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(I don't normally write in the first person. Let me know if I did a good job. Also, if you did enjoy this, please give it a like so I know to write more stories like this!)

---My Girlfriend Is My Baby Bully---

I was just sitting back, relaxing and enjoying the relative tranquility of my day off from work, when the front door was pushed open by my girlfriend, completely catching me off guard.

"Hey, diaper lover! If you like wet diapers so much then how about you get to work and change mine!" My upset girlfriend declared as she pulled her black pencil skirt up revealing her sagging diaper. 

I couldn't help but smile as my cock started pushing against the front of my pants. "Why even bother dressing up like a professional teacher when I know that you're nothing more than my little baby?"

"Because I'm not some pathetic fetishist that flaunts my kink in public." Susie replied as she kicked the front door closed with her heel.

"Susie, you might as well quit with the whole 'tough girl' act and tell the world about how you act like a baby when you get behind closed doors." I replied with a smirk. I loved pushing her buttons like this when she was being fussy.

Even though she was frowning, I could still see her eyes twinkle as her cheeks started to blush. "Because that's nobody's business. No one needs to know what's under my clothes at school!"

"You're just being fussy." I shot back. 

I grinned as I watched her pout, kick off her heels, and stomp her way over to me. With six thundering steps, Susie closed the gap between me and herself and huffed in my face like a frustrated toddler.

"If you aren't going to change me then go make yourself useful and make me something to drink while I get comfortable."

"Sure thing, baby girl." I replied as she walked over to the master bedroom we shared. She loved acting all tough, but I knew that she only acted that way to deflect attention from how childish she really was deep down inside. It served her well when running a class of rude teenagers, but at home, I am in charge.

Susie heard you walk out of the living room to go back to the kitchen while she started to get undressed.

"What a weirdo."  Susie said with a sigh as she took off her dress shirt. It felt nice. The cool air conditioned air circulating around her bare breasts and thighs; she absolutely loved how it contrasted with the feeling of a warm diaper beneath her skirt. Deep down, she was lucky to have a new boyfriend like you. He was the only guy that could hang out in the same room as her after she filled her diaper to the brim during her playtimes. She laughed to herself as she laid on the bed and started peeling her black nylons off. 'If he likes dirty diapers so much then I'm going to give him a big one to deal with soon enough.'

Now stripped down to just her diaper, she got off the bed and walked over towards her large baby swing. They didn't make an enormous amount of money together as a couple, but after a year of savings and skipping out on Starbucks every day, she was able to buy a baby swing. She pushed down on the edge of the baby bouncer with her hands, lowering it enough so that could easily step into it. Once she let go of it, the elastic snapped back into place, slingshotting her off the ground. She giggled with each subsequent bounce until the infantile seat worked itself into a steady rhythm. All of a sudden, she could feel the gentle caress of her diaper's warmth cradling her crotch and bottom with each bounce. A hot tingling feeling emanated outwards from her pussy as she started wetting herself once again like it was no big deal.

When she wasn't wasting away in school or sending all of her problems to the principal's office, Susie loved to do nothing more than tune everything out and be a baby. She didn't even need to try. Once she started wetting herself, it just washed over her like the piss washing over her bald pussy inside her Pampers at that particular moment. The tough, no nonsense English teacher didn't even care what Lance or Kris would say if they saw her like this. Screw those smart ass Jocks who always gave her crap. She would've happily blown them a spit bubble after telling them to watch what she could do. Speaking of spit, Susie could feel the warmth of drool coating her chin returning, followed by a tightening of her mouth in frustration as she tried to suckle on air only to quickly realize that she didn't have her binky to suck on. 

"Bring me something to suck on!" Susie whined.

I could hear my big baby brat whining again. If I didn't give her something to suck on soon, she would be bawling in five minutes. So much for that tough girl act. She got so emotionally distraught over something as simple as a pacifier. With a twist of the cap, I secured the big plastic nipple to the large baby bottle and walked out into the living room with her formula. 

Not more than five feet away from me was my beautiful baby girlfriend bouncing away like a silly toddler. Her mouth was coated in drool as she blew spit bubbles into the air. It was definitely turning me on.

