him towards Rangiku's room.

"Oh yeah, things have definitely improved since I took over." Rangiku boasted before adding, "But I can’t take all the credit, having you transferred to our Squad definitely helped."

Momo nodded, allowing her Captain to continue.

"You definitely make a difference. Morale and productivity have improved since you became my second in command."

"Thank you, Captain. I do my best when I'm not tending to the baby." Momo replied, looking pleased while soaking in the praise.

"Speaking of Hitsugoogoo…" Rangiku grinned as she looked past Momo and over to where Yachiru was busy dragging a defiant Toshiro.

Toshiro ceased his struggling and stared at his former subordinate tuned Captian, her new cloak displaying her status. He could tell by how flushed her face was that the boxum woman was only slightly buzzed. That would definitely change as the night grew closer.

Toshiro scowled, unhappy with how rapidly things had changed since he was knocked out.

Rangiku couldn't help but bust up laughing when she saw Toshiro's little scowl spread across his face. The only thing more comical to her than his dismayed expression was the big disposable diaper peeking out from underneath the princess costume ment for a little girl. It was positively ridiculous and his appearance only served to fuel Rangiku's laughter.

"That's too funny!" The Auburn haired Captain pointed at Toshiro before resuming her laughter.

Momo ignored her new Captain's outburst and walked over to where the boy clad in pink stood, taking him by the hand. She then turned her attention to Yachiru.

"Did he behave himself?"

"Sort of, he-"

Yachiru was cut off by Momo handing Toshiro a little set of paints.

"Yachiru is going to tell me all about your behavior in private." Momo stated firmly. "I want you to use these finger paints to paint me a picture of your day out. It will serve as a report. I expect this report on your day out will match what she tells me, understood?"

Toshiro sighed, nodding before he took the paints with him. He waddled over to a little table that had been set up as his "work station" and sat down on the tiny pink stool with a crinkle. The white haired boy groaned as he laid out a big piece of construction paper and then proceeded to dip his fingers into the paint.

Despite his "job" being fairly simply, it still took him roughly an hour to accomplish. The reason it took so long was due to the fact that Toshiro was forced to remember every detail of his embarrassing outing. There were things that he knew he couldn't leave out even though he desperately wanted nothing more than to forget them. The diaper change being the most horrible of his experiences.

"Not bad," Momo's voice caught Toshiro off guard as she stood behind him. "You seem to have covered everything that Yachiru told me."

"I tried to." Toshiro replied with a frown.

Momo leaned forward and picked up the freshly painted picture, it looked like something that a preschool student would paint.

"Now I need you to do some paperwork for me." Momo smiled.

Toshiro arched an eyebrow. 'So this is why I was demoted. To do all the bureaucratic work behind the scenes while Momo and Rangiku get all the credit.'

However, what Momo sat in front of Toshiro confused the diapered, dress wearing former Captain the most. It was a children's coloring book!

"I think you can easily get a page or two done before dinner." Momo grinned as she walked away.

Toshiro stared back at Momo as she exited the room, wondering why he was going to be forced to do such childish work. It was definetly beneath him and a waste of his talents. Did Momo really think that she was a better administrator than him? Maybe she was paranoid about him sabotaging the reports if she left them to him?

Regardless of why she chose not to have him write up the reports, Toshiro ultimately knew that she wanted him to "fill out" this coloring book to further demean and humiliate him. It was obviously nothing more than a way to cement his new status in the squad. To keep him busy while the women did the real work.

As he busied himself with coloring, the room remained relatively peaceful. It was only when he reached page four of the coloring book that things seemed to pick up. Yachiru walked into the room, bringing vegetables to the kitchen, as she walked by. She did her best not to disturb the sissy sitting at the tiny table.

However, the Toshiro did notice her presence, causing him to look over at her.

"When's dinner?"

"Soon. You just keep working on that paperwork." Yachiru replied as she carried the bundle of vegetables out of the room.

Toshiro sighed, returning to his "work".

A short time later his stomach growled which made the diapered boy wonder about the last time he actually ate something solid. He had a sinking feeling that his diet had probably been nothing but milk since he lost that fight. Just the thought of solid food sounded absolutely heavenly!

It wasn't long before the scents of dinner were filling the room. A sudden aroma wafted through past the boy's nose, Toshiro breathed in the most divine scent he had smelt in weeks. 'What are they cooking? It smells delicious!'

