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"Hi everyone! My name is Cheryl and I'm, umm, twenty one. I work at a weally big buildin that is all white and we research, umm...."

Cheryl paused as she struggled to remember what to say next. The young woman couldn't remember how long she had been giving these weekly reports, but she knew that these weekly reports were important to her boss, which was why she was brought into her office weekly to give these presentations. One thing she could vaguely recall was being talked to like she was an adult when she had first started working here. She missed those days and was suddenly filled with a sense of determination to impress her boss by nailing this report!

"We research the bwain and mental pwoblems. Accordin to Miss Valkeres, my boss standin wight hew, I'm weally helpin the research by giving these reports!"

A woman, who was probably in her late thirties, clicked off her Web cam and smiled at the college aged girl who stood in front of her desk.

"You did such a good job, Cheryl." Miss Valkeres cooed sweetly.

"I twy." Cheryl smiled, feeling proud of herself for nailing her weekly report.

"That's a girl!"

Miss Valkeres stepped forward and patted Cheryl on the head, ruffling her hair slightly, but ultimately not disturbing the two twin tails that were on the opposite sides of her head. Cheryl always hated this kind of praise. She knew it wasn't appropriate for the workplace and felt that the only reason that everyone treated her like a little kid was due to her height. Sure, she wasn't the tallest woman in the office, but that was no reason for everyone of her coworkers to act like she was a kindergartner or something. She knew that she was smart, she had a high school diploma to prove it!

"Now be sure to get the rest of your work done, little girl. I want those documents on my desk before Debbie gives you a ride home."

Cheryl caught herself about to huff in annoyance, but stopped herself. Things could be worse, she told herself. All she had to do was color in some pictures and get paid. She knew that once, a long time ago, she had to file big, hundred word reports and stuff with graphs and things like that. Sure, coloring was childish, but it was easy money!

"Sure thin, Miss Valkewes!"

Cheryl left Miss Valkeres' office and was immediately overcome with a sense of shame at how easily she had just submitted to how her boss treated her. 'Yeah, I'm a little short and I got a lisp but that does not mean that I should let people talk down to me. I'm not a child, darn it!'

"Cheryl, I don't think you should be dawdling. What would Miss Valkewes say if she saw you standing around like a lazy little girl?"

The young woman felt her train of thought go off the tracks. She tried not to groan due to hearing that familiar voice which belonged to her most overbearing and doting coworker: Debbie.

Cheryl spun around, her eyes instantly going up to meet the much taller woman's gaze.

"I jus got outta meeting wiff Miss Valkeres."

The woman standing opposite her let out a small chuckle and reached forward to fix Cheryl's dress shirt. Unbeknownst to the college aged girl, her shirt was tucked into her pink pull up.

"Stob id!" Cheryl whined as womanly hands adjusted her shirt until it was tucked into her school girl style skirt.

"None of that back talk, little girl. After all, you should be thanking me for hiding your princess pull ups!"

Cheryl paused, blushing while Debbie fixed her outfit. She had no idea how long she had been walking around like that. Here she was, at the age of twenty one, walking around with her shirt tucked into her infantile underwear, the stupid pull ups sticking out for God knew how long.

Meanwhile, Debbie was the perfect picture of womanhood. The complete opposite of Cheryl in her professional business skirt and blouse while Cheryl rocked the latest fashions that looked like they were out of a Catholic High School catalog. Not only did Debbie look like a professional, but she hovered over the young woman, her natural height aided by a pair of heels while Cheryl stood there in velcro shoes. She used to wear heels, but over time they became too tricky to walk in. It was Debbie who bought her these ridiculous new shoes, with Miss Valkeres' approval and the company charge card.

“Alright, there we are. Right as rain." Debbie cooed as she admired her handiwork. "Now, I think we should go over to your desk and get back to work, don't you?”

"Yeh, Debbie. I will." Cheryl replied, focusing on her words as best she could, in an attempt to overcome her newly developed lisp.

She turned away from the statuesque woman and quickly walked back to her desk. It was the one place where she felt like she had a bit of solace from the never ending infantile tones and onslaught of degrading diaper checks.

'They weren't diapers. They were pull ups!' At least, that's what Cheryl told herself.

She had started to wear the stupid padded underwear to work about two weeks ago when she had a major accident while in the middle of a presentation. Of course, it was Miss Valkeres' idea to get Cheryl protection, one Debbie was more than happy to help her with. It didn't help that Debbie was her driver...