"I got your mum mums, sweetie." I cooed as I held up the liter sized baby bottle which she promptly snatched out of my hands.

"Heh, I got your num nums right here, baby brains." Susie smiled as she slapped her diapered ass through the baby sling with her free hand. Her grin quickly faded as her face scrunched up and she started grunting.

"You making daddy a present?" I couldn't help but ask.

"You know it!" Susie gloated as a series of muffled farts passed from her bottom. 

It only took a few grunts from Susie before her earthly scent began to waft around the master bedroom. Her bounces slowed until the gentle gyration of the adult sized bouncer ceased as both of her feet planted themselves firmly on the ground. 

"Well, what are you waiting for, diaper boy?" Susie asked as she took a long drag off of her baby bottle. "You going to change my dirty diaper or am I going to have to sit on you?"

"Give me a minute." I replied with a smirk. "I gotta make sure that you aren't lying to me."

Wasting no time, I leaned forward and took a nice, long sniff of her padded ass. 'Yep, she definitely filled her diaper like the little baby I knew she was.'

"Eww, I should've known that you were going to do something gross, you dirty pervert!" Susie replied in a fussy manner. 

"You're just upset because your baby bouncer stopped bouncing." I grinned while pushing down on the oversized swing before letting it go.

Susie couldn't stop giggling as she resumed bouncing up and down, over and over. Her poopy squishy diaper felt so ooshy gooshy against her big baby tushie that Susie couldn't help but squeal and giggle like the biggest infant in the world. 

Finally, after a few minutes of bouncing, she came to a stop and stared at you. "You know, if that didn't feel so good, I'd make you pay for doing that to me."

"Don't act like you didn't love it." 

"I'm not the one who likes changing messy diapers, now am I?" Susie retorted with a huff.

"Nope. You just like making them dirty."

"You make it sound like there's something wrong with that. Now hurry up and change me." 

"Alright, keep your diaper on." I smirked. "Or don't. Either way, I win."

"You won't be saying that when your underneath my diapered butt." Susie stated in a sultry tone as I helped her get out of her bouncer. 

"Don't threaten me with a good time, poopy pants." I replied while slapping the back of her diaper covered ass. I kept my hand there for a moment to literally rub it in. The back of her bloated diaper felt so warm and lumpy. I was in heaven. 

"What doesn't make your dick hard?" The waddling woman asked as you led her over to the center of the room and helped her lay down on the bed you both shared.

"That's a tough question, baby girl. I'll get back to you when I have an answer. Until then, it looks like I have a fully loaded pamper to change." I replied with a grin as I stroked the front of her yellowed pamper.

"You're such a freak." Susie huffed, laying in her filth was only fun while it was warm and, after bouncing around, it was starting to get cold which annoyed her.

"Says the girl who poops her pampers and sucks on a pacifier." I cooed. 

"That reminds me. You were supposed to get me something to suck on!"

"Looks like the baby forgot about her baba." 

Susie blushed, realizing that she still held her large baby bottle. "Oh, yeah. I knew that."

I smiled as she brought the big bottle up to her lips with both hands and began to suckle. 

"That's my girl. Now spread your legs wide for me. I need to get a good look at the present you made for me." 

Susie spread her legs, while continuing her suckling. The sound was starting to make me beyond horny. I savored the sight of her discolored diaper hugging her crotch. She wasn't lying, she definitely did a number on it. I reached forward and began to untape her diaper. With a steady hand and a smile on my face, my hand went straight for the massive single tape that held the right side of her diaper together. With a slight yanking motion, I pulled the adhesive strip clean off of the front panel of her diaper. Repeating the same process, I ripped the tape from the left side and the weight of the diaper forced itself to drop. 

The smell that escaped from the newly opened diaper was pungent to say the least. It overwhelmed my nostrils and threatened to make me dizzy between the stench and the loss of blood from my brain that surged into my cock. If that wasn't enough to make my mind falter due to the pure sexual euphoria I felt, the sight of her pussy covered in a thick layer of her own poop was almost enough to make me prematurely ejaculate. Her pussy lips were absolutely caked with her brown mush!