Setting down his crayon, Toshiro finally decided to yell to his group of superiors.

"What are you guys cooking?!"

"Momo." Toshiro heard Yachiru call out to her teammate. "I think the baby is hungry."

"I know. I better get him a bottle." Momo replied.

Toshiro's hopeful expressed turned to a scowl.

"There's no need to do that, Momo." Rangiku stated, renewing Toshiro's hope of getting a nice meal of solid food. "Let me feed him from the source."

'What does she mean by that?'

Toshiro didn't have long to wonder as his former Vice Captain slid open the door and walked towards him. Despite the humiliating treatment she, and the other woman had been subjecting him to, Toshiro had to admit that Matsumoto looked stunning. He couldn't help, but stare openly at the woman who stood in front of him. Rangiku's hair looked perfect as it fell past her shoulders, a few loose strands framed her flushed face. However, it was her massive breasts, barely contained by her brilliant black Shinigami robe, that truly got his attention as she stood in front of the diapered boy.

"Let's get something in your tummy, baby Hitsugoogoo."

Toshiro cringed, annoyed at her use of that terrible nickname.

Rangiku simply chuckled when she saw her former Captain's distaste for his new pet name. The busty former Vice-Captain knelt down in front of her adult baby and pulled Toshiro into her lap.

Once the boy settled down, Rangiku stroked his head and quietly remarked, "You've been very fussy today, according to Yachiru. Well, mommy knows how to fix that."

Toshiro was a little confused by how Rangiku was acting. It wasn't quite as cruel as Yachiru had treated him earlier, but he knew not to trust his former subordinate. He watched her take the hand that wasn't supporting the back of his head and pull her robe to the side, which caused one of huge boobs to pop out. The heavy and ripe breast was close to bursting as a little drop of milk dripped from it.

"I haven't had a chance to pump today." The strawberry blond grinned.

Toshiro was conflicted. Part of him wanted to just latch on and suck, but there was still the heart of a warrior who told him to not give into to the temptations of the flesh. After all, he was a man, damn it! Just because he was wearing a diaper and dress didn't mean he should just give up and act like the baby they were treating him as.

Rangiku sighed as her white haired sissy struggled and began to squirm, as if to try to get away as soon as she pushed the nipple towards the boy's face. Without a second thought, the new captain pulled the boy's head closer to her chest, forcing her new baby's mouth to brush up against her nipple.

Toshiro felt the warm nipple pierce his lips, allowing a drop of milk to land on his tongue. It tasted so rich. So creamy. So ...familiar?

Rangiku forced the former Captain to nurse from her gigantic breast. After a few seconds and a few strained suckles, warm milk began to trickle from her tit and into her baby's mouth.

The more he sucked, the more sweet and familiar the milk seemed to the taste. It was also rather filling.

Midway through his feeding, Toshiro realized that the milk tasted exactly the same as the bottle Yachiru had given him earlier at the park. He had been drinking Matsumoto's breast milk all along!

'You've got to be kidding me?!

In that moment of realization, Toshiro began to kick and squirm in anger. He was completely humiliated by what his former Vice Captain was doing to him. Not only had sge pretty much betrayed him, but making him drink her milk seemed like an entirely new low!

Toshiro pulled away from Rangiku's tit defiantly and looked up into her eyes.

"I've had enough of this sick game, Matsumoto! Tomorrow you will accept my challenge and fight me for the position of Captain of this squadron!"

Rangiku could only laugh at she gazed down at Toshiro's face, milk still dribbling down his face. It was so hard to think of him as a man, especially in that dress.

"Sure, my little Hitsugoogoo, whatever you say. Now finish sucking my boobie and I'lll get you put down for the night."

Toshiro grunted in response, not entirely content that he'd have to finish feeding from her breast, but satisfied in the knowledge that he would get a chance to defeat Matsumoto and reclaim his position as Captain.

Some time later, Toshiro became vaguely aware of the fact that he was being lifted up and draped over something that felt hard. A gentle yet insistent patting on his back kept Toshiro alert. The feeding had gone on for much longer than he had anticipated and the only thing he could figure out was that he had fallen asleep at Rangiku's breast.


Toshiro could only blush in response, embarrassed by how his body so easily burped without much effort. However, in the dimly lit room, none noticed his red hot face.

