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Kevin and Eric found themselves pushed forward, towards the stage, where they ultimately joined the ten other young men. Each "contestant" wore a different kind of dress. The boys noticed that some of their "competitors" were wearing modern evening dresses that shined with a hint of glitter. A few others had on gaudy dresses that made them look like they had been dolled up by their older sister. Regardless of what the other guys wore, Kevin could tell that all eyes were on them; the two infantile entries.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the first annual Prissy Kissy Sissy Pageant!"

A loud, booming voice declared, causing Kevin to jump slightly. The announcement was met with applause as the host suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Kevin kept forgetting that this was all a simulation, but the man, and everyone present, seemed so real. He stared at the host and noted that he definitely looked like the real deal. Adorned in a lavish tuxedo, the host was probably in his forties. His black hair was slicked back, with flecks of grey peppered in, which gave him a rather distinguished look.

"Let's introduce our youngest contestants first!" The host proclaimed while giving a sweeping gesture towards both Eric and Kevin.

A loud round of applause filled the air around the boys. Eric dumbly waved back to the crowd as Kevin stood there, dumbfounded by the whole situation.

"I know you're both young- According to their mommy they're only 18 months old- but you don't have to be shy. Maybe they need a diaper change?" The announcer joked as
every woman in the crowd gushed over them with loud "awws".

"Alright then, maybe they're too little to talk. Anyway, moving on to our next contestant over here in the Cerulean colored dress- Why don't you introduce yourself sweetie?"

Kevin started to zone out. This whole thing was becoming too boring for the teen. Sure, it was embarrassing, and the way the other guys were talking, with that fake falsetto voice, made Kevin want to puke, but it was all a simulation. Still, it felt real.

The more he thought about the fact he was trapped in a virtual reality program, the more his thoughts drifted back to how things were outside the simulation and how he was still trapped in diapers. Then he realized that he was trapped inside a virtul program that took place in a house that he was still trapped in. The whole thing was like a bad, kink version of Inception, but at least Kasey could hopefully rescue them soon.

'Shit!' Kevin froze. 'What's going to happen to us if that robot finds Kasey?'


A sudden rumble came from the wall as the panel rolled back, revealing the huddled form of Kasey. The redhead looked up, shock evident in her eyes as she came face to face with this mechanical nightmare who gazed down on her.

"Naughty baby. What has nanny told you about being a good girl?"

The robot's voice sent shivers down her spine. Her body was awash in a mixture of fear and arousal. She hated herself for loving how this high tech, metal monstrosity talked down to her, chastising her like she was just a toddler who needed her mother to set her straight. Part of her wanted to yell at the robot for putting the guys through the perverted, infantile program she had designed, solely for her own private playtime. However, the rational side of her mind knew that this was all her fault. Had she not designated herself as a "baby", in the domestic housebot's database, she would have never been placed into this crazy situation.

"Well, I'm waiting, young lady."

The bot's harsh tone pulled her from her internal monologue, forcing her to answer the machine.

"I'm sorry, nanny. I misbehaved, but that's cause of the storm outside." The redhead quickly invented the lie and added. "It scared me."

"You're playing dress up on top of hide and seek!" The robot tsked. "What has nanny told you about getting into your mother's wardrobe and playing with her expensive clothing?!"

God, was Kasey getting so turned on right now! This was one of her favorite little games that she would play with the housebot. She'd remotely switch the machine onto "nanny" mode and have it "catch" her wearing her work clothes. From there, it typically escalated to a firm, over the knee spanking and then back into diapers she'd go. However, she knew that now wasn't the time to be getting her panties wet. Well, she'd be getting her diapers wet, in under five minutes, if she couldn't think of a way to fix this glaring glitch.

"Nanny, I'm not playing dress up." Kasey stated firmly. "I'm a grown woman and I have a-"

The robot chuckled in a motherly tone, interupting her.

"Playing pretend are we?"


Kasey cringed when she heard how whiny she sounded, but pressed on.

"I have a- umm- diaper fetish."

"You aren't wearing your diapers, baby." The robot replied, completely ignoring her shameful revelation. "Let nanny get you pampered after a nice long spanking."

"Fuck." Kasey muttered under her voice, thighs wet with anticipation.

To Be Continued...


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