I stole a glance at my big beautiful baby girlfriend who was more then content to keep sucking on her baba. Her head was tilted backwards so that her eyes were directed at the ceiling. It was times like these that made me want to dangle some keys over her head or something, but I knew that she needed to finish her formula. After all, she can't keep wetting her pampers if she had nothing in the tank.

"You're such a dirty little girl." 

"Says the guy changing my diaper." Susie replied before going back to suckling on her bottle. 




The sight of her mess was almost too much for me to bare, but I simply bit my upper lip and grabbed a baby wipe to clean the girl's colossal mess. The first pass over her defiled mound caused the dinosaur to quiver as I interrupted her suckling when my fingers slipped inside her a little bit, but she quickly resumed suckling like it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Even if she had been upset, I wouldn't have stopped. Her shit was in there and, after roughly seven wipes, I got it all out of there; the pink interior of her lower lips told me that much. Still, it came with a price. The fingers on my right hand were very dirty, all the way up to my knuckles were coated with Susie's stinky mess.   

"Lift your legs up for daddy."

With a grunt, she complied, granting me access to her poop covered bottom. Unlike her pussy, there were numerous lumps of crap covering her ass from the bottom of her pussty all the way to her crack. I was the luckiest guy in the world. Just like how I cleaned. her pussy, I took my time and wiped her mess from her backside in a teasing yet gentle manner. I could tell that the diaper change was turning her on as her pussy began to moisten once more. 

"I think Susie loves it when I clean her butt."

"If you keep playing around down there, you'll be kissing my butt in a minute." Susie snorted and took another long suck from her bottle.

"If you keep talking like that, I'll pass out before I finish." I couldn't help but chuckled as I pulled out the dirty diaper from beneath her now clean ass and proceeded to ball it up.

"Hmmpp!" Susie whined leaving me left to  wonder why she was being so bratty.

"Give me a second, baby." I cooed and slipped a brand new pamper underneath her bottom

"Either get me a refill or get me my paci!" Susie demanded as she lowered the hand holding her baby bottle to the carpet and set the oversized bottle down, leaving it to roll away from her. 

"Give daddy a second." I said as I brought the thick diaper over her crotch and quickly taped up both sides of the diaper in quick succession.

"Wann mai paci now!" Susie whined. Her speech devolving into baby babble as she neared ever closer to the point of throwing a total toddler tantrum.

 "Here's your pacifier." 

I pushed the huge rubber bulb into her mouth and she instantly took to it like a whore in heat. She looked at peace as I watched her drool start dripping down her chin until it reached her chest. It started pooling up between her tits. 

"You really needed your paci, huh?" I cooed as she lifted her legs up and started playing with her feet. 

I watched her play with her feet for a little while until I slid my body between her legs and rested my head in between her tits. Each suckle sounded stronger than the last, but Susie didn't seem to mind as my head rested just below hers. I kept listening to the rhythmic suckling coming from her mouth. The sound only fueled my hard on. I don't know how I had held back for so long! I had to cum! 

I slowly started nestling my head between Susie's tits. She moaned slightly in between sucks on her bulbous binky as I picked up the pace. Susie knew just what to and pushed out her chest towards my face as I gently smacked into her breasts over and over, motorboating them like a mad man. I couldn't stop myself from thrusting my engorged cock into her thick diaper.

Susie could felt your cock and adjusted her hips forward, easing her crotch upwards into your cock. While you dry humped her padding, she reached down with her right hand and started rubbing her fingers against your cock. 

"Fwuck mai daddeh!" Susie moaned around her binky. She started wiggling her thickly padded crotch against my penis while making a licking gesture with her tongue. The slurping sound coming from her mouth against her pacifier drove me wild. Out of nowhere, I grabbed her hips and started grinding my cock into her pamper, pushing myself into crotch.

"Dats id, daddy!"

I grunted and pressed myself against her one last time as I came into the front of my pants. Literally spent, I simply laid there while breathing heavily. Susie reached around my back and pulled me into a warm embrace. We hugged like that for a while until we both passed out in each other's arms.

The End




i really enjoyed this :) great job