As Rangiku began to lift him up he realized that he had been stripped of his infantile baby dress and placed into a pink full body sleeper complete with feet. Toshiro didn't exactly care for his new attire, especially how hot it made his small boyish body feel and was about to speak his dissatisfaction. But right as he opened up his mouth Rangiku pushed a big pink pacifier in, silencing the former Captain before he could even raise a complaint.

"Let's get you in bed, Hitsugoogoo." Rangiku cooed as she cradled the boy against her massive bosom. Toshiro scowled behind the pacifier; How he hated that name!

It didn't take long for Toshiro to be tucked into his crib, Rangiku stepped back and raised the enormous crib rail up.

The size of the crib was mostly for show. Everyone knew that Toshiro could easily escape, but a baby monitor coupled with the high, six foot rails, ensured the new mother, and her subordinates, ample time to catch him in the act if he did try to escape.

"Good night, baby. Mommy is going to go out and get drunk."

Toshiro glared at Rangiku through the bars as he pulled his new pacifier from his mouth.

"Remember, Matsumoto. We fight in the morning so don't over do it tonight!" The white haired boy warned his captor.

"Aww, you're just too precious!" Rangiku laughed. "You just get some rest and don't worry about mommy." The strawberry blond replied as she was leaving the room to go drink. After all, it was barely eight in the evening. The night was young!


Toshiro awoke over a week later to a stinging pain which permeated from the bottom of his crotch to the back of his blistered butt cheeks. It was the pain that only a severe diaper rash could create. That, coupled with the stench and foul oder coming from his diaper, told the former Captain turned sissy that he was wearing a very dirty diaper.

'Ugh, if only I had beaten Matsumoto in that rematch.'

This thought, and the memory of the fight, had been haunting Toshiro every morning since last week. He had gotten his shot; a chance at defeating Rangiku and reclaiming his position as Captain. However, what had occured that day wasn't something he liked to think about, and yet, his mind replayed the events of that terrible fight every morning since then. It was hard not to think about it as he had nothing better to do while he laid trapped in his crib, waiting for his new mommy to wake up from one of her drunken benders.

Things had started out humiliating enough; he had awoken to a thoroughly filled diaper, much like today, and he had to wait for Matsumoto to come in and change him. In fact, every day since that fight had started the same way due to the suppositories she loved to insert into his bottom. To keep him "regular" she would claim.

However, he knew the truth; it was to keep him on the verge of pooping his pampers. How could anyone focus on fighting if they were worried about crapping themselves?!

On top of cheating, Matsumoto had given him a spanking that morning too. For making her wake up "early" to fight as she so angrily put it.

Toshiro signed recalling what brought on that spanking. 'The fight was at noon! How is that early?!'

'Oh, and speaking of cheating, she had tapped me into over a dozen diapers before the fight! Each diaper had obviously been larger in size than the last. Even though I'm an adult, I don't wear size XXXL, but that was definitely the size of the last diaper she taped me in!'

What followed after the spanking and ludicrous diapering was the most horrible sissy dress that he had ever seen. He recalled Matsumoto bragging about how she had gotten it custom made for when she took him outside. He was forced to stare at it while she held it up in front of him, cooing over it and asking him if he liked his new outfit. The first thing he noticed about the dress was that the hem was layered in multiple rows of frills that cascaded downwards. When he wore the accursed dress, it barely went over the top of his massive diaper leaving it on display for everyone to see! If that wasn't bad enough, he could barely walk in the thing!

And that was why she had bought a giant umbrella stroller for him, claiming that since he couldn't walk he needed it. Even now, as he rested in his crib, Toshiro could remember how his blood boiled. He normally never got so angry, but it wasn't his fault that he couldn't walk while dressed like that. He didn't even hesitate to tell Matsumoto that it was her fault he couldn't walk. If she hadn't put him into so many diapers he could've walked just fine!

Matsumoto simply replied that he was being fussy and ordered Momo and Yachiru to get him strapped into his stroller.

So, that's how the day had started before the fight. The trip to the square had been another story entirely as eager young women walked by cooing at him or stopped briefly to talk to Matsumoto about how cute he was while he was forced to sit in the oversized baby stroller. They even pinched his cheeks! He was more than capable of blocking out that experience because it wasn't nearly as humiliating as what followed.

