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Pulling my coat tighter around my upper body, I stopped for a moment to gaze at the scene we had just escaped. Dozens of giants; women who towered above us normal sized adults, had swarmed upon our cross country bus like a ravenous horde of zombies. Screams and shouts echoed throughout the immediate area as the Giants captured anyone dumb enough to stand around.

It had all happened so fast.

 The love of my life and I were talking about how great it would be once we arrive at our destination; a City in a Free Little sanctuary state and then, out of nowhere, a loud bang brought the bus to a crawl. The driver assured us all that it was simply a blow out and slowed to a stop along the desolate stretch of country highway. Everyone aboard decided to take the opportunity to stretch their legs and step off the bus, my wife and I included. 

So, we're just standing around, most of us shivering and wondering why the tire was taking so long to change. I was actually in the middle of a conversation with another man about the fact that we could've kept driving on only one flat when an ear piercing scream echoed out in the icy chill of the night. 

I quickly turned and saw that the scream came from a struggling young woman who was kicking and trying to fight her way out of the arms of a creature that was obscured by the back of the bus. Whatever was stripping her was easily three times her height. 

Unlike the others, who stood around like fools, watching the young woman be stripped naked, diapered and most likely forced into a thick snowsuit or woolen set of footie pajamas, I grabbed my wife by the hand and we ran like hell towards the trees.

"Let me go!" 

"You can't grab us!"

"Someone help us!"

It was painful to just stand there on the hill and listen to their desperate screams. A part of me felt like I should have done something, but what could I have done to stop the mass abductions? Besides, I did the right thing, I was protecting my wife! She would've definitely been diapered and swaddled by now had I not snapped her out of her shock by grabbing her arm, pulling her away from the mayhem.

"Jack!" The loud voice of my wife broke me from my internal struggle. "What are we supposed to do? We can't stand around in the cold like this!"

"I think we're safe for now." I assured her. 

Sadly, I was wrong.

"Angela!" A booming voice called out from the bus. "The little buggers are running for the woods!"

Not waiting for confirmation if they were yelling about us or some other poor saps, I grabbed my wife by the hand and once more we ran for our lives.

The sound of frantic footsteps drew closer as we ran deeper into the woods. Each gust of wind caused the branches over head to rattle and scrape together like skeletal fingers as we gained ground. If we could make it through this night, I... The sound of dead leaves crunching under someone's foot nearby chilled my blood.

'Were they Amazon footsteps or little? Did it even matter?! If the little caught up with us then surely the giant women wouldn't be far behind!'

Not wanting to alert our pursuers, I tugged on Kimi's coat and forced her to the ground. A bewildered expression stared at me as her emotions almost got the better of her, but I quickly pointed out a fallen tree. One which was more than halfway to becoming a log. We crawled like the very infants the Giants thought of as, but we managed to enter the rotted aboral entrance just as our would be abductor's thundering footsteps ceased.

"Damn it, Angela!" A shrill voice exclaimed. "I lost them!"

In the distance another Amazonian woman answered.

"There was at least two of them running over there!"

"I know...They must've turned around and lost me!"

"Just keep looking!"

Kimi and I were huddled together inside the damp log, shivering and pulling closer to one another in an effort to conserve our body heat. The chill of the night was nothing compared to the fear of being caught and sentenced to a life of dirty diapers and God knew what else.  

The sound of crunching leaves grew further away as time slowly passed. It took a few minutes to work up the courage to peer out from the safety of the log to survey the area. I nearly choked on my breath when I saw the tracks. 

They were so much larger than mine!

My boot prints looked like a child's next to the massive mud holes that the women left behind. 

Staring at the tracks caused my body to shiver once more. The random gusts of wind wiping their way through the woods definitely wasn't helping either. No matter how tight I cinched up my jacket, the cold would always find a way to breach the barrier of warmth and sneak it's way onto my flesh. 

"Let's go." I quietly directed my wife. There was no telling how much time we had bought ourselves by hiding; hopefully enough.

Our breaths were steady as we resumed our escape. We ran for a good ten minutes until we couldn't run anymore. I was hunched over, breathing in pants as I caught my breath, the cold air hurt my lungs. But, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of my wife in the same pose as me, struggling to catch her breath. The little soft puffs of steam that escaped from her mouth were quite cute. 

That cuteness was why our kind was always being snatched up by Amazons. We made everything look cute.

However, this was definitely the most unusual attempted adoption I had ever seen. Normally, a giant simply drugged a drink and the poor bastard who drank it would end up shitting themselves stupid. Or, depending on the region, city or municipality,  a normal person like myself or my wife could simply be scooped up and thrown into a stroller and then taken home. The most horrific tales came from overseas where the Amazons had perfected some kind of bizarre procedure. If the rumors were to be believed, the victim would literally be shoved up into an Amazon and held inside her body for a few months until she decided to push them out.

You would think being in the middle of nowhere would mean that you're safe. But even in the boondocks there were desperate women who wanted nine or ten "babies" to crawl around their caravan, shanty or whatever these country bumpkins called home. The monthly government checks that were mailed out to help "raise" each adopted little definitely put a target on their heads in this neck of the woods.   

The ambush definitely was organized. There was no doubt in my mind of that. It was obviously calculated since it didn't make any sense for a dozen Amazons to just happen to drive up on a broken down bus full of littles. 

Someone had ratted us out.