Poor Cheryl couldn't even remember the last time she could drive herself to work. She knew that she used to drive all the time, her driver's license confirmed it! Still, not being forced into the morning carpool, which ironically enough, was only inhabited b herself and Debbie, meant that she didn't need to drive. So, since she forgot how to drive, that meant that she was reliant on Debbie for more than just her ride to and from work. Debbie had become something akin to a babysitter to her, over the past two r three months. She'd drive her through fast food places for her meals, always getting her a "happy meal" which rarely made Cheryl feel happy and help her with her weekly grocery shopping. It was during these trips to the store that Debbie took the "liberty" of buying Cheryl her diapers, as the taller woman loved to call them.

Still, at least she had her own desk and her time alone at home. She didn't want to dwell on how much control Debbie and by extention, Miss Valkeres, was gaining over her life. Cheryl just wanted to relax and color. After all, how many people could say that their jobs allowed them to relax?

With that in mind, she put her oversized Crayola onto the outline of Elmo and proceeded to shade him in. It was time consuming work, but allowed her to not think about her ever growing mental decline. The poor girl couldn't even remember agreeing to help test a new drug that her company was developing; the sole reason for her rapid change of status in the company. Every week that passed, the drug did more and more damage to her mind and thrusted the young woman further into an all encroaching world of toddlerhood. However, that was the last thought on her mind, she had just finished coloring Elmo!

"What are you working on, sweetheart?"

Cheryl sighed, knowing that Debbie was back again, but didn't she just talk with her?

"Debbie, can't ya see I'm bery busy hewe?"

"I know, honey, but I just remembered that I didn't check your diaper when we chatted two hours ago."

'Two hours ago?!' Cheryl looked up at the clock. 'Have I really been coloring for two hours?'

Before Cheryl could tell Debbie that she was still dry, the taller gal hoisted the petite blond off of her chair and into her arms. Not even seconds later, before Cheryl could even register being scooped up, did Debbie stick two fingers into the legband of the pink pull ups.

"Huh, only wet." Debbie said thoughtfully. "Such a good girl! Not making poo poos in her diapers!"

"Put meh down damn id!" Cheryl whined, wriggling up a storm.

"Now, don't be so fussy." Debbie admnished. "I told you to come see me if you wet your diapers. How many times do I need to remind you?"

"Umm, I dun need to git ya fur da potty-I men-toiwet!" Cheryl defiantly replied, her lisp growing more pronounced as she felt a tantrum building up within her small body.

"Oh, yes, you do!" Debbie shot back. "Miss Valkeres specifically told me that I was in charge of your pull ups and if you want to pee pee like a baby, and not use the potty like a big girl, then maybe we should just go straight to pampers then? How's that sound?"

"Nooooo!" Cheryl cried, getting everyone's attention in the office.

"I guess I'm going to have to spank you then, huh?"

Debbie didn't even wait for a reply, she carried the fussing and flailing twenty one year old brat over to the closest free table and laid the five for tall terror across it. The taller woman quickly ripped off the soaked and soggy pink pull up to reveal Cheryl's moist ass cheeks, sopping wet from sitting her own urine. Wasting no time, Debbie commenced the spanking, bring down a firm opened palm right hand across the tantrum throwing blond's cute little ass. Each slap caused Cheryl to cry out in pain.

Niether Cheryl or Debbie noticed, but a crowd had slowly developed around them, even a few clients for the firm left their meeting with Miss Valkeres to take a glance at this curious spectacle. Surrounded by a good baker's dozen or so, the impromtu show went on as coworkers of Cheryl and Debbie looked on. The clients, Japanese businessmen, stared in awe. They quickly started to whisper amongst themselves as the young woman was running out of steam.

"Okay, nothing to see here. Just a fussy little brat who needed a good spanking."

Debbie declared to her coworkers, getting most of them to leave. The remaining stragglers quickly dissipated once a firm glance from Miss Valkeres was given towards them.

"I'm sorry about the interuption, Mr Yoshikawa. This girl is just a test subject for the first batch of the new drug we're developing to help fight extreme psychosis and dementia."

"Why does she behave in such a way?"

"That's probably just what's left of her adult mind fighting against how everyone treats her here. We're trying to lull her gently into a more childish state. We believe that once she accepts her fate, she'll be as docile as your average toddler."

"I see." Mr. Yoshikawa's face remained blank, deep in thought before he broke his silence. "I know a few wives that could benefit from such a drug, right Mr. Sakumoto?"