As Matsumoto pushed him out into the assembled crowd he felt completely vulnerable and pathetic. For whatever reason, he was becoming used to women treating him this way. He recalled instantly feeling a bit scared as he was pushed past the gathered masses of mostly men; men who once respected him and possibly looked up to him. Now they ridiculed him! They were hurling both insults and babyish coos at him while he frowned behind his binky. That image never, of everyone making fun of him, was always present in his thoughts. It was practically burned into his psyche.

The numerous men had pretty much declared him the loser of the fight before he even stepped up to fight Matsumoto in the proverbial arena. Still, Toshiro had held his head up, his white hair bouncing slightly due to the pink bows holding his hair into pigtails, as Momo and Yachiru unbuckled him from the stroller.

While her two subordinates were unstrapping the baby from his stroller, Rangiku had chosen her spot opposite him. The men closest to her were already cheering her name and showering her with offers to drink the day away after she won the fight. Of course, the strawberry blond happily agreed and promised to take them up on their hospitality. She was never one to turn down a free drink.

"Matsumoto!" Toshiro remembered shouting at her much to the crowds delight, "Stop wasting my time and let's see who is really cut out to be the Captain!"

This bold challenge from the diapered, dress wearing boy caused much of the crowd to erupt into laughter. Even a week later, this reaction was still fresh in Toshiro's thoughts. That, and the reply Rangiku gave when she refuted his challenge still chilled him to this day.

"You're asking for a spanking, baby boy!" Rangiku declared menacingly as another bout of laughter and cheers followed. "Because mama's gonna give you one!"

The fight itself was definitely a one sided fight. Toshiro stood there on wobbling legs as he struggled to stay standing in the absurd diaper and dress she had dressed him in. Before he could even take a step in her direction, Matsumoto had walked right up to him and placed the palm of her hand on his forehead and pushed him to the ground like a chopped tree. He fell right onto his thickly diapered butt. That was probably the only time he was grateful for the thick, pillow like diaper that he was forced to wear. Toshiro shuddered, the memory of her pushing down repeatedly was so fresh, so vivid in his mind. He remembered working hard to stand back up only for Matsumoto to push him right back down over five different times. Finally, the last push had caused his cramp ridden stomach to give in. There, in front of dozens of spectators, he pooped his diaper!

Despite his best efforts, he had ended up sitting in a filthy diaper while Matsumoto was declared the winner by a few of the men closest to her. Toshiro recalled staring at the ground for an eternity as Rangiku Matsumoto ordered the assembled crowd to leave the "baby" alone so she could go off to celebrate.

What stung more than the rash coating his loins and bottom was the fact that he would've ran away if he was simply able to get up and walk, but the diaper prevented him from doing it. Toshiro simply sat there, sitting on top of a beanbag of plastic and faces while Matsumoto spent the entire day, and some of that night, drinking.

"Matsumoto?!" Toshiro called out, tired of reliving the memory of that day and laying in this fetid, stinking diaper. If only someone would come into the nursery so that he could focus on them and not keep reliving one of the worst days of his life. "Momo? Yachiru?!"

He knew that someone had to be up. He didn't care who changed him, the white haired boy just wanted to be changed. Laying here in his filth was definitely making his rash grow worse by the minute.

Rangiku sighed as she strolled into the room that had been turned into a baby's nursery.

"Geez, can you keep it down? I'm hungover."

Toshiro would've rather dealt with his pint sized babysitter instead of the very woman who had put him into this position, but sadly beggers can't be choosers.

"You shouldn't drink so much." The former Captain stated in an annoyed tone.

"Hard to refuse free drinks, Histu-Goo-Goo."

Rangiku replied, drawing out his hated nickname as she leaned into the crib and bopped him on the nose with her index finger.

"I'm so sick of this nonsense, Matsumoto!"

"You shouldn't have lost to me." The strawberry blond replied as she lowered the rail of the baby's crib to the ground. She couldn't help but grin as Toshiro sulked. Even though she was about to change a dirty diaper, she was going to savor this moment. She untapped Toshiro's dirty diaper and then scooped up her defiant boy by his ankles.

"But why even do….this to me?!" Toshiro grimaced as he felt a cold wet wipe breach his butt cheeks and pulled towards his crotch. It was incredibly awkward and invasive, but at least he was getting his dirty bottom bottom cleaned.