After what seemed like an eternity, I looked up at the sky. My eyes gazed up at the full golden orb which hung low in the sky. The moon had seemingly just finished clearing the mountain peaks in the distance. The Kalmaridenian Mountains. It was literally on the other side of those damned mountains. The sanctuary we sought seemed so close and yet it might as well be on the other side of the ocean for all the obstacles that were going to be in our way. 

How were we even supposed to get to the city now? 

"I think I see something in the distance!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at my wife, who was pointing towards the trees. I followed her outstretched arm and could see a faint, orange glow that blanketed the area beyond the forest. A few spotlights randomly danced in the sky every few seconds. It seemed to be close, whatever it was.

"What do you think it is?" I wondered aloud.

"I really don't know, but maybe we could go there and explain to someone what happened. Show them our passports and get a ride to the city."

"Yeah, but what if some baby crazy Amazon grabs us when we get to...whatever that is."

"We either sit here and freeze or take our chances down there. Besides, we don't even have to go down there to be adopted if those giants are still hunting for us."

Kimi had a point. We could sit here and possibly freeze to death or be captured. Neither option sounded good. But what if that glowing area was some kind of beauty pageant? These backwoods towns were famous for dressing up their "babies" and showing them off. You didn't even have to be a girl to end up in a dress singing and dancing for a bunch of giant assholes.

"Yeah. You're right. But I think we should try to hop on a bus or something if we find one. I'd rather stowaway then take my chances with any of the locals."


A crack of a branch, closer than it had any business being, caught our attention. This time, I spun around to face the direction of whatever produced the noise. 

There, not more than ten feet away, stood a hideous sight: a thirteen foot tall giantess. The woman was positively grinning like a lunatic when her eyes found mine. For some reason, I found myself frozen in fear, my mind not knowing or wanting to put my legs into gear.

"There's my little baby!"

Never had I heard a sound so horrible. Those simple four words should never strike fear into the heart of any man or woman, but in this part of the country, it was the most terrible combination of words you could hear uttered at one time. I had heard Amazons before, knew them from work, but the sound of a baby crazed Amazon was just so different from how they typically sounded. 

I finally managed to look away and noticed that Kimi had already ran off. In fact, there was no sight of her!

A sad cry escaped my lips as I didn't know where to run towards. Still, I knew better than to stand there. It didn't take but a few steps and I was running as fast as I could. I did not bother to look for Kimi, she was a smart girl, she didn’t let the Amazon she her like I had done. I scrambled down the hillside as best I could towards the odd dancing lights in the distance. 

My heart was thundering in my chest as I made my way down the steep incline. It sounded so loud in my own ears as I ran, but I couldn't stop. Not with a two story tall woman on my trail!

Each step brought me closer to freedom, but my increasing momentum caused me to stumble. I lost my footing and fell in the dirt. 

"Did baby fall down and go boom?"

That last snide comment sounded so close! I felt as though I could feel the warm breath of my predator upon my cheek. Just waiting to smother me with kisses!

With a startled cry I broke through a clump of brush that I had landed in and stumbled out into a clearing. The light of the full moon illuminated me as if I had just stepped out onto the center of a stage during a play. This was not what I needed at all. I might as well be waving two flashlights around like a madman desperate for the antagonist in a horror movie to see me.

I found myself staring off into the distance as something or someone neared my position from behind me. However, it was what I saw in front of me that mattered the most. I could only blink, unsure of my eyes. Were they betraying me? Was that not Kimi hiding in the brush?! 

The rustle of bushes and dead leaves grew closer and it seemed like time had come to a standstill. The creature that had been hunting me this night had won. I felt its arms snake around me and hoist me towards the sky. The air was knocked from my body as the beastly woman brought me in for a hug. I coughed, trying to ease the pain of being choked by her massive breasts. 

Once she had gotten that hug out of her system, I was lowered to the ground. Before I could get back on my feet, I was pinned down on the ground. I could hear her muttering something about forgetting the stroller, but that was the least of my worries. I didn't want her to see Kimi!

Luckily, the woman seemed to be far too busy with me to even look around her surroundings. I could see Kimi staring at me from behind a tree as the giantess went about stripping me clean. She sent my jacket and pants skyward as she undressed me. Each removed article of clothing earned me a tsk or some lame comment about how I wasn't ready for such things.

It didn't take long for her to have me stripped naked. I couldn't help but lay there, pinned under her hand, surrounded by my clothing that sprawled randomly about on the floor of the clearing. The Amazon wasted no time picking my legs up, leaving my back to the touch of the cold dirt below me. I would definitely be getting a bath once I was brought "home". 

"Ugh!" I cried out in shock.

 She had blown a kiss on my stomach!

I could feel the wet kiss of her lips, the slobber left her mouth everytime she went down and blew me another kiss on my stomach. I couldn't help but laugh, my body acting all on its own as the frozen night air danced on my nude form.

I cried out as each sloppy wet kiss was placed on my skin. It was a sharp contrast with the cold of the air and the warmth of the lips that repeatedly kissed me. Her maternal instincts were at their zenith, this much I was certain of. See was blind to anything else but me. Thankfully, this tunnel vision brought on by her intense maternal instincts allowed my Kimi to get away unseen. It made me happy to know that I was able to save her from being diapered and forced to become a doll for some backwoods bumpkin. 




this is gunna be gurd