The men laughed amongst themselves, chatting in Japanese as Miss Valkeres led them back to her office. Although it wasn't planned, the outburst with Cheryl may have gotten her a new source of funding from the Japanese. The time was ripe to strike a deal and she didn't want to stand around as Debbie diapered Cheryl.

"There we go, all better." Debbie cooed to a sniffling Cheryl. "Now, you get back to work or I'll tan your bottom again, do you understand, young lady?"

"Yeth, Miss Debbie." Cheryl sobbed and got off the table.

The sniffling young woman just wanted to get away from her coworker turned babysitter as fast as she could. However, her legs seemed to be having trouble with walking. Cheryl gazed down at the bulging bulk that was prominently situated underneath her skirt.

"Wha da fuq?!"

Her hands short down to her protruding crotch where she could feel the outline of a very thick disposable diaper. It was so much more larger and intrusive than a mere pull up. This thing was a king sized diaper made for someone who was actually bigger than her!

Cheryl toddled as fast as her legs could take her, looking for Travis. She knew that her oldest friend, and secret boyfriend, could help her out of this silly thng. After all, he knew she was a big girl, they had playing with each other's privates that one time!

"Twavis!" Cheryl fluttered her eyelashes and did her best to pump out her feminine charm as her coworker looked up from his computer.

"Yes, Cheryl? Do you need me to help you with something?"

Oh, how he always knew what she needed. How he always cared about her and tried to help her. In her infantile mind, he was her Knight in shinning armor. She decided to just cut to the chase and offer him that one thing that she knew all men secretly wanted from the opposition sex.

"Twavis. Can I suk suk your pee pee?"

Cheryl leaned up against him, grinding her diapered crotch against the man's knee.

Travis was a bit confused by this odd display. He was told that Cheryl was basically a retard now and that all sexual desire should've been long gone from her diminished little brain. Suddenly, it occurred to him just what she wanted. After all, she said "pee pee" and was rubbing her diaper against his knee.

"Did a certain little girl go potty in her pampers?"

Cheryl couldn't believe what had just came out of Travis' mouth. She had offered him a blow job and he was talking down to her like she was some little girl! Why did everyone talk to her like this?!

The college aged blond threw her velcro clad sneaker to the ground, stomping like a true brat, upset that she wasn't getting what she wanted.

Before her tantrum could escalate, a loud muffled fart escaped from her butt, alerting her to the fact that her breakfast was rapidly trying to find a way out of her body.

"Nooo, nod now!"

Her body took over. Cheryl felt like her legs were on autopilot as she squatted down, in front of Travis, and let loose a gutteral torrent of farts and fecal matter into her pampers. The blond fought back fresh tears as her bottom ballooned out and ultimately sagged down to the ground.

"Did someone go poopy?"

Cheryl could only cry in response. She was supposed to be a mature, independent woman. Not this oversized, pamper pooping baby.

"It's okay, sweetie, you just need a diaper change."

Travis helped her to her feet and removed her skirt, exposing her bulging and brown stained diaper to anyone wh cared to look. Unluckily for Cheryl, most everyone got a chance to look since she was ushered through the office in just her dress shirt and swollen pamper. Everyone they passed stopped and stared at her like she was a freak, but instead of ridiculing her, some of them, mostly the women, cooed at her condescendingly.

'It isn't fair!' Cheryl thought to herself. She only wanted to be a big girl and kiss Travis' pee pee. That would've proven to everyone that she wasn’t stupid baby, but here she was, being led around like a toddler in her soiled huggies!

'This can't get any worse!'

"Oh, did my favorite coworker poopum her pampers?"

Cheryl was instantly proven wrong. Her mind, what was left of it, went blank. How could her luck be so bad?!

"Yeah, she did, Debbie." Travis replied, rubbing the back of her head with his left hand while he kept his right hand firmly in place, holding Cheryl's hand.

"I can change her poopy butt if you want."

"Really?" Travis brightened up. Needless to say, the last thing he wanted to do was wipe his former lover's shit covered ass.

"It's no trouble at all. I have plenty of experience with her wet ones. This is just more to clean." Debbie explained, eyeing the blushing Cheryl.

"You're a lifesaver, Debbie!" Travis smiled. "I really owe you one!"

"Think nothing of it."

Debbie happily took Cheryl's hand and led her to the bathroom for the first of what would be many, many dirty diaper changes.

The End



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