"There is no better way to get free drinks and the occasional hook up while simultaneously staying single." Rangiku explained as she continued to wipe Toshiro's ass. "No one wants to date a 'single mom', but they'll still party with me and sleep with me. Why do you think mommy has been gone the last few nights?"

Toshiro arched an eyebrow at that last line as Rangiku tossed his disgusting, balled up pamper away. He didn't even think about why she wasn't around in the morning. After all, Momo or Yachiru had been taking care of him, taking him outside or just playing with him the majority of the time since that horrible fight. In hindsight, he really hadn't given it much thought since becoming her "baby". Each day he had been forced to endure some humiliating situation after another. Deep down, he had assumed that even Rangiku would be forced to do work, but now he realized that she was probably nursing over a hangover in his office while the rest of the squad did her job for her...

"Free drinks and sex?!" Toshiro barked. "Is that what all this is about?!"

"Yeah, and on top of that, you make a very cute baby girl." Rangiku grinned as she hoisted Toshiro up by his ankles with her right hand and proceeded to lay a new diaper underneath him with her left.

"Ugh, that's it! I demand another chance at reclaiming my title as Captain!"

Rangiku sighed as she powdered his bruised and rash covered bottom.

"Is this really necessary? Do we really have to do this again? There's better ways to humiliate you besides me kicking your ass every other week."

"This is absolutely necessary!" Toshiro screamed. "I'm sick and tired of sitting in a dirty diaper every day!"

"Speaking of which…" Rangiku quickly pulled out a big blue pill and pushed it into Toshiro's exposed asshole.

"What the hell did you stick up my ass?!"

"Suppository." Rangiku grinned. "Gotta keep my little Hitsugoogoo from getting backed up."

"Not that you would know it, but I've yet to have constipation. The milk that Momo and Yachiru have been feeding me goes right through me!"

This response only served to make the strawberry haired blond laugh as she fastened the tapes to her baby boy's diaper.

"What's so funny?" Toshiro put his hands on his now diapered hips.

Rangiku was now doubling over and clutching her stomach which only accentuated her breasts. The sight of her former Captain trying to look tough in only his new diaper, mixed with his ignorance of what was in his daily bottles, only made her laugh harder.

"You-you really have no idea?" Rangiku managed to ask in between laughs as her breasts bounced. "Take a wild guess."

Toshiro moved his gaze downwards until his eyes fell upon the woman's heaving chest.

"You're joking." The white haired boy stated in a firm, but faltering tone.

There was no way she would make him drink the milk from her breasts!"

"Why would I waste money, and buy milk from the store, when it comes free of charge from yours truly?" Rangiku winked as she cupped her huge boobs.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Toshiro replied, his face turning green.

"Oh, hush. Momo and Yachiru said that you love your babas." The bubbly strawberry blond started laughing once more.

"It's the only thing I get to drink!" Toshiro whined, slamming his fits on the tiny crib's mattress.

"Well, my little Hitsu-Goo-Goo" his hated new nickname rolling off her tongue in a way that was both a tiny bit sexy and intimidating for someone addressing him in baby talk. "I propose we make another little wager."

Toshiro titled his head, staring up at his mostly absent tormentor cautiously curious. "What's there to propose? If I win things go back to normal and, if I fail to achieve victory then I'll be stuck at your little plaything." The white haired boy stated with disgust.

"True, but why should I even give you a third opportunity to win back your rank and dignity? I should get something back in return, right?"

"What could you possibly have in mind? I'm already in diapers, being paraded around in public by Momo or Yachiru, dressed as if I was a three year old girl!" Toshiro exclaimed, vein throbbing on his forehead.

"That's true, but I want to start taking a more hands on approach to this whole motherhood thing. If you lose, you will submit to me fully!"

"Are you blind?!" The former Captain shouted while sweeping his arm in a grand, sweeping motion until his hand hit the bars of his infantile cage. "Look around you! I'm in a little girl's nursery, wearing a diaper, playing baby for your amusement! What more must I do to submit?!"

"When you lose, I expect you to drink from my breasts at any time I so desire; public or private. Morning, noon or night."

Toshiro scowled. "Fine, but why? I'm already drinking your- milk."

"My boobs are getting sore and I'm tired of wasting my time pumping it during my downtime. It would be so much easier to have you drink it straight from the source. Besides, I can't think of a better way to get the guys looking at me while simultaneously humiliating you. It's two birds with one stone as the living say." Rangiku explained.

"Ugh, fine." The former Captain sighed. "I agree to the terms, but only if we fight today."

"We will fight tomorrow and that's final. I have a date tonight." Rangiku declared.

"I thought you didn't want a boyfriend?" Toshiro replied, cocking an eyebrow.

"Who said anything about a boyfriend?" The buxom strawberry haired blond laughed. "He's just a fuck buddy who doesn't know it yet."

Toshiro looked away from his giggling former Lieutenant. 'I suppose it could be worse, I could be forced to watch them have sex from this crib like a pathetic child.'

"Now flip that frown upside down!" Rangiku reached down and pinched her baby's cheeks causing him to groan. "Momma Matsumoto has the whole day off and I'm going to spend it with my widdle Histu-Goo-Goo! Won't that be fun?"

Toshiro sighed. This was going to be a long day indeed.


The next day Toshiro found himself once again laying in a very soaked and stinky diaper, but he didn't let them get him down. He was brimming with energy, ready to fight Matsumoto. After dealing with her nonsense all day yesterday, he was ready to reclaim his manhood and title as Captain of Squad Ten. Today was the day, he told himself as the buxom redhead strolled into the nursery wearing nothing but a thin robe.

"You stink." Rangiku said bluntly as she walked over to the enormous crib that contained her former captain.

"Of course I stink. You keep shoving those pills up my ass!"

"Such a fire in your belly. I guess that means you still want to fight mommy, huh?" The big breasted Shinigami asked as she stuck her hand past the bars of the oversized crib to check his diaper.

"Just change me already so we can go to the square!" The white haired boy demanded with a scowl as he noticed her hard nipples poking out against the fabric of her robe. She was getting turned on by him laying in his own filth he realized.

"Or mommy could change your dirty diaper in the middle of the square before our fight if you keep telling mommy what to do." Rangiku threatened in a playful tone.

Toshiro's face went as white as his hair.

"Alright. I'm sorry." He paused, trying to think of the best way to placate his former lieutenant while not getting his butt wiped in public. "Can you please change me before we leave?"

"That's better." Rangiku smiled. "Let's change that stinky diapee!"

Toshiro blocked out the diaper change and much of the stroller ride into the center of town. After being Matsumoto's plaything for the past couple of weeks, it was becoming easier to zone out mentally during diapers and he wasn't blushing as much when women cooed over him and called him cute. Maybe he was getting used to it? He tried not to even entertain the thought, but it was definitely a possibility since the few men in the square caused him to squirm in the seat of his stroller. Thankfully, there were only a few dozen men here today and, for every man present, there were probably twenty women dotted around. Some were in groups, most looked to be young women while the others were definitely mothers.

It was quite a crowd and the fact that it was mostly made up of women made Toshiro happy. This would help prove to everyone, especially the ladies who had been cooing over him for weeks, that he wasn't a baby but a man! He was the rightful Captain of Squad Ten!

Momo and Yachiru easily unbuckled him from
the baby stroller and helped him stand up. It wasn't as bad as last time; his diaper was thick, but it wasn't even close to how thick it was during the previous fight. Even though Mafsumoto allowed him to wear a slightly thinner diaper, she still forced him to wear that unsightly sissy dress that looked like it belonged on some random three year old. He hated how his shoulders looked like puffed up bells and how the frills along the hem of his dress brushed over the plastic of his diaper. With every move he made, the damn dress or diaper made a noise.

"Don't forget this, Hitsu-goo-goo!" Rangiku chuckled, handing him his giant pink baby rattle that was once his trusted Zanpakuto.

"Thanks." Toshiro muttered as he struggled to hold the ridiculous thing upright.

It sure did weigh a lot more than he remembered, but he wasn't going to let that hold him back. Using all of his strength, he lifted the enormous baby rattle and tried to swing it towards Rangiku, but he missed by a mile.

With every pitiful swing, she simply stepped back, dodging his attempted attack. This was the awkward rhythm of the fight. Toshiro swung and Rangiku simply dodged. She barely even had to exert any effort.

As the fight lingered on, more and more people grew disinterested and left the square while Toshiro did his best to swing the huge toy at his former lieutenant turned adoptive mother. Rangiku could only humor her baby for so long before she reached out and grabbed the rattle, pulling it from Toshiro's hands.

"Hey!" Toshiro whined. "Why did you do that?!"

"It's over." The buxom shinigami stated as she threw down his rattle.

"No!" Toshiro shouted. "It's not over!"

"Look around. There's probably ten people here. Even if you did find a way to defeat me, there's not two hundred people here to witness it."


"You don't even have a Zanpakuto!" Rangiku exclaimed, pointing at the giant rattle laying discarded on the ground. "Besides, you can’t even take the captain exam again because you've already been a captain and lost your position to me. So, you can't be Captain."

Before Toshiro could even utter a word,
Rangiku stepped forward and shoved a pacifier into his mouth, silencing him. "Suck on your binky like a good baby for mommy."

Toshiro felt his face heat up. It must've looked like he was blushing behind his oversized pacifier, but he was so angry at that moment. He balled up his fists, bit down hard on the rubber nipple and clenched his eyes shut as he tried to summon his icy power!

"Aahhhh!" He shouted around his binky as a warm wave washed over his backside, pooling in his diaper.

Rangiku grinned, noticing that Toshiro's diaoer was sagging even lower than during the fight.

"Did my baby make mommy a stinky present?"

Toshiro opened his eyes, shocked to feel a warm muck coating his ass.

"I didn't meen to poop!" Toshiro lisped from behind his pacifier.

"Aww, poor baby." Rangiku cooed, stroking her former Captain's hair. "If you want me to change that poopy pamper, I'm going to need you promise to never challenge me again."

"What?! Dats no fwair!" The white haired boy wearing the frilly pink party dress whined. "You gabe me a suppistowy!"

"It didn't slow you down. "And you didn't mess your diaper during the fight. You messed yourself when you were trying to use your power." Rangiku reasoned before ending her statement with a laugh.

Toshiro scowled and lunged at Matsumoto, trying to knock her down.

The strawberry blond simply stepped to the side before grabbing him from behind and yanked him harshly down onto her bent knee.

"Aww, does my little Hitsu-goo-goo want to go for bouncies on Mommy's knee?" Rangiku Matsumoto cooed in a sickeningly sweet voice as she started to bounce her former Captain on her knee.

"Stahp! Stahp!" Toshiro shouted as Rangiku Matsumoto held him from behind, her hands wrapped around his wrists preventing him from escaping from the horrific game she was forcing him to play.

After each sickening squelch, his diaper clad bottom would rise up into the air only for her to force him back down onto her knee. Try as he might, Toshiro was too weak to break free and all his wriggling did was spread the disgusting mess in his diaper making his rash sting with every bounce. He knew there was no hope of defeating his former lieutenant now. The only thing keeping him from submitting was the knowledge that once he gave in, he would never be able to challenge her again. Despite how strong willed and stubborn he was, each nasty bounce on his padded posterior was slowly breaking him down.

"Aren't you getting tired of this little game, Histu-goo-goo?"

Toshiro growled indignantly from behind his pink pacifier, refusing to give in.

"I can do this all day, you know because this is permanent, my little baby. This is your life from now on!" Rangiku announced to the dozen or so giggling girls and women lingering in the square.

"I give up, Matsumoto!" Toshiro finally broke down and wept as his pacifier fell from his mouth.

Rangiku grinned and stopped bouncing the boy. She pulled him closer to her body and gave him a hug from behind, whispering into his ear. "I want you to call me Captain Mommy."

"Please, change me, Captain Mommy." Toshiro begged.

"That's my good little Hitsu-goo-goo." Rangiku cooed as she lifted him up off of her knee and laid him onto the cold tile of the square.

Toshiro closed his eyes as he saw the few remaining spectators from the fight were circling around Matsumoto and himself. His tears gradually grew stronger as his new mommy ripped open the tapes of his bloated diaper. She hoisted up his legs by his ankles and forced his skinny butt off of the thoroughly pooped pamper. Each wipe caused Toshiro to inadvertently squirm due to how bad the rash stung, but the cold air swirling around his dirty bottom did offer him some relief. As the diaper change progressed, he could hear the small group of women were now cooing at him and saying silly things about his red bottom in baby talk. It was humiliating, but he knew this was going to be how things were from here on. He was resigned to his fate by his own doing.

This was his life now.

The End